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We had 97 events listed in 10 nations, including 27 organizations.

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1 Shoreline Washington United States
Where standing: Weather permitting, I will stand in our daughter's garden with at least two of my granddaughters, one of my sons-in-law, and my husband.
The good emerging: The consciousness of respect and love for Mother Earth that our grandchildren are already expressing.
Report 2019: It was a windy, gray day and we stood on the deck in my daughter's garden. Most of us stood quietly, but the two grandchildren (ages 8 and 3) couldn't contain their giggles. It was a lovely backdrop to thoughts of our future dream for them.
2 Toronto Ontario Canada
Where standing: It was quite chilly and there was a drizzle of rain. We were there regardless in the little park next to the Heath Street west subway exit at St. Clair Avenue West. May all children (young and grown up) be blessed. I took my camera but forgot to take pictures. Next year...
3 Manhattan KAnsas United States

Report 2019: We had a small group at the Peace Pole at UFM. Many women who had come for years were away but sent messages they were standing where they were.
4 Benton Missouri United States
Where standing: I will stand in my yard by my bleeding heart that I have nurtured for 7 years, and finally has it's first bloom. I will stand alone to remind me of my own strength.
The good emerging: I see people becoming more enlightened. Especially our young ones.
Report 2019: I stood alone before my bleeding heart that I have nurtured for years. It finally bloomed this year! I took that as a sign. The time went so fast. I'm so proud of our young people today. They seem to have more wisdom earlier than I did. Overall it was a wonderful experience. Can't wait till next year!
5 Cleveland Ohio United States Cleveland

Report 2019: I was home, alone in Cleveland, Ohio but focused and meditative on the women and children in my life, in my community, and in the greater world. Thanks for maintaining this meaningful vigil.
6 Buckland Massachusetts United States

The good emerging: These times are about - all that was hidden coming to the surface to be healed. Even though that is so challenging and there is so much suffering, I believe the underlying purpose is so that we become the highest consciousness possible. I always try to envision and hold onto the world I desire to live in, and bring it into manifestation.
Report 2019: Actually, since last year's Standing for the Children, I keep the prayer for the world's children on my altar all the time. This year I posted it on my FB work page and had a wonderful response from my people. We also sent a blessing to the mother of all - Mother Earth. Since I was in a rural area, I stood alone at my house, but I hope I kept the energy surrounding and healing all the children and Mother Earth all day.
7 Lake Worth Florida United States
Where standing: Since we moved to Lake Worth, I've stood every year at a Martin Luther King memorial downtown that features an onyx globe floating on water, showing sketches of the continents and a circle of human beings holding hands around the globe. Whenever my daughter is here, she stands with me. We ring a bell and commit ourselves to our own evolution and to all that we can be and do every day that is life-affirming and Source-affirming. All are welcome to join us at 1 pm in the Cultural Plaza of downtown Lake Worth!
The good emerging: I just heard that Barbara Marx Hubbard, futurist and visionary, passed away moments ago. Her work and presence awakened my soul, and I feel the 'resonant field' that she cultivated in her 89 years all around me. We are One Field, thousands of us who heard the call toward consciousness through Barbara; we join countless others with similar intentions, evolving ourselves and co-creating a better reality on earth.
Report 2019: I was with my family of three, father, mother, daughter. We read the Declaration, rang the bell, and stood in silence. We connected our small celebration to the whole Earth. It was only later that I realized that my heart's wish for my family IS my heart's wish for all the Earth's children of every age and species. It is the same energy at different scales.
8 Vancouver BC Canada
Where standing: Far field at Spanish Banks by the anchor.
The good emerging: More art making.
Report 2019: I stood at the end of Spanish Banks looking out at the Salish Sea and thought about all the people who were out enjoying the sunshine of the day and wishing for everyone in the world the option and freedom to do the same. Thank you for organizing this. I am grateful to have the means, freedom and choice to participate. Would that the same becomes true for everyone everywhere.
9 Pahoa hawaii United States
10 University Place Washington United States
Where standing: I'll be standing in my garden which gives me peace, praying that women can be safe in their daily life, with food and fresh water available.
11 Halifax Nova Scotia Canada
12 Minneapolis Minnesota United States N/A
Where standing: I do not know yet
The good emerging: Moving to own my business to bridge divides and mend gaps
13 Columbus Ohio United States
Where standing: I will be standing outside of the Greater Columbus Ohio Coalition for the homeless. In spirit, I represent my family and friends.
14 Josef?v D?l Czech Republic Czech Republic
Where standing: Will stand with my two daughters and my husband and son.
15 Baku South Caucasus Azerbaijan Center Women and Modern World
Where standing: We support StandingWomen and With great satisfaction we will stand in Baku, central avenue
The good emerging: "World without war" The Karabakh conflict is one of the oldest in the post-Soviet space, sometimes it is called one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR, then one of its indicators. Is it possible to imagine a world without war? Not sure. Unfortunately, a person is prone to greed and lust for power, hence the war. At all times, humanity could not live peacefully among themselves. When peace came in one country, a new war broke out in another. People fought for land, resources, power. To eradicate it in our mind, in my opinion, is almost impossible. I hope that someday mankind will understand this and we will manage to stop the bloodshed on Earth forever.
16 Santa Fe New Mexico United States
Where standing: A small circle, drawn together in a private group by Divine Feminine Adventures, in El Dorado, a neighborhood just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. We are chiming in the five minutes of silence, contemplating and holding the vision and chiming again. We are reading the Declaration together out loud and then launching the vision into reality with our ceremony, strength and congruent, communal Intent. And So It is!! Mucho Mahalo from Linaka Joy,; 210-201-5690 or Facebook Page,
17 OAK HARBOR Washington United States
Where standing: I will be standing on 17 acres of land that has been cultivated for over 40 years with respect to the earth. In the past 10 years, it has been one of the places on the planet where individuals have intentionally come together to grow food for others who need it. It was inhabited by the Skagit tribes of indigenous peoples who fished the coastal areas of this grand island.
The good emerging: The rising of women in solidarity with one another, the coming together of our grandmothers, and the return of the knowledge of our Original Earth and Female purpose is being embraced.
18 Oecusse East Timor
Where standing: I am currently in Oecusse, Timor leste volunteering with my Sustainable Villages project - i am providing clean water, pumps and piping to irrigate vegetable gardens, planting trees and organising a sporting competition for local youth. Many days i contemplate a time when people like me will no longer have to carry out these types of projects as all children will have what they need. I read somewhere recently “The world has enough for all people’s needs, but not for all people’s greeds.” Too obvious in a place like Oecusse. I actually live in Sydney, Australia and the comparison only emphasizes the truth of the previous statement. Thank you for your positive thoughts for the Earth and its children.
19 Charleston West Virgnia United States
Where standing: With my mom at her house.
The good emerging: The best "good" arising is my 3 year old granddaughter!
20 Toronto Ontario Canada
Where standing: We will be standing in the lovely little Park right next to the St.Clair WEST subway at the Heath Street west exit I’ll be there 11:45am I look forward welcome all who will stand with me. Blessings to all children Tamara

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