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We had 98 events listed in 5 nations, including 13 organizations.

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1 Marty South Dakota United States

The good emerging: I am a fun loving, understanding, trustworthy, sincere, and responsible daughter, granddaughter, mother, sister, aunt and grandmother of the Ihanktonwan Oyate. I am a teacher educationally and spiritually. I believe that we as educators are to help our students grow to their highest ability and enhance their willingness to learn. My ultimate goal is the success of my student. Every day, every student, every educational experience is unique. I work to harness the intellectual energy each child possesses without overwhelming their spirit by tailoring my instruction to meet their individual needs. I allow my student’s interests and strengths to guide my instruction as I build from the strengths of my students, my school, and the greater community to create a set of connections that supports infinite learning possibilities. I do my best to create a community in which we encourage students to be aware of their own growth and learning. I would also like to help our Indigenous students to once again connect their individual spirit with the natural cycle of life which includes our connections as Indigenous people to mother Earth and a strong, perpetual nation of peace and prayer. I feel that with this knowledge our children will embrace the changes of society with a more open understanding and ability to absorb what this multicultural society has to offer them on an individual mind frame, but with the heart and spirit of a strong, sovereign nation. Knowledge is not only the gathering of facts but also the skill to sift through information and make choices and decisions. It is not our job to lead students to a particular path, but to help guide them towards independence of thought and spirit. This, to me, is the art of teaching. I am the chair of the Kimimina Hota Woman's Society and work side by side with all of my sisters to help the young women of our society to overcome the obstacles we think we can not handle as Indigenous maidens... but also to remember why we are known as the backbone of our nation by our ancestors.. WOMEN!
Report 2012: I am standing on the Ihanktonwan Oyate Reservation in Marty, South Dakota at the Marty Indian School. I have started a Wicagdata class here for the high school girls. I have 11 high school girls who are committed and passionately involved in this class. I have been singing for 30 years here on Mother Earth and not once was I taught how to do so, I just did. I am known for my strong and inspirational voice and now called upon to show our young maidens the way to find the "Ho Tanka" (big voice).
2 Sturgis South Dakota United States Association for Mato Paha Preservat

The good emerging: I am a 60 year old Lakota mother and grandmother who prays for peace in the world at this special holy place on earth-- Bear Butte in our sacred Black Hills. My husband and I have prayed for all women and mothers on Mother's Day since 1980 at Bear Butte. Now that he is gone to the spirit world, my family continues this prayerful tradition.
Report 2012: Me and my eldest son and his little family stood next to Grandpa Fools Crow's bronze memorial bust at one of our most sacred places on earth-- at Bear Butte, Mato Paha, in our Black Hills-- praying for all mothers and women of the world. It was special and humbling to hear the cries of my son for our women and I am thankful for my sons Dawson and Jr. and all of my relatives. Lila wopila-- many thanks. Mitakuye Oyasin - we are all related. Jace DeCory, Lakota
3 Mardan KPK Pakistan

The good emerging: I am naheed, belong to KPK Pakistan and running an organization to stop violence against women ,honor killing and to empower poor rural women in pathan culture and make them to live with dignity.
Report 2012: I stand in my room alone with enthusiastic methodology to help those innocent souls how voices became echo in the ignorance mountain .i stand with extra courage in this men dominated society alone to help vulnerable women but too much hurdle in my way but one day i will succeed in my mission.
4 Taos New Mexico United States

The good emerging: I am Lynn, a mother, a grandmother and have a small Native American handmade drum company in Taos, NM. The land of enchantment. I work with friends from Taos Pueblo of the Tewa Tribe out of my home. With every ounce of my being I believe in the healing power of the heartbeat rhythm on the drum and have many healing stories on that very subject that I have experienced over the past 20 years. ( I do travel and share my true life healing stories on occasion.) I recently learned a Honoponopono Hawaiian child's prayer so simple that anyone can keep it in there heart and head and use it daily. With heart felt intention we say: ................: I call upon my divine intelligence on behalf of .......... I LOVE YOU I AM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR ALL THE SUFFERING I HAVE CAUSED YOU (take a pause to really feel and receive the forgiveness) then say: THANK YOU ................ As someone once said, we are the microcosm of the macrocosm! It works. I did it for 5 hours non stop while driving across country. I started small with me and my family then expanded growing with frequency too the town, the country, the world, the universe, the known and the unknown and beyond.. I felt my heart truly expanding it's capacity to love all that is EQUALLY. Showing no favorites. Feeling the Creators true intention for our MIGHTY HEARTS. Oh now, you say, Mighty Hearts? Well let's save that really good story for around the fire. Blessings, Lynn
Report 2012: We gathered as a united world family on this day in Kit Carson Park In Taos New Mexico the Land of Enchantment. Young Peace walkers, children, travelers from around the world, young and old came too hold a vision of right relationship and to awaken to the oneness of all things. We drummed the heartbeat rhythm with our Sweet Medicine Drums, the rhythm that every human on this planet gets to hear for 9 months if they are lucky before being born. It doesn't matter who they are or where they come from. This is our gift from creator. The gift of life. In this drumming process our hearts, (entrain) begin to beat as one, unifying our intention. There were many healing stories shared and the hugs were beyond outstanding! We were joined by our 10th generation keeper of the crystals Cherokee Grandmother Jean, that did a blessing. We had Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightening, Sunshine and Rainbows that also made an appearance. Lets remember to focus on the beauty in this life and drink it in to raise our vibration so as to become the beauty we are looking for in the world. We are here to be of service to the 7 generations. Much gratitude and love, Sweet Medicine Lynn (2012 May)
5 Marblehead Massachusetts United States

Report 2012: This year there were 20 of us gathered in the park - we read the book that inspired Standing Women and had our moment of peace (quiet). Our beloved peace gong for each attendee was rung and we had a bit of fellowship and each person took home some of our energy by receiving a beautiful white or pink rose from the center of our circle. Blessed be!!
6 sault ste marie ontario Canada Link to site

Report 2012: I had forgotten about this CALLING and was out on a spirit sister's front stoop, enjoying sun and journalling. My soul was so fuelled by a recent vision quest in north Ontario, and enthused by young ones committments and offerings of love earlier on . The sounds of violence emitted from the house next door broke up this revererie. I went indoors and the man and child and woman moved outdoors. My heart yearned for a black belt in that moment! Instead I phone 911 and reported the violence towards mother and child. Assured that police would come, I went outdoors and spoke, that this is violence, abuse and that I had called police. Screaming escalated. My heart responded, I am your guardian angel and grandmother and this is unacceptable. Returning to the house, I went to computer and requested prayers and ceremonies from Masters. I saw the man as divine as well as his wife and children. A collective field openned up and the vibrations went directly to those in need. No police came; but prayers and vibrations did! So in the silence of taking a stand for truth and ending violence and in the face of derision from both man and mother, and ignorance from neighbours across the street witnessing this, calm abiding shook the core of all and a shift happened. ||||| |The next day the family were out biking and listening to each other. |Tones of voices shifted and she offered,"You are wonderful" rather than defending the abuser! We are standing for the world's children and grandchildren for this is the world we dream into reality and the world we participate in activating the divine for all to e xperience love in stead of pain. Kaariina Natalie Saarinen M.Ed.\Coun. In fierce faith!
7 Spring Texas United States 77354

Report 2012: I stood with my husband & two youngest sons & we all stood together in silence.
8 Santa Barbara California United States Link to site
Where standing: Santa Barbara Mission Rose Garden
9 Simi Valley California United States
Where standing: My husband stands with me.
10 Santa Fe New Mexico United States
Where standing: I stood in my sunroom since it's raining here today----precious, blessed, & welcome RAIN--a rarity in these parts.
The good emerging: I directed an early childhood program for 18 years and have 2 teenage grandsons. My dream for the world is the same as that of Marian Wright Edelman, founder & president of the Children's Defense Fund: "a Healthy start, a Head start, a Fair start, and a Moral start in life & successfull passage into adulthood. . . ."
11 Santa Barbara california United States
12 Sedona Arizona United States
Where standing: I will be standing directly under Thunder Mountain, just adjacent to Coffee-Pot Rock...& I will be standing energetically with all the women of the world!!!
13 Ann Arbor Michigan United States
14 Minneapolis Minnesota United States
Where standing: I was in my Garden standing on and with our great Mother. ...Taking a stand for an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on our planet for all beings great and small! Feeling GRATITUDE for the emerging FEMININE FACE OF LEADERSHIP being experienced all over our planet by women and men full of Heart and Passion committed to making this dream a reality!
The good emerging: I'm Kathryn Power-O'Brien and your dream speaks to what my dream is. I am worksing to actualize it throughFacilitating Awakening The Dreamer Symposums/Retreats especially focusing on the Feminine Face of Leadership around the world midwifing this dream I mentioned above...see my website Gratitude for your project!!! Kathie
15 Victoria British Columbia Canada
Where standing: I will be standing in Playfair Park with my friends and my 2 dogs amongst all the beautiful rhododendrons.
16 Elmhurst Illinois United States
Where standing: I will stand in front of my house this year. Our family is preparing for our daughter 's graduation from IL.Benedictine University with her Master's of Science in Nursing degree. This year I will stand alone, without the other members of my tribe.
The good emerging: I am a retired teacher and member of the American Association of University Women. My hope for the world is that all GIRL children will be educated; none of us is safe from oppression if 50 % of us are denied access to education and full participation in the political process.
17 Oakland CALIFORNIA United States
Where standing: In the Library in the Retirement Community, Grand Lake Gardens, Oakland, CA. I've asked several friends to join me. Again this year, I got this notice to late to make arrangements! Last year, when I tried, I got slapped down for doing it "last minute"! PLEASE, PLEASE consider sending out preparatory notices in advance! Thank You! Being an AUTHENTIC senior, I'd 4gotten exactly what date we did this! So, as mentioned above, a timely reminder will be GREATLY appreciated! I still have the many copies of this prayer left over from last year! Today's note: "I jst rec'd this! Last year I tried to do this and got slapped down by "the powers that be" here @ GLG. Sure wish they'd send this out earlier so there would've been time to prepare for it!!! Will U stand with me? 12:55 pm in The Library here in GLG. I'll bring 2 copies of the prayer for us! I gave out a lot last year, when I rec'd no support and less than an enthusiastic response. Love, Iadora U!!!"
The good emerging: My name is Iadora. I have been a spiritual counselor and mentor for several years now. Have fallen down s'times but picked m'self back up and keep on keepin' on. ;D I resonate passionately with Ur statements! Also, am so concerned for the women and girls of this world! ...Been reading "Half the Sky" from Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn!
18 Houston Texas United States
19 CANTON GEORGIA United States
20 Saint Joseph Missouri United States
Where standing: I will stand in my backyard and think of it as the world. Two of my daughters are at home. They will stand with me.
The good emerging: I am 59 years old and have seen many changes in my lifetime. Some good and some bad. My dream is that my children and their children and their childrens children will learn to stand united with all that inhabit the earth and with the earth herself. That they can join hands with whoever may be standing beside them without fear and without prejudice. That they will all join in the same common goal for mankind.

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