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From: Josko Sestan
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Tahirih-Ayn (Purifier - Eternal Creating Spirit)
Date: November 15, 2013

Hi Starr,

So glad you see that many things can all be true, in fact currently All things are true but not at the same time and this is our challenge how do we progressively tune All things to be true at the same time.

I mention Prophecy, while you and others on this site and around the world have extend your spiritual lineage and touched the source for it to reveal your truth we have 5.5 billion who are entranced in a particular way of thinking, if we truly want to help raise these souls we need to progressively lift them up. But we can not do that by going to preach to them about higher selves and the spiritual awakening of the Source a Harmonic Vibration of Love.

We need to take our vibration and work out how we lift the collective, we need a set of events around the World that shifts multitudes of People and their Vibration.

No Planetary Alignment or Crystal has that Power.

People have chosen, and they are awaiting the return of a Saviour, not one that like most of you fear needs to be worshiped, not one that will magically descend from the Heavens on a cloud overcoming all adversity with some kind of miracle.

But certainly one that has some idea on how to shift the energy and vibration of 5.5 Billion.

I value your conviction of your work but unless you can explain to me how Tahirih will do this we need other answers.

Love and Questioning, Josko

--- On Fri, Nov 15, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Josko - To begin with, in my writings, I make it clear that many things can all be True at the same time, and it would be a mistake to look at anything in strict isolation - especially in this time when the Portal of "No Limits" has been opened to Humanity.

To help you get the jest of what I was expressing I'll define the way I used the term 'oxymoronic' in my post:

"A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist."

Oxymoron is a figure of speech that juxtaposes apparently contradictory elements.

Example in religious writings: The Teacher says: My purpose is to create World Unity through Unity in Diversity, but women are not equal, you must shun the ungodly, be a flame of fire to my enemy, and if you turn away from Me you turn away from God from all eternity to all eternity.

Josko: 'we will never have the Kingdom of God on Earth...You can not overcome this energy it is a mathematical equation.

When people choose through their 'freewill' to align with the Divine Will then they come into alignment and experience what *Wholeness* feels like and learn to operate in that Field. The Wholeness Grid - harmonizes thingz. All people are experiencing this new energy clashing and clearing the old - So here's to people getting on board.

The Train of Power and Accord:

Judge not others lest ye be judged

Living Laughing Love, Starr*


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