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From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Alliance Growth - Thank you - Focus
Date: November 15, 2013

Good morning, people. Wow -- a big and very interesting burst of energy. A lot on our table now -- a lot of good stuff.

I took a look at one of the links that Josko mentioned, and it looks like this project has a lot in common with what we are doing. There's some good stuff on American history and politics.

We can talk about these issues as opportunity permits.


Right now, I want to encourage this idea that we are working together to build an alliance -- a big strong collective super-dynamo that can bring together the collaborative efforts of many co-workers/team-mates who can see the vision that is starting to appear here, and want to jump in hard -- the way you guys have been doing -- to start weaving a ton of new connections. My guess right now is -- this is feasible.

I'll work on this concept I have called "My Alliance" -- which I expect will be a kind of personal control panel for people to manage a list of contacts, and to do systematic outreach across the internet, to groups and people that one of our members / volunteers / co-workers is excited about, and wants to bring into this framework. We can make a bunch of tools to make this process fast and easy.

Secondly -- there are already some important collaborative things we are doing. Starr* has mentioned this -- calling for "guidelines" -- or who knows what kind of cook-book stuff we might want to be putting together. My guess for individual groups -- is that each group can have its own "guidelines" -- and its own policy on those guidelines (ie, are they recommended and encouraged -- or are they absolutely required?) I've got a start on putting that together.

On the "prophecy" theme -- I said something yesterday about how "the age of private revelation is over", and Lynne commented that she disagrees. I think she's right -- I framed my comment in an "either/or" kind of way -- and I should have spoken more carefully. We got to keep the options open, and inviting from many angles.

And this goes to an important point.

We are not building a cool private ultra-religion for just us cool people. We are building an alliance -- that connects all kinds of people -- including those who don't agree with everything that might be arising here, but who are strongly magnetized to the essence.

We want to build bridges -- and not assert exclusivist fences and boundaries that will make us small -- and politically insignificant.

On this one theme, Starr* -- we'll talk about this more later, and I appreciate your concerns and share them -- but we (I) do want to link to mainline religions and other schools of spirit and prophecy. Saying that everybody has to do it "our way or else" is not the strongest way to proceed -- and taking this approach in no way compromises what you want to do, Starr*.

Where we are going to find our invincible and infinite point of common ground and sacred fire -- is at the center. Come to the center, be there. If you need a guru to get there -- that's cool. If you don't -- that's cool. If you need a big church with 10 million members to get there (even if it's got some problems with patriarchy, which we can try to help fix) -- that's cool. Let's get those churches with 10 million members, and not feel like we have to lecture them on how wrong they are about x, y, or z. We'll work it out. Let them move at their own pace while we inspire by example. If the fire gets hot -- the magnetic forces will be powerful and persuasive, and those guys will get it. Let the Spirit do the work....


And lastly -- here's a constructive thought I'd like to encourage.

We are well on the way to coming up with a powerful central model of what we are doing. Your graphics, Starr*, are really good for illustrating this.

And this idea you're putting together, Starr*, goes very well with this "universal model of sacred psychology" that we are starting to form.

More or less, in simple terms -- I want to explore this idea of The Sacred Tree of Community -- which is a kind of "mandala of souls" -- where the "trunk of each individual soul plugs into the trunk of the tree of community". All of this involves perfecting individual chakra alignment -- and plugs everybody into the common Central Sun.

This instinct is -- this process IS the judgment energy. This is the alignment that answers every question, and aligns the world. Relax, get centered, build trust and connection -- and plug in...

So, I think we should define an explicit "sacred psychology" that shows how this works -- and I think we can write this up quickly.

Here's document that Lynne shared with me -- from Ken Wilber. It's a review of a book by Carolyn Myss on Saint Teresa of Avila -- called "Entering the Castle". In this 7-page review, Ken Wilber sketches out the essence of a sacred psychology that is very basic, very primal and simple -- and absolutely consistent with your graphics, Starr*, and this "Tree of Community" idea that is happening for me.

So, yes, we have a lot of things to do, a lot of tasks coming together -- but here's the Wilber/Myss article, and I encourage you to read it.

Foreword to Entering the Castle

I will draw up some basic statement of this generic/universal spiritual psychology -- and we can polish it up, figure out how this "tree" concept works, and get it plugged in.

One reason to take this approach -- and work with something from Ken Wilber -- is that Wilber (and Carolyn Myss) and others have strong visible momentum out there. Let's go with them, and build alliance with those groups. Let's talk to them in their language. Let's connect with them.

And this graphic you have created, Starr* -- this is powerful, and very consistent with all of this.

Your top left piece about the "point" -- that is the basic reason I created in 1995. It's a concept of "absolute center" -- probably described exactly as you describe it.

And - you are talking about "The Eye of Source" -- which is exactly the same thing, I believe, that Ken Wilber is describing with the term "The Eye of Contemplation".

This is very resonant stuff. Catch your breath, it's gonna work.

And Josko -- maybe for you AND for me -- they might be able to say something more interesting than "he tried".


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