Interspirit Alliance
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You are invited to join the Interspirit Alliance, and become involved in our projects. We are interested in your perspective and in your community. We want to understand the issues that concern you, and we want to support your activism. Thank you for being here!

"All the religious, spiritual, wisdom and philosophical traditions in the world"

Interspirit welcomes members from any religious or spiritual group, or none. You will have an opportunity to express and represent your unique perspective and tradition. We welcome and value your advocacy.

Interspirit is universally inclusive. All participants agree to interact with mutual respect.

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I want to join the Interspirit Alliance

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* Please tell us a little about yourself and your interest in interspirituality

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* I agree to treat all participants with respect

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What can I do here?

  • Represent your point of view, and teach others about it
  • Find others who share your point of view and build alliances
  • Advocate for your point of view and your causes
  • Learn about other points of view
  • Help resolve deep conflicts between points of view
  • Create polls and surveys that invite our members into creative conversations on issues you feel are important
  • Organize or join local groups and circles
  • Discover oneness in the presence of diversity
  • Learn about the path of universal spirit
  • Enter into deep communion with others on the path of universal spirit
  • Unfold and explore the bridge from sacred to secular
  • Be part of an amazing and leading-edge co-creative heart-centered and illuminated community
  • Be part of an inspiring movement that is arising everywhere around the world
And if this starts to resonate for you, and you start getting excited and feeling the energy and the power and the beauty, maybe you can get involved as an outreach coordinator. Maybe you will want to put in a few hours a week finding people and groups anywhere who might belong within this framework - groups and individuals who are looking to be part of a transformative movement, who want to find a strong vital place in an emerging big picture of brilliance and promise and beauty and goodness...

Or maybe you can coordinate a group. Or maybe you can start a local circle.

Or maybe you can research a specific topic area, and find people and places and ideas that belong somewhere in this framework.

Or maybe you can write articles, and teach the world about some phase of this work.

Or maybe you can represent a teacher or a guru or a visionary or a leader or a writer with a message that resonates in the spirit of universal wholeness....

Home | Get Started | Resources | Interspirituality | What is Integral? | About Us | Resign | Love Radiance Intention
The Coming Interspiritual Age book website | TCIA Quotations | TCIA Glossy EZine