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934 available

From: Nirmalan Dhas
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Date: January 16, 2014

If you can see that there is urgent need for new ways to live, new lives and livelihoods for each one of us and a new world for us all - in order to respond to Growth Model of Development (GMD) and the Rapid Resource Depletion (RRD) Pollution and Global Climate Change (P&GCC) and Global Monetary Collapse (GMC) it has brought about, threatening the collapse of its global civilization as well as its own extinction - and if you have any idea as to how these changes can be made….then you must participate in the great global gathering where you can explain you ideas as to how the required changes can be made.

Your recommendations will be acknowledged and utilized in the synthesis of a visionary projection of the path to survival and a credible future and you will choose the role that you wish to play in guiding Homo sapiens along this path that you help perceive. You will in effect become one of the planetary guides who will guide the planet into a new way of being where a new civilization emerges and regenerates the environment and the species dedicates itself towards life’s continued evolution through and beyond human being and towards its spread throughout the cosmos.

No one can ever perform this transformation for you. You have to peRceive the pathway and you have to guide existing institutional structures nation states and multi-lateral institutions along this path to its realization.

More information will follow....

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