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From: Josko Sestan
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Alliance Growth - Thank you - Focus
Date: November 16, 2013

Good morning from New Zealand and blessings to your day or night...

Thank you again Bruce, I know you have experienced many trials and tribulations in attempting to get this alliance into some cohesive state, it is also evident how difficult this is to attract participants as even though we are filled with the Spirit of the Source we interpret that according to our sensibilities, all I have done is taken my responsibility to look at the problem from a humanity point of view and studied and discussed the plan with the source.

We know there is a great power behind thought, but thought will not bring about that mind shift for people around the world we need practical steps that shift the psyche of humanity, please be aware the end goal is to shift towards where we are now Ram, Starr*, Bruce, Lynne we recognise the Source we prefer to call it as possessing a Harmonic Field of Pure Love, tis is the goal but we must talk about Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha etc to people who have not awakened at the level we have.

The only way to do that is to create a miracle. Peace on Earth. Do you not think that every meek soul would not want to bow or worship those that attain this goal or the one whose plan that arises from. I am well aware of the implications, I declare to you that is not the objective, no saviour of time, including Jesus, Buddha or Muhammad wanted or needed worship this is a construct of those in power who want to see you obey rather than choose your destiny.

The Plan:

I am looking for spiritual warriors, we need to present the world a system that aligns itself with the essence of the source. We need to discuss the essence, Starr* mentioned Tarihirh, these are beautiful guidelines, while I would still revise them further, these guidelines sit better with me than the 10 Commandments, but there is still value in the Thou Shall not Kill commandment, we need open hearted and open minded spiritual warriors to discuss these issues and reconcile the truth, progressively.

Part of the Plan on how to get our 7 Billion flock into the Interspiritual Alliance is to give them what they are waiting for, the realisation of the Prophecy.

If we look at the Prophecy as being one of the return of Christ which Islam, Christianity & Judaism is waiting for we need a way to relate the Prophecy metaphorically, so what are the components of the Prophecy.

In Christianity the main one is Jesus will ascend from the clouds. (lets support Christianity on this one)

Is it not interesting that New Zealand is known as the Land of the Long White Cloud.

We can start to formulate the Prophecy to mean that the message of the Christ Consciousness will come from New Zealand, thereby fulfilling the main prophesy.

Next: The Abrahamic Religions are fixated on all the revelations that there is going to be a huge battle between Gog and Magog and they see lots of visions of war.

They try to attribute this to the like of superpowers and their movements through out the world, I say NO, no blood shall be spilt at the awakening of the Christ Conciousness, there is no war that will take place, the battle I am suggesting we create is between the Christ Consciousness System of Living and that of the Current Powers who rule the World corruptly support.

So what is the Christ Conciousness System, we need to think about that I have some ideas, but I maintain the most important one and that is the way to stop the worship is to realise we all have a say in the process and direction. This is where you can help Bruce you have the technological experience to put together a voting system, in fact I would like to work with you on this, a true voting system where we all decide on how to progress, this too will evolve but we need to start somewhere.

So you see Bruce I am not advocating the abolition of Democracy I am in fact calling for more Democracy a true communal Democracy where we utilise technology to like in the tribal days decide as a community through voting which way we progress, a comunal, a provincial, a city, a state, a country a world based voting system that we can each be responsible for our decisions towards the ideas and plans presented.

Back to New Zealand and its role, we have such a small country 4.2 Million people with the true power of the Christ Consciousness and a well thought out plan this country can be taken over by the Christ Consciousness System better than any other and as I presented it also fits nicely into the Prophesy.

We need to fight the corrupt system from within, we need highly evolved selfless spiritual beings to create this new system and support it internationally, setting up organisation within the corrupt to battle with it.

That is the start of my Plan, there is so much more, shifting humanity needs a pure heart, if you imagine how the human energy was affected by 911, we need to shift all in such a way without violence, there are many thing that can be done to do this if the heart is pure and we focused on bringing humanity into the light, alas we are to busy arming and disarming nations, every day grind, petty soulless things that keep us in bondage.

We need to let our people fly.

I don't like the word Sincere as it has the word Sin in it but i mean this from the bottom of my heart and center of my soul.

Love, Power & Wisdom to you...


--- On Sat, Nov 16, 2013, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning all. Saturday here in Santa Barbara -- thanks to the many people from the Global Resonance Network who checked in here. Our general membership list has grown a lot -- though things are still settling down, of course.

Just to refresh an awareness of where this project came from and what it's about, let me just mention that the driving trigger to set off this particular way of framing what we are doing here -- or at least what the mission statement says we're trying to do -- was the publication of The Coming Interspiritual Age (TCIA), by Kurt Johnson and David Ord, published by Namaste Press.

This is a big picture survey of a complex multi-faceted global movement, highly influenced and shaped by the perspective of Brother Wayne Teasdale in his 1999 book "The Mystic Heart: Discovering a Universal Spirituality in the World's Religions".

This book -- along with hundreds of other books and influences on the general theme of "interfaith" -- have been major influences on me, and have guided me for many years -- since the initial creation of United Communities of Spirit in 1996, and on through the development of many other interrelated projects -- some of which are cited on my Alliance profile.

This Alliance project is intended to generally follow its stated "mission" or "agenda" -- which, on the morning that I first wrote out this sketch, under the inspiration mostly of the Johnson/Ord book, looked like this:

As far as I can tell, to the best degree I can manage or help nurture, co-creativity and "sacred listening" are at the core of what is happening here. I absolutely expect this to continue -- because I absolutely do trust this process of "sacred convergence" that I do sense all around me.

This is not such a simple thing, it is hard to "predict" exactly how or where this is going, and it seems to be driven by a kind of deep trust, and a steady process of "one foot in front of the other" from everybody involved. Stay humble, be friendly, keep listening, work hard to do your part, honor others and try to see their actual motivation instead of "demonizing" what you don't fully understand or find suspicious or doubtful -- and be there.

And maybe, after this several exciting days of a lot of interesting email and messages and growth -- we can turn our primary attention to some specific constructive tasks. I myself want to clarify this notion of "The Sacred Tree of Community" -- the "Mandala of Souls". Maybe (??) we need some "guidelines" for how to interact in this space -- or maybe just "mutual respect at all times" is enough. I want to see some concepts and action plans. What is your plan, Josko, to actually do anything besides have philosophical discussions among a small group on the internet?

I say -- we ARE interconnected -- and "believing in the right religion" is not a condition for this interconnectivity. That's just how it looks to me -- my "one vote". You are welcome to yours.


--- On Fri, Nov 15, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Good Morning Bruce

Thanks for addressing issues and encouraging folks in the big picture.

Bruce: On this one theme, Starr* -- we'll talk about this more later, and I appreciate your concerns and share them -- but we (I) do want to link to mainline religions and other schools of spirit and prophecy. Saying that everybody has to do it "our way or else" is not the strongest way to proceed -

Starr*: "You are doing 'it' your way" Bruce, which is your prerogative in that you are the creator of this place and the CEO. I appreciate you want to pull seven billion people together under this Alliance Tree.

My brainstorming WITH you, was offered as suggestions in case you wanted to consider broadening your reach of 'alliance' so as to appeal to pioneers in what I see as liberating ideas for Humanity in this new Paradigm, rather than primarily focusing on trying to 'fix' dated patriarchal religion and their branches as a Universal Spiritual outcome.

There doesn't seem to be much wiggle room in that, but maybe the "My Alliance" you want to create will permit some other branches to emerge.

A metaphor:

Baha'u'llah wrote: "Regard men as a flock of sheep that need a shepherd for their protection. This, verily, is the truth, the certain truth. We approve of liberty in certain circumstances, and refuse to sanction it in others. We, verily, are the All-Knowing." Kitab-i-Aqdas, p 63

Many sheep have broken free, and the alliance sees itself as a Universal Shepherd to call the sheep back to the fold/flock with dreams and hopes for a kinder more liberal Shepherding.

Bruce: Right now, I want to encourage this idea that we are working together to build an alliance -- a big strong collective super-dynamo that can bring together the collaborative efforts of many co-workers/team-mates who can see the vision that is starting to appear here, and want to jump in hard -- the way you guys have been doing -- to start weaving a ton of new connections. My guess right now is -- this is feasible.

Starr*: In these transitory times it is a very interesting project to attempt to be a Hand, or a Bridge that Unifies. Obviously, I have found all the ideas of Integral Theory, Inter-spirituality, Universal Spirituality, Sacred Activism, etc very appealing to investigate - and I am grateful that you are pulling many of these concepts together for us to enjoy, and perhaps be contributing participants in various phases that allow for the Soul to fly Free.

May the Source be with all of You,




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