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From: Josko Sestan
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: The Fulfillment of World Prophecies
Date: November 15, 2013

These are not my words, they can be found at

Would love to hear further comments...

The Fulfillment of World Prophecies

Things don't have to get worse before they get better, but they may because too many people are still caught up in the battle for power, whether it's in the name of patriotism or religion, or both.

The few who have the power don't want to give it up, and all those who have less and less power and are rapidly losing any sense of well being and security are growing more and more angry and resentful by the minute.

This negative regression was inevitable, given our history. But, positive progress is also inevitable, because in the final analysis, what will happen to fulfill world prophecies will happen even if there were no prophecies. Humanity will inevitably be empowered, liberated and united in common purpose, no matter what. That's because human beings naturally desire harmony, peace and freedom, and wise human beings understand that in order to have peace and freedom, we must have equal rights, equity, fairness, and justice for all.

Most of the religious and astrological prophecies of the world foresaw it, and that includes the prophecies of Judaism and Christianity.

The end of this divisive nonsense and conflict and the beginning of a new unifying paradigm is confirmed by the genuine, real prophecies of all the world’s religions, including those in the Bible. Its prophecies foretell that this inequitable divided "kingdom" and this state of conflict will be replaced by a united, peaceful family of nations in God's "new kingdom," which "shall be set up on the earth and last forever, never to be destroyed," where "the meek shall inherit the earth" and turn "swords into plowshares." (Daniel 2:44; Daniel 7:14; Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3; Psalm 104:5; Matthew 5:3-9; John 16:7-15; Revelation 11:15, etc.)

Some Christians don't know it yet, but Jesus of Nazareth did not say the world would end, and he did not say he would actually come again. In so many words, Jesus said that he had to "go away and be seen no more on earth, but at the end of the age a son of man expressing the Spirit of truth shall come to issue judgment, guide you unto truth, show you things to come, glorify me, and bear my testimony." (See the articles on Prophecies Re: He Who Fulfills Them, and About Christianity.)

But, again, what has happened and what will happen was not and will not be because of the religious prophecies of the world, nor did God actually cause them to happen. God is a causal source in many respects, and there is indeed a "Will To Good" and an omnipresent positive, life-giving, life sustaining energy in the Universe, but God does not "act" in the way many human beings have assumed or suspected. There is no "Almighty Superman" waving a magic wand, and many things have happened and will happen solely because of natural, geological, meteorological forces and because of the ideas, words and works of human beings, who have free will, for better or worse.

Fortunately, many of the good ideas, words and works of some human beings have been to abide by God’s Universal Divine Imperative that we find in all our religious texts, which is basically that we should treat others as we would want to be treated if we were them.

On the other hand, unfortunately, there have been and are some very bad ideas, words and works of some human beings that have been justified by some of the words written in their religious texts. But they were thought, said and done because of Man’s egocentric, self-righteousness, greed, self-interest, and ignorance of God. And the prophets of the world also foresaw that would happen.

The prophets of the world not only foresaw the present state of the world. They foresaw most of the events that have been leading up to it for the last three thousand years, and especially for the last hundred years. They foresaw that some people would become totally corrupt and selfish, and they would do much wrong even though some of them would claim they were "doing God’s will."

Jesus of Nazareth, being a great seer and a highly evolved soul who recognized his oneness with the Ancient One, was fairly specific. He foresaw and foretold that humanity would be suffering from this terrible tribulation, that there would be many wars and rumors of war, that humanity would suffer from the "seven plagues" and many other terrible things. And sure enough, there have been many wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, diseases, pestilence, famines, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, other "natural" disasters and man-made disasters.

The prophets also foretold that a counselor and guide would come at the end of the age to deliver a needed judgment that would in effect provide an intercession and intervention, and that there would be an end to this terrible tribulation and an end to the passing age of conflict and division.

Whether you call the passing age the Christian Dispensation, the Piscean Age, the Kali Yuga, or some other term, it is coming to an end, and a new one will begin wherein all religions will become what they should be.

But, as the article on The End of an Age discusses, we are in the "cusp" of change, and the change is very gradual.

We began to feel the effects of the new age at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, which have been steadily increasing, and we will still feel some of the lingering effects of the passing age during the Twenty-First Century, although they will decrease to the extent that we advance and progress beyond our divisive, conflicting traditions.

Reform, progress and advancement will happen no matter how much "conservatives" try to stop it, because human beings naturally desire peace and freedom, and wise human beings understand that in order to have peace and freedom, we must have equality, equity, fairness, and justice for all.

However, that will not happen until humanity understands that civilization, and indeed even the human race, will not survive if the right-wing “conservatives” keep either having their way, or are not confronted for claiming they are "righteous" for obstructing and preventing reform and progress by calling it "socialism" or some such misleading nonsense.

Since most of them claim to be religious, we need to remind them of what is written in their Bible.

Acts 2:44-45 – “And all that believed were together, and had all things common. They sold their possessions and goods, and distributed proceeds to everyone as they had need.”

Acts 4:34-35 – “None among them lacked, for those that owned lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds from the things that were sold, and distributed them to everyone according to their need.”

Right-wing "Conservative Christians" have been misled by false prophets and false shepherds who strive to conserve the self-serving political, economic and religious traditions and institutions that have allowed them to gain power, wealth and domain in the world. They serve what Jesus called "Mammon," and their focus on materialistic concerns has caused them to lose sight of what is most valuable in the world, which we should conserve above all else.

That is clear if you look at what they have not conserved.

Just look at the degradation and deterioration of our environment, the oceans, our waterways, our atmosphere, our infrastructure, and the standard of living of the majority of the people and especially the working poor — all of which have suffered because the wealthiest few control most of the wealth, invest much of it in lobbying legislators and buying or influencing elections, and want government to spend taxpayers money mainly on police and military forces and all other means that will protect their wealth and enable them to gain more.

The culture of greed and self-interest they have created has, especially and increasingly during the last hundred years, been detrimental to many people in the world, and it has brought a terrible tribulation upon the earth. And we, the people, are the only ones who can and will fix it -- by initiating and peacefully bringing about a Reformation of both religion and government by adopting The 21st Century Declaration of Independence.

The fulfillment of the actual, real prophecies of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and of all other divinely inspired religions of the world, foretells it. The prophets foresaw a future of harmony and peace following this terrible conflict and tribulation.

But, we will not enter that future unless and until we expose and refute the hypocrites and establish freedom and justice for all. That, in fact, is what Jesus of Nazareth intended, foresaw, and prophesied, as did every other genuine prophet

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