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From: Josko Sestan
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Heart-Thinking Connection to Source
Date: November 14, 2013

Hi Star*

I am studying Tahirih and viewing your videos on this amazing woman, still Iran is dominantly an Islamic country and even with their very own heroine like Tahirih no significant headway has been made toward the 20 Principles of the Tahirih Path within that country.

Something that strikes me is the need for descriptive words to behold the power of their meaning, therefore I am intrigued how you explain your use of the MAGNETIC form with the power of LOVE when the electroMAGNETIC flow in fact creates a FORCE field and while the positive attracts the negative however when the positive and positive align there is a FORCE that repels the two sides.

Just a small observation.

In relation to your Chicken and the Egg question the answer is crealy the tadpole.

As someone who has had their pineal gland explode into a billion stars which traveled throughout my body to every cell I can confirm knowing the mechanics of your body is crucial to being connected to the source. Thank you for sharing this information.

Any other ideas?

Love, Wisdom & Power to you all,


--- On Thu, Nov 14, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---


Like Gerald Dillenbeck's interesting paper he shared with us points out - what is first, the chicken, or the egg. I think in this discussion we can have our cake and eat it too. :)

Well when it comes to turning on our personal Soul Essence it helps to know the mechanics of that process so we can have it activated in a flash, or on-going; it is a personal choice most of the time, but not all the time because the Sacred Heart has been inscribed with Loving Messages that can kick in unexpectedly. Smile.

There is an actual electroMAGNETIC flow of Love Energy between the Human Heart and the Heart Source. It is a two-way system.

The Human Heart is the first to receive information travelling light-love waves from Source, which then sends it up the sympathetic nervous system, through the Alta Major to the brain involving the pineal and pituitary glands so that eventually the right brain visualizes, and then through the corpus collosum (interfaces between the two hemispheres) to the left brain for analysis.

When the Heart connection is activated it allows the connection from Source through the Crown to the Pineal Gland which is then processed through the two hemispheres (in this day the two hemispheres are beginning to merge as one as we move past duality.

Easily we could logic in our left brain hemisphere: Oh my mental processes don't have the answer here, I better call in My I AM SOURCE SELF to help me solve this problem. There are many ways to begin this process, but it does take 'being in balance' to allow the electroMAGNETIC flow, to flow.

Taking deep Breaths with hand on heart usually brings us back into balance, as we focus on our question and the I AM Self almost immediately supplies us with a higher understanding of the original question - so it processes rather quickly, and there is a knowing as well a peaceful feeling in the heart. Practicing this process can be automatic so the I AM Presence is usually (turned on). You can 'will' this by seeing an infinity sign connecting the heart impulses and brain functions as shown in the charts below.

Here are two charts for opening to The Direct Connection.


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