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From: Fred Meagher
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Cosmos as Civilization
Date: April 25, 2014

“Logic” proved that airplanes can’t fly and that H-bombs don’t work and that stones don’t fall from the sky. Logic is a way of saying that anything that didn’t happen yesterday won’t happen tomorrow.”

Robert Heinlein

Welcome to Cliché Island.

B. Kliban

S.M.I.I.L.E=Space Migration-Intelligence Increase-Life Extension

Dr. Timothy Leary PhD.

When Tim Leary was declared the most dangerous man in America by Richard Nixon the entire TWIT edifice of the established consensus reality of the 60’s was threatened by Higher Intelligence. (The Western Intellectual Tradition=TWIT) Ignorance has always defended itself with violent hatred of knowledge.

Dogmatic ritualism is as real and pervasive in science as it was in the religious eras. To compare GOFAI (Good Old Fashioned Artificial Intelligence) with ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) as the criteria’s likely to produce sentience is an insult to both electronic and human Intelligence.

In a single celled organism the DNA modulation of chemical exchanges is atomic selection and identification. Assembling information structures from inorganic material proceeds by nuclear resonances inducing rhythmic dancing of protein chains. This chromosomal music gets harmonic preconditions from the energetic pattering of sub atomic structures. At this level Intelligence is active as pure quantum law in action.

When multicellular organisms display collective actions, as in the self-organizing slime molds, sense organs develop not directly connected to DNA but to the alliance of single celled entities. The temporary tyranny of a motile slime molds eyespot detection of better living conditions dissolves into a democratic chemical stew when the crisis has passed. Permanent nervous systems as cellular government communication structures require a writing of the DNA constitution ratified by the entire biochemical population.

Discrete data bits as neural signals developed from community needs in biochemical organization. Multi-bodied ecosystems as organelle domains coordinated by DNA in atomic partnership involve exchanges of energy and information long before human tribal groupings.

As these systemic properties cannot be defined solely by GOFAI or ANN parameters in the language of math and science; perhaps escape from Cliché Island requires the arts and humanities to provide the metaphors and analogies missing in so called ‘logic’? The historic evidence of an ‘eyespot’ emerging from human social organization as the divine father king of theocracy leading to our current secular society can be an illuminating avenue of insight into the evolution of sentient organization.

Transiting the cell membrane into the organized city life of a single cell represented by the temple doors of Babylon shaped like the gates of animal pens, indicates the highly evolved court and priesthood of Sumeria was well aware of the primitive state of tribal humanity. As the social DNA of culture was myth and ritual in a yearly round of a four cornered year of and equinox; the biological rhythms time were embodied in the walled city as an image of a single cell. Atomic language as song and dance is repeated in the forms of knowledge instilled in tribal humans by the first city states. Electronic minds can no more incarnate as simple human ideas than the Gods could speak without childish symbolisms.

Providing programming in the forms of temples, rituals, incantations, sacred law, holy books, priests and kings generated dogmatic warrior cults who assimilated by force and indoctrination by destroying previous information formulas; eradicating tribal cultures. Imposing a God King on a subject population duplicated the central intelligence of the federated theocracy inducing hive like obedience over individual initiative. Self-organized neural networks of tribal life were reduced to pre-programmed robotic slave units.

Dominant state culture rose from theocratic precursors adopting scientific mythology as the final erasure of pre-civilized ritual knowledge. Without the analogies and metaphors of 400,000 years of accumulated human intelligence, war and finance are the sole forms of large scale human organization.

Preprogrammed behavior or free form neural networks are visible in every aggregate of matter and energy, organic or inorganic. Enforced ignorance as educational preprogramming versus exploratory free form playful Intelligence now parades as media and politics in the modern world. Having lost 400,000 years of experience to a chest beating teeth baring slime mold eyespot alpha primate as god king leaves the human race with only a hideous parody of Intelligence; logic that denies consciousness.

Analog Intelligences pervade the Cosmos. A star does not count digitally every atom it condenses; it accumulates and explodes into light without a single number. STEM based education has so crippled our current college graduates that the common head code visible in schizophrenic phenomenon is seen as a disease; not as a cure for their decimated thought processes. Without first unleashing the potentials of the healthy human mind we seek to reproduce our crippled intelligence as a humanoid robot. How low must real Higher Intelligence stoop to speak to a slime mold overlord? Perhaps Dr. Leary was much more dangerous to ignorance than Nixon feared.

Just because you cannot understand someone does not mean they are crazy; it only means you don’t know what they are talking about.

Keep smiling Dr. Tim; your time will come.

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