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934 available

From: Fred Meagher
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Visionary Cosmos Civilization Compass
Date: April 3, 2014

Civilization defined as human life in organized cities has existed for at least six thousand years on this planet. Identical patterns of myth and ritual precede the development of temple complexes in all the city states derived from faiths; Israel, Egypt, Sumeria, Persia, India, China, Mexico and Peru. Basic primate psychology involving semantic symbolic imagery of an alpha male as a man god develops from the shamanist magical imagination in all these cases. The projection of interior mental and emotional processes of a complex of gods under a single male ego becomes, over time, the bureaucratic system of finance and war.

This transition depended on agricultural surplus to support specialized functions such as metal smiths, scribes, priests, a permanent warrior caste, and tax collectors. Our current planetary dilemmas derive from this essential patterning having persisted beyond its original organizing potential that now generates international friction instead of a smoothly operating multiplex global system.

To understand the matrix of our current information age in industrial age terms of mass production and consumption requires constant competition for workers and resources under the six thousand year old tribal format of an alpha primate in the form of a god man president, pope, general or a corporate executive.

The potential of a planetary democracy of data sharing citizens generating intelligent choices depends on escaping the tribal boundaries of a six thousand year old addiction to groveling obedience to a teeth baring chest beating monkey god. Establishing the basis of an effective shared knowledge system was the purpose of the temple complex at the heart of the city state; generating a common understanding beyond tribal primate behavior; generating the connected consciousness of a global civilization.

Projecting ideas into actions and forms mirroring the human brains organization of itself is a bootstrap program comparable to the Big Bang projecting galactic systems. Generating universes or civilizations is a series of evolutionary stages. As the Cosmos Itself has been the model for human organization from prehistoric times; it has actually been the contents of the psyche that formed the functional imagery. Ever increasing levels of accurate dealing with space and time has been a characteristic of our civilized evolution.

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