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From: Josko Sestan
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Sacred Activism - The Community of Spirit
Date: November 14, 2013

Hope the mountain hike sufficiently energised you Bruce,

That in the sacred (and globally cross-correlated) communion of the sacred fire circle -- with all the prophets from all the tribes gathered in one circle -- at the center of THAT circle -- there rises the flame of "true prophecy".

Guidelines are good happy to work in consensus, your vision for the prophecy takes me back to when we must have first discovered fire and huddled around it as a sacred force, our faces heating up, blood throbbing in our flushed cheeks, what a mind shift that would have been.

THis is the reason I am here I am here to progressively throw my vision into the center to evaluate discuss and cooperatively advance the "true prophecy" you will hear it if you truly open your hear and truly see with your inner eye.

Bruce and Starr* your both right no one can create the prophesy without consensus of the majority, the days of prophets being worshiped and followed by a zombified apostles is long gone, no there is no competition but what if the visions that become conesus come from one originating source would you not truly say there is a special connection there, I do not neglect that we are all prophets but do not be a hindrance when as a prophet you have only gone as far as the top of the mountain.

We need to go to the end of the world and create a new beginning, there is much to do but I promise you once consensus is attained this will vision will bloom in every area of the World.

We must not concern ourselves with the Light and the Dark, we do not know for a fact that the Light is the truth, when you see the dark we are all in it, it is immense we cannot say that that dark does not exist within some encasing blinding light and the dark is the only thing that protects us, entities come and go, we must focus on the real, HIS STORY is over we must concern ourselves with THIS STORY.

Yes Bruce I have a transcript of the material utilised in the video, like most things it is already delivered by past prophets just needs to be utilised at the right time and place. I believe these are extracts from the WOrld Scripture writings, I also believe this is on one of your sites possible the Global Resonance site.

Looking forward to your comments...

Warm Regards, Josko

--- On Thu, Nov 14, 2013, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Ok, I am back down the mountain from my must-do sunrise mountain hike. I'll drown in Promethean karma if I don't make that karma-yoga effort.

I had a thought I wanted to share -- or maybe a few -- that came to me as I was hiking.

For one -- yes, we probably need some guidelines for this discussion -- and we don't have them. So, that's something we probably need to grow. I might write to my interspiritual friends and see if they have some "suggested guidelines for interspiritual dialogue". And I see that Starr* has suggested that we move forward with something like this. We'll get that going.

Secondly, I was thinking about this idea of "direct contact with source" that Starr* advances -- Starr* and many others -- and thinking that this is something we all carry within us. That's the point.

So -- in this context -- where does "prophecy" come from? What authenticates it? Why should "we", who come from everywhere and anywhere -- decide to bow down to one voice announcing a vision -- when the world is full of such voices? Seen through Starr*'s view -- we are all potential prophets -- and maybe we all together -- as Thich Nhat Hanh suggests when he says that perhaps "the coming Buddha is the Sangha" -- are the most reliable basis for prophecy in an interspiritual age.

This is the huge issue of authenticating spiritual vision in a global context. The days of private personal revelation are over. We are entering the age of the Sacred Fire Circle -- the age of spiritual community.

In this context -- around this sacred fire at the center of our circle -- we are all equally "connected to source" -- and we all have equal standing as "potential prophets".

And just a quick look around us -- will quickly inform us as to the fact that there have been many "prophets" that have emerged with powerful messages grounded in personal conviction and spirit. We can't doubt their experience. We can't really say why or what is informing or driving them. But what we can do -- is submit their message to demanding cross-correlation through the self-correcting forces of the sacred fire circle. You put your vision into the center -- and I'll put mine there -- and we'll see what emerges through the flame.

This is not a competition. This is a recognition of the power of community. This is a recognition of the "True Light" in each of our sisters and brothers. This is a mature and informed recognition of the fact of diversity in a global context.

I do feel -- that there is indeed a "tremendous power" at the core of what we are doing. Andrew Harvey says exactly that in the quote on Sacred Activism I cited when I posted the first message in this conversation. But here's what I think -- and here's my sacred dream for prophecy -- and that is -- that in the sacred (and globally cross-correlated) communion of the sacred fire circle -- with all the prophets from all the tribes gathered in one circle -- at the center of THAT circle -- there rises the flame of "true prophecy".

That is the communion we are called to convene. Simple, primal, universal and vast. The absolute magnetic self-reinforcing energy-from-everywhere-and-everyone power of spirit that can rise through community.

It is through this energy that we "mere humans" can most reliably and accurately connect to the Universal One that is Being, that is Divine Light.

So yes -- in this place we welcome all prophets. Bring your vision and your sacred heart and your deepest gift and your highest practice. Thank you, and peace be with you. Enter the communion....


Now, regarding a few points from Starr*

I reread your message and think you are bringing out a 'concern' that you wish Interspirit would be able to circumvent in order that it can serve the purpose of bringing Humanity into new methodology for advancing civilization...

Regarding your concern which you term the 'antichrist' you write (and I Bruce edit, because I think the words were not written correctly):

"...We must recognize that these aspects do not represent a person, these are energies and movements that have weaved their way through our psyche, ..."

This is a subtle and advanced point, on which I commented in my earlier post this morning. We are talking about what was called "entities" in the church where I got most of my training on these themes -- from Elizabeth Clare Prophet and "Church Universal and Triumphant".

The basic idea of an "entity" is a kind of energy-parasite, that feeds on the darkness in a human personality/psyche. The only real energy that exists is light -- entities have no light, they have to feed off light from people who open themselves to possession by entities. In simple terms -- according to this psychological theory, which I think is generally accurate -- entities feed off of bad habits. Therefore: get rid of bad habits. All of them. No excuses. Clean it up. That's the true standard, set by all the saints and prophets since the beginning of time. And I'm not saying it's easy, or that anybody can totally do it while incarnated in this world. It's a very high (and maybe impossible) standard. But don't get comfy with bad habits. They will eat you alive.

But as regards the idea that we have to be "conscious" of these entities, or somehow do battle against them -- my own instinct, after many years -- is simply to turn on the lights in every way possible. Don't look at those guys, don't see them, don't challenge them, don't talk to them, don't relate to them in any way. Walk right on by and don't give them a thought or a glance. You are an agent of divine light, protected by divine grace -- and all you have to do is assert that light with all your might. And get rid of bad habits and "balance your karma" along the way. Assert and defend the light with all your strength, and join with others who are also doing this.

This is the safe path, the ancient path of the middle way. Maybe you will be attacked, maybe there will be raging battles. Keep your eyes on the light, and go towards it.

So, I urge caution about standing in judgment of entities. I think it just screws people up, makes them wrong, puts them in unnecesary danger, and tempts them into unreliable unhealthy psychic domains. And it accomplishes nothing. Your task, I would say -- is to affirm the light -- and insofar as possible, lead others towards the light. Leave the darkness behind, without a glance. It has no power to affect you or influence you -- unless you engage with it. Darkness is nothing. It is instantly vanquished in the presence of the Light. Don't mess with it.

So, Starr*, when you suggest this audio -- I feel pulled off center. I did not listen to all of it -- but I did listen to the first fifteen minutes. Maybe there is something important I missed. But my questions are -- who or what makes this guy an authority? Why trust him? I didn't like anything he was saying, and thought it was not only "psychic" in ways I have been told are unhealthy by gurus I respect -- it also seems pretentious. This guy has set himself as an entity-adviser. To me, the whole thing vibrates like a bunch of psychic cobwebs that need to be swept out of the kitchen. My opinion is -- don't mess with that stuff. You dont need it, it won't help you, you are fine without it, and there's no apparent reason I can see to trust anything this guy says.

So, sorry to point-blank disagree with you. Maybe I have not looked at it carefully enough.

I do agree with your basic affirmation -- "according to the Holy Will of God" -- as we might have said the same thing in Church Universal and Triumphant -- or as you put the idea -- "In alignment with the Supreme Source/Godhead Will".

Cameron Day pin points what is happening in his 52 minute audio that I strongly suggest listening to, for it has the potential to free every soul in order that it may fulfill it's part in unfolding a heaven on earth scenario.

While there may be some knee jerk reactions, let me head it off, by saying there is a simple phrase, that all can agree to at Interspirit, which will prevent any further appropriation of people's soul energy. Simply preface any prayer, invocation, or belief, (whether it be to Self at Source, or Buddha, Jesus, Mary, Angels, etc, - because there are so many entities channeling in those Names these days who wish to be worshiped) with the phrase:

"In alignment with the Supreme Source/Godhead Will".

Starr*, I do -- kind-of -- agree with the direction you are going. And you say it right when you say

As such any intermediary Beings that are not in alignment with the Godhead's Will, will have no power over you which will circumvent the pit falls.

Yes. That's all it takes. Messing with those guys is like messing with the Mafia. Stick with God and the Light -- and you won't find yourself beat to a pulp in a dark alley.

The path of prophecy -- is converging these days into something simple.

Humility, kindness, trust, community and love are its basis. God does the rest through us.

I like what you say here, Starr*

Personally, I like The Direct Connection so that Source Lives within my Being and wherever I AM may Be. I like the Church within idea because what ever meeting you are in, the Source is there too, and because of the Principles of Wholeness that Humanity is now awakening to, harmony will prevail.

Just go there, do that. Leave darkness alone. Join the communion of the universal fire circle, and enter into it in the spirit of humility and sacred listening.

Ok, that's my thought.

I am going to go view the full video on prophecy that Josko brought to us.

I wonder if you have text transcript of it, Josko -- I am interested in the theme of interpreting scripture and seeing prophecy in it -- and I will better understand your conviction after I have seen it in full. I did watch a few minutes of it, and I could see that it was well-produced and interesting.


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