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From: RhonnaLeigh MacKnight
Type: Page
Page: What is Integral?
Date: October 11, 2013

Hello Everyone,

I've been liking what's coming from this part of the galaxy: positivity, cooperative Can Do spirit, and skill at stringing words together as promotes universal suffrage.

It's new, for me, to see others using language to honor inherent wholeness; so that y'all are has me jazzed by the fact that you're living&breathing people who're interacting with who-knows how many other people in this fashion, on a daily basis. The education that's surely providing and opportunities you're opening up for those you encounter, is just the thing for super-fueling human evolution. That's great news, for every life hosted by our precious planet.

Taking wholeness seriously shows best when we use inclusive terms for a class of beings or things having membership in it.

Listing constituent parts doesn't work so well, for it supports development and perpetuation of divisive hierarchies.

An example of what I mean is 'human adults', over 'wo/men' or the more common 'men and women'. And it's this principle that I see recommending our employment of 'Deity' over 'God/dess'. "/" is a symbol for "divided by". It's only very recently that I learned this, so it's still taking a concerted effort on my part to catch myself misusing it and go a better way.

Our common language, English, supports salvaging as much as possible of current systems for conducting ourselves (humanity) well, intra&interpersonally as individuals and as the social beings all who live on planet earth are.

Many of today's human languages require complete revamping to do as much for their users and our common aims as English supports.

For example, 'my parents' cannot be translated into Portuguese. Saying or writing 'my fathers' or 'my mother and my father' are the closest approximations to 'my parents' that Portuguese makes possible.

Neither alternative is a true translation. And neither one so fully honors and instructs on the facts of human origins as does the English version. The latter comes close, but for how long it will whilst cloning is so well funded, could be a much shorter time period than how long it's been falling short.

I'm glad we're so divinely supported as we are here for pooling resources to make the world a better place for all : )

~RhonnaLeigh (or "Ronnali", as I go by in Brazil)

--- On Fri, Oct 11, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Quote from the Resonance Project

Dan Wheeler May 2006 The answers we need lie in our own wholeness, and in our interconnections with each other and the world. Maybe if we were to take our wholeness and interconnectedness seriously, engaging our full selves, together with each other and the world around us, we would discover wiser, greater truths and saner, more joyous ways of living. And we could co-create a better future together.

Food for thought re inter and intra - because we are trying to embrace diversity in all people, but we need to find that common grounding of Essence as a unific point - Spirit that is NOT just among individuals but INHERENT in all. So we can be Independent and One at the same time.

inter- a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “between,” “among,” “in the midst of,” “mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during” ( intercept; interest ); on this model, used in the formation of compound words ( intercom; interdepartmental ).

Intra: intra- a prefix meaning “within,” used in the formation of compound words: intramural

Talking to the Soul of Each other we find the Point of Union and Harmony - ?, Starr*


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