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Date: Wed, Nov 13, 2013, 7:02 AM
Subject: News 17 - Expanding Growth

Good morning from Santa Barbara -- and thanks so much to the new people who have joined us in the last few days. Please be welcome, and know you are much appreciated.

This "Interspirit Alliance" is a very broadly-conceived project, intended to build illuminated connections across many boundaries, and gather together the core energies and visions around which the Interspiritual/Integral/Conscious Evolution movement can build its transformative resonant field.

We are broadly philosophical -- we are into defining the common ground and visionary agreement that can form a foundation for an integral movement that crosses a thousand traditional boundaries, binding groups and individuals together as a huge force for enlightened social change.

And we are broadly activist -- taking on any issue that could possibly benefit from an illuminated or indeed "divine" perspective.

And we are fundamentally collaborative and co-creative and resonant. We are listening, we value your presence and input, we are shaped by it, we nurture and solicit it in every way possible.

Our lead quote from Andrew Harvey on Sacred Activism is a succinct overview of our motivation.

It has become increasingly clear that only Sacred Activism - the fusion of the deepest mystical knowledge, peace, strength, and stamina with calm, focused, and radical action in every arena of society, culture, economics, and politics - can be of help in our growing world crisis. Neither a purely "spiritual" nor simply "activist" approach can solve our enormous problems.

The core teachings of all the major mystical paths make it clear that there is, within human beings, an enormous unused reservoir of pure divine power, the pure power of sacred wisdom consciousness, passion, and compassion - the power of what Jesus called the kingdom of heaven, and of what in Hinduism is known as bliss-consciousness. These core teachings also reveal that if we can learn how to use this power - or rather how to let it use us as its luminous instruments - we will harness the "energies of love" and discover for ourselves how a clear, focused, purified, divine passion devoted to transformative action on all levels can birth a new world.

What must happen now is that millions of us must be compelled awake by the growing disaster of our own making to understand that the way forward is, as Jung said, the way through - the way through a naked acknowledgment of our responsibility for our actions and the addictions and lust for power that propelled them that, if it is united with conscious connection with the Divine Light and its grace, will not only help us preserve ourselves and nature, but transform us into being conscious, humble, co-creators of an increasingly just and peaceful world.

What fills me with hope is that millions of human beings are now, in the fire of our current financial and environmental crises, waking up to the need for inner and outer transformation making the quantum evolutionary leap I have been describing possible. The time for the Birth of Sacred Activism on a global scale has arrived. Everything is now at stake and everything is possible

Yes, this is an advanced and very hopeful vision. Let us all give some small piece of ourselves to help make this happen, each in our own way.

Again, thanks so much for your presence here. Please speak up.

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