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Date: Fri, Oct 18, 2013, 5:24 PM
Subject: News 12 - Synthesis of Alliance


We can feel this coalescence of converging insights and spiritual forces. It's powerful and unquestionably authentic. We know we are on the right track. In a world groaning with strain, in a USA political economy torn to shreds by fragmentation and suspicion, there's a centrally converging force of sheer goodness and integration and wholeness, arising through all of us, and far more empowered when we know we are the conscious servants of this process.


For me, this process has become absolutely primal. It is the life force itself, pushing through -- and indeed, makings its demands.

I do take my hikes up the moutain, and I do what I can to stay in balance -- but this vision is merging with my breath itself. I AM it, I walk and breath it, its movement is my movement....

I was just looking at a video from Dr. Kurt Johnson, author of The Coming Interspiritual Age. For me -- this book -- and the visionary philosophy behind it -- is the strongest and most comprehensive and most inclusive statement I have seen on this deep call from spirit.

This video is a quick basic review of the fundamental vision -- organic, natural, friendly, easy to live with. Dr. Johnson is an engaging talker. He puts together the big picture with ease and facility.

Take a few minutes, and let this little video move through you.


Of course, there is no substitute for our own internal spiritual process and the path of truth we walk on our own. But the connection between us all -- it seems this is the fabric of the divine intent.

You've heard it, of course, a hundred times in the last year. "We are all One".

Today, as we work through all of this -- the great powerful mystery of how this Oneness converges when it is absolutely and vitally true that we are each seeing different facets of the whole, and very likely do not agree on specifics -- it seems more important than ever that we see how essential is this interconnection in the conscious context of our differences.

This is the power. See different facets, yet remain bonded.

Can we do this? This is the call. Yes, we can do this. Evolution is compelling us to do this. We are going to get good at it...

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