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Date: Tue, Sep 24, 2013, 5:16 AM
Subject: News 3

Good morning. A little bit at a time -- and thank you for your patience....

I haven't really worked through all these details yet -- but a couple of people (Starr*, Joylynn) have figured out this new email process and made it work, so that is good and much appreciated.

There is an option for subscribing to comments (see "My Email" or "My Profile"). I think what I will do -- is just set it up so that anyone with this "subscribe to comments" option selected will just get any of these notes. That might not be the best choice in the long run -- but maybe for now, that's a good choice.

The Dawn of Interspirituality conference starts in Washington State in a few days.

I want to keep pushing this web development until I have to go. What I really want to see happening is

  • Basic profile/user functions

  • The "articles" feature working -- and it does, right now -- that editor just takes anything from web, you just pop it in there and it seems to come out perfect.

  • This "newsletter" feature more or less dialed in, with the "comments" working right

  • A "polling " system installed -- I expect to work on this today. I suspect that this technique can be the major driver of our vision and consensus -- and how we can truly find our "common ground", though we are all busy people and coming from very different backgrounds and instincts

  • Most of these little text web pages linked in the menu working and at least a start on communicating this vision of what we actually can do, if we can break out of our uncertainty and myopia and personal eccentricities (a lot to ask!) I see these pages as a kind of "manifesto" -- I am hoping to put together all these big pieces of what might amount to the "revolution in interspirituality" -- that combines not only everything we know about spirit and religion -- but also integrates the organizing power of the internet, plus very coherent political organizing mediated through balanced judgment and enlightened "group process" ("enlightened democracy").

All of this in one place IS a big bite. All this -- and more. It's gotta be in one place, and come into focus...

So, ok -- early morning in Santa Barbara. Going to get into this polling system this morning. Thanks so much for being there.

To help with this project, click the links in this email and make sure they work, and that you understand them....

With appreciation,

- Bruce

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