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Date: Sun, Sep 22, 2013, 10:44 PM
Subject: News 1

Dear Everyone --

Thank you so much for being here - for having the imagination and the courage and the inquisitive spirit to enter into this very new and barely manifested Interspirit Alliance.

Barbara Marx Hubbard has a phrase she uses to describe her most intimate co-workers. She calls this most intimate core group 'The Communion of Pioneering Souls'.

Maybe we here are indeed 'a communion' - or maybe that word is too strong. But there is something new emerging, a new call is rising around the world, and indeed, through many of us.

In me - something from 'Deep Spirit' is pushing through. After years of exploration and projects - I am somewhat astonished at the creative power that seems to be flowing. There is so much we can do. Though we've been at it for years - we've barely begun. And I seem to know that something new, something powerful, something very brilliant - is starting to emerge through us.

So again - thank you.

This little piece of email - is a first test of some new formats and possibilities. The simple text links that appear contain a code that will 'recognize' you, even if you are not signed in. With some experimenting and feedback and 'sacred listening', we'll come up with some strong simple ways to interact.

Try a click or two if you have a moment. Look around the site. There are lots of new ideas appearing, just one at a time, but steadily.

With much appreciation and many blessings, and peace --

- Bruce

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