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Love-Radiance Intention Experiment III
Thursday, January 3, 2008



Christ came not to found a new religion or to inaugurate a new set of dogmas but to open up a fierce and shattering new path of love-in-action. Teachings of the Christian Mystics - Andrew Harvey, Editor


LOVE - Living One Vibrational Energy


non-resistant, pure energy flow, constant forward motion, love-in-action, applied effortlessly, with joy, laughter, love, radiance, unity and grace.


described as a new love, given freely, unconditional and without attachment, a love discovered in maturation, over time, with constant willingness to bring love to the forefront of humanity, as a means and vehicle of healing for everyone and everything.


New Hope, New Direction, New Vision; something we can do, and here a little excerpt from Barak Obama's victory speech in Iowa...

"We are One nation. We are One people, and our time for change has come. We must move beyond negativity, division, pettiness, jealousy and fear. We must unite the nation and the world with a common thread of hope, belief (deep) and destiny (of unity). We can do it, by choosing hope over faith, unity over division, reality over cynicism, and freedom over dependence. The time has come to be aware of the choices and the challenges we face as a nation, and world. We can do, what cynics say, we cannot do. We believe in this change so deeply that when cynics say, we can't do it, we do it. This is the time to stand up and do something. Brick by brick, block by block, ordinary people can do extra-ordinary things..."

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Love-Radiance Intent Experiment III

Friday, January 18, 2008 - Sunday, January 20, 2008


Dear Love-Radiance Intent Member,

Ram Varma presents our Group Intent Focus Theme: Universal Interconnectedness

Interconnectedness and inter-communications go hand in hand. Intercommunication is to exchange communication with one another. And interconnectedness is to connect one another. One cannot happen without the other. As such we are looking at both authentically, organically and naturally. The medium is the bond between both of them. What can be a better bond than the natural enriching Spirit of Love?

As you may have noticed that LRIG's main focus is to sustain and expand the circulation of 'Love Energy' as the connecting energy; individually, collectively and universally. This happens first amongst ourselves and then with others in a gradual and truthful way. Since 'Love' is natural, we need to be natural to give and receive love, and to keep on enriching it infinitely we need to embrace the Natural Principles that seem to organize the total universe. Some of such creative principles are those of pure potentiality, intention-attention-intuition, giving and receiving (i.e. sharing), cause and effect, detached involvement/actions, purpose of life/Dharma and selfless service etc. All are interconnected in their essence.

The 3rd LRIG experience is focused around this theme, Universal Interconnectedness. You may like to look at what is your predominant style to experience the love energy NOW, and what will you like to add on gradually and organically. So that during the passage of time, we are connected and communicative with all that is. It can happen only if we let it happen to us, not otherwise.

The whole process is geared towards knowing/realizing the Truth and doing our duty/purpose of life while we journey back home. This real home from whom all things proceed and to whom all things return. As such, we are in touch with the maximum possible potential of Unity/Oneness available to all of us. We are all the same; the members of the same family with the same origin/source.

The whole universe is open to us. Let's embrace it together and move forward towards it and with it all the time in all we do. * * * Questions by Jonathan Stemer:

1) How does the experience of radiating love in your life contribute to a sense of Universal Interconnectedness and Global Resonance?

2) What does Universal Interconnectedness mean to you, and how do you experience it in your life? Or have you ever really experienced this, not just as a concept, but also as a real felt experience? If so, please describe this experience.

3) How does this experience of Universal Interconnectedness and its relationship to radiating love effect your relationships, work, sense of who you are/our core identity, the way that you respond to those who may appear to be different than us, your understanding of how the world works systemically and globally through the areas of politics, economics, healthcare, business, finance, education, spirituality, communications, ecology and environment, etc.?

Bonus Question:

Related to the other three questions and expanding upon them...How do you see the energy of Love-Radiance and the Intention of focus in the experience/experiment contributing to the experience of Universal Interconnectedness, as well as the healing and transformation of the world on individual/collective levels?

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In closing for this 3rd LRIG experiment, we leave you with these words by Alice A. Bailey: From Bethlehem to Calvary, Our Immediate Goal

Love is not a sentiment, emotional state of consciousness. It takes into account the point in evolution and the development of character of those to be loved; but in spite of all, it is love which sees truly, and which, because it sees so truly can act wisely. It is a love, which realizes that the world needs love, and that a spirit of love (which is a spirit of inclusiveness, of tolerance, of wise judgment and far-sighted vision) can draw all humanity together into that outward unity which is based upon a recognized inner relationship.

We are all so ready to take love. We are all so eager to be loved, because we realize, unconsciously if not consciously, that love means service, and we like to be served. The time has come when that selfish attitude to life must change, and we must learn to give love and not to ask love, to go out in service to all whom we contact day by day, and expect and exact nothing for the separated self.

The understanding of love and the expression of love are strictly personal matters. Love can remain indefinitely a theory or an emotional experience. It can become a motivating factor in life and something, which we contribute to the whole. If each would think out for himself/herself the meaning of love in his/her life, and if all would decide to give love and understanding (not emotional reactions, but steady, steadfast, understanding love), then the tangles in this troubled world of ours would straighten out, and it would be an easier place in which to live. The present chaos and turmoil would then more rapidly disappear. Love is essentially the realization of brotherhood.

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In Loving Gratitude and Constant Energy Flow, Be Well!

Ram, Rita, Jonathan and Constance

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