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From: Fred Meagher
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Don't Tread on Integral Akashic Factors
Date: October 29, 2014

Small groups of elites have dominated large masses of slaves since the dawn of civilization. Subjugation of one portion of the population and elevation of another, has been produced by dominant cultural mythology since large scale cities were built with ritual centers devoted to the enactment of such separation. Civil rights have always evolved by a redefinition of cultural myths. The dominant Old World ritual and mythical systems based on federal monotheism; absorbed most of the planet during the Age of Discovery; New World myth and ritual was largely erased to guarantee subjection of native populations. Current Third World efforts to regain global civil rights would be greatly enhanced by an effective use of the pre existing mythologies of indigenous peoples.

Egypt, China, Sumeria, India, Israel, the Muslim Caliphate, the Holy Roman Empire, Crete, Greece, the Aztecs and Incas; are all examples of organization and structure in societies derived from myth and rituals. The shift from universal visionary expieriace in hunter gatherer vision quests in the puberty rites, is gradually replaced by public ceremony in agricultural societies; culminating in a priesthood buttressed by large scale architecture and written scriptures. Standing armies converting the surrounding tribes into slaves and tribute states, follows the mythology of the god kings mandate from heaven to subjugate the demonic forces surrounding the ritual centers of the gods. During the Age of Discovery Christianity and Islam came to subjugate and dominate the bulk of the planet under the mythological motivations of their core ritual centers, national capitals and the associated rituals of ownership and control, federal monotheism. The demonizations of native traditions were enforced by gunpowder and scripture with an average of 85% dead before conversions were complete. The surviving populations now struggle with marginalization, poverty and ignorance in every corner of the globe.

Carl Jung demonstrated that a Snake, a Bird and a Woman were universal root myth components of all pre agricultural societies; representing deep secret knowledge, vast elevated perspectives, and the endless generative powers of nature. The localized versions of these essential images in indigenous cultures provided Jung and his associates with the evidence of a universal collective unconscious; the origin of intelligence and organization in the human specie. They theorized that the entire civilized world was deeply scarred by the imposition of literate rational verbal ego structures over the pre existing natural intelligence triggered by the visionary experiences of tribal cultures. The crippled neurotic products of modern society had become obsessed with money and power and status; and only a submission to the depths of the collective unconscious could restore sanity to a mad world. A revival of pre literate myth and ritual and the reemergence of Third World peoples from subjugation will produce a planet free from psychotic domination by finance and force; the heaven on earth of all peoples deepest beliefs.

Modern elites now hold sway over subjugated peoples primarily by economic leverage and armed force supported by historical mythology. As history and government have replaced myth and ritual; the understanding of pre literate cultures derived from the collective unconscious has become increasingly difficult. With the widespread influences of mass media in all its forms; a post literate society finds itself even more removed from the roots of deep human understandings. Religious warfare based on scriptural interpretations is completely disconnected from the visionary origins of those very writings motivating these conflicts. Our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are as much derived from mythological misunderstandings as they are by economic forces. A global reexamination of our emergence from the collective unconscious through a reevaluation of human organization and intelligence before literacy, can lead to global solutions now inconceivable to a post literate planet.

The Aztec dual gods of Wisdom and Peace and War and Wealth offer a perspective on the historical development of federal monotheism in the Old World. Just as Rome openly acknowledged Mars the war god as the bringer of their wealth and power; so did the Aztecs honor Smoking Mirror as the patron of their capital city. Just as the Hebrew war lord had a dual nature with war against infidels and peace to all true believers incorporated into its myth and scriptures, so did every advanced culture of the Old World have some form of war and peace personified. The elites who administered these ritual formulas kept both generals and kings in thrall to the myths that formed their social systems. From slaves to administrators of provinces all were united in the dominant forms embodied in their origin stories and enacted by the royal priest crafts. Here in San Diego County are the geological features that gave the Kumeyaay shamans the same leverage that massive architecture did for the large scale agricultural societies; the Great Snake, the Bird and the Woman at the root of the collective unconscious of the human species; the key to unlocking the intelligence of our Ancestors, the very springs of history itself.

Mass media is the current form of the shamanic structuring of the tribal mind; the use of images and meanings to give form to daily life and shape the conceptions of the people. That modern culture is derived from economic models and not pre literate mythology, its structure and motives based on unconscious drives are apparently logical and rational; although the same central themes of the god king and the surrounding legions of darkness are very apparent. Every religious war currently engulfing our planet is based in this tribal imagery. The Kumeyaay were unique in all the world in having a high shaman pre pharoic style of democratic semi federal organization. This illumination of the most invisible link in the evolution of modern societies would allow a reevaluation of the unconscious motivations that generate religious warfare. The great grand father of the Feathered Serpent of the Aztecs and of Smoking Mirror his opponent can be traced to the Potrero mountains; the center of the Kumeyaay nation. The Bird and the Woman and the Snake at the root of human psychology and history have the potential to alter the course of our evolution as a specie; if our rational minds can see deeply enough into our unconscious motives.

Economic growth limits being faced by our six billion citizens demands a sustainable use of our planets resources. When the Spanish first contacted the Kumeyaay they had been bribing tribes all along the coast with food, as a drought had brought them all to near starvation that year. The management of this area by shaman experts in every canyon and hilltop under the guidance of the high shaman of Kuuchaama; the High Exalted Holy Place now called Mt. Tecate; had left them well fed and not compliant to the will of the Dominican Friars with their offers of food. The land management of thousands of years of burnings and plantings was invisible without the walls and roads of Europe; believing in the easy agriculture of this area, cattle and crops were brought in that failed and starved both Indian and invader. Their democratic style of self government allowed the Kumeyaay to regroup after their shamans had been killed by priests appalled by the Great Snake Who Had Swallowed All Knowledge central to their religion. The last of the Indian Wars occurred in San Diegos back country. It would take another hundred years for the wisdom of San Diegos shamans to emerge from the darkest pages of modern history. The entire planet is now facing the limits to growth mastered by these ancient wizards; will soon learn the power of the Great Snake; or die under the sway of the Smoking Mirror.

Ezra Pound in his epic Cantos written over the fifty years that included WWI and WWII; was very focused on preserving the thought and art and writings of all civilized humanity. He included Chinese and Japanese works, medieval poets of Europe, and the Founding Fathers of the United States in the Cantos; all history contained in a single gigantic poem. His insistence on the humanizing powers of the Arts over war and finance had him condemned as a traitor after WWII; as advertising and mass media was beginning its assault on the modern mind. The narrowing of incentive to accumulation of wealth over the expression of the soul was to Pound the very essence of evil. The poverty of mind and heart now gripping the industrial nations in the midst of wealth and technology has led us into an endless war in the Middle East. Unable to release the shaman shrouded beneath the science and theology of the modern world; creative understanding withers as our resources disappear while we fiddle with cell phones and surf the internet. The Art and Wisdom of four hundred thousand years of human understanding lies incomprehensible behind the walls of finance and war. The Rule of Smoking Mirror must end if human kind is to survive. Ezra Pound as the last great shaman of the West would understand why the Great Snake of Kumeyaay must become a World Heritage Center to revive the soul of the human race. To express the soul one first must know one has one. The Feathered Serpent must return.

The current domination of the industrial world with mass media aimed at consumption and not expression of our highest ideals has demeaned the accumulated Art and Wisdom of the indigenous peoples of all the Earth. The Way of the Ancestors in dreams and visions has been forgotten in our rush towards so called reason and logic in human affairs. Modern anthropologists are unable to grasp the full meanings of pre literate organization and the legacy of four hundred years of abundant survival before scripture destroyed the Way of Wisdom of every tribe on Earth. The flowering of the Arts Pound witnessed on the eve of WWI and experienced by Jung as an eruption of suppressed unconscious forces on a global scale; has so obscured the insight of the entire human race that we are fighting a propaganda war with bombs and guns in the Middle East; at the cost of education for our children. The Vision Quest that gave our forbearers understanding and insight is considered a diseased state of mind; while the Earth rots from ignorance parading as education. The Smoking Mirror must bow out before the coming of the Feathered Serpent; or We All will die of our own ignorance under the sway of an elite aimed at wealth and war. Peace and Wisdom is the only answer.

We the People as stated in the Constitution is not a separation of subjugated masses under an oppressive overlord attacking the demonic hordes who surround the capitol. It is a Union of States under rule of law upheld by the People; not a privileged few. The flag of the Revolution emblazoned with a Great Snake and declaring Don't Tread on Me will again become a symbol of real Freedom with the Great Snake of the Kumeyaay in San Diego's backcountry becoming a World Heritage Site; and a major tourist draw to boost our local economy. The struggles of Third World peoples everywhere would be enhanced by a recognition of the wisdom of the old ways that granted intelligence and initiative to every person, not just the leadership. Quetzalcoatl, the lord of Peace and Wisdom; the Great Snake of hidden knowledge; awaits the world and the coming future of human race. Four hundred thousand years of Art in poetry, dance, story telling, sculpture, temples, songs, ceremonies, myths and memories await the modern mind closeted in the dark forebodings of modern mass media. We the People of Planet Earth have had enough of war and the dealings of money men who deny our heritage as human beings. The Great Snake stands for All of Us in saying: Don't Tread on Me.

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