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From: Gerald Dillenbeck
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Network Nation - the pulse of genius
Date: May 3, 2014

We are applying the Theory of ReGenesis using the morphologically confluent technologies evident in Positive Deviance, Dynamic Facilitation, and Affirmative Inquiry; all 3 agree that the greatest effect with least effort in any natural/spiritual development system is to search for the Positively trending Deviants, the leading edge of the Turning Cusp, and understand that the opposite of what they are doing is what we call socioeconomic pathology--and what the Positive Deviants are doing, saying, thinking, eating, absorbing (their nutrient field polycultural analysis) is what we call socioeconomic-ecological therapy.

Facilitating the transition from Positive Deviants surrounded by Business As Usual, to Positive Deviants as heralds of a regenerative evolution in Self Care, People Care, and Earth Care is what shamans and prophets and mystics have been advocating for a few centuries now.

Jerry Dillenbeck

--- On Sat, May 3, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

The way this feels to me -- and the reason it feels important -- is that we might be discovering a true action path in the context of a vast and complex philosophical revolution.

Yes, we know a million new things, and new vision is transforming and coalescing all around us. But how do we act collectively, when we just can't decide, and fighting and disagreements are all around us?

Yes, the "law of the circle" is a solid and reliable guide. But how do we do all these things in circles, and what is going to get us there?

The big challenge -- the huge challenge -- is to emerge from philosophy and talk, and into action. Find a way to "decide". Find a way to focus. Find a way to 1) get all the data on the table in one coherent place, so that nothing and nobody are left out, and show/understand how it is all connected; and 2) give people a direct, simple, fast and trustworthy way to process it from data into collective action.

Do we have an international global warming crisis? Do "we" have to do something about it? Is there really ruinous income inequity around the USA and around the world -- such that a hugely disproportionate share of the world's resources accrue to a very small minority -- with the consequence that a billion people go to sleep hungry every night?

Why can't "we the people" act together? Why does "the fussing and the fighting" continue so interminably?

It's because we just can't handle it. The world is too much, there is too much going on -- and we do have good reasons not to fully trust one another. We just don't know how to put the pieces together -- not yet.

How we gonna fix that? A fabulous charismatic being descends from the clouds to anoint us all with unprecedented grace? Well maybe. But how about we the people figure out how to work together -- to decide what we want, to decide how we're going to relate, to decide what the path of wisdom really is -- and get moving on it...

Maybe we're starting to wake up to something like this. It's starting to feel possible.....

--- On Fri, May 2, 2014, Gerald Dillenbeck wrote ---

Bruce, et. al.

Thanks so much for reminding us, or at least me, of Bucky Fuller's intimations of a near-future pulsating and networked genius, he often referred to as Universal Intelligence. Others, earlier prophets perhaps, referred to Fuller's U.I. as Original Intent, or Original Instruction.

Fuller's Theory of ReGenerativity can get rather too metric for most, but his metaphysical analogies are easier to follow. Basically, Fuller believed that the Golden Ratio and the Golden Relationship Rule are mutually analogous and rationally related; a kind of Prime Relationship, like Yang is to Yin, 1 is to 0, plus is to minus, therapy is to pathology, Deduction is to Induction, and Bohm's Explicate Order is to Implicate Order. These are each appositionally related, mutually defining Prime Axial Relationships of Universal Law and Analogy (Metaphoric and Mythic).

To be Pro-Genitor is also to be pre-generative, is also to becoming In-formative; but not yet In-Formed, or no longer In-Formative [Ex-Formed, unformed, un-informed, not formed].

So, pro-genitive, Creator, Deep Gratitude bonds are Prime Relationship Bonds of mutual gravity, thermodynamics, and gratitude. Eco-Equity is metric, but also normative; economic, but also ecological; natural, but also spiritual; Physical, but also Metaphysical; Yang, but also Reverse-Yinned; Information, but also Ex-Formed; and Ex-Formed, but also Pro-Genitive; leads to ReGenetive Awareness, leads to ReGenesis.

If we were to conjoin the genius of Fuller to the genius of Julian Jaynes (and David Abram) regarding the cultural and linguistic development of Left-hemisphere dominance, and the concomitant dominance of deductive reasoning, over inductive comprehension; of logic over analogy; of male over female; of Western Culture over Eastern Culture; then

Dissonant worry and anxiety about the future [Yang function] Reflect past dissonant experience within our shared past [balances Yin frequencies].

Worrying about the future [Yang function] indicates Insufficient gratitude for, and faith in, our past [Yin equity/frequency norms].

Active hope for our future operationalizes (facilitates, catalyzes, incarnates, Yangs (verb?), creates] Sufficient, event abundant, gratitude for our shared past [reversed Yin memory]. Just as gratitude for our graced-ecology Original instruction (Universal Intelligence, to Bucky) Facilitates active hope for our cooperative future.

The ReGenesis of Active Hope as a globally-comprehensive, bicameral, RNA-nurtured/structured Metaphysical-Mind now becomes aware that our Ex-Formed Future spatially and temporally reflects our most abundantly In-Formed, exegetically enculturated, past.

This Retro-Millennial Age rides the cusp of a re-membering that both Permacultured Design and Positive Deviance re-cognize the optimized value of early outlyers ("Deviants") with reverse-population trends toward Continuous Quality Improvement. These are the relationships, and mindful, wise, leaders and teachers having the Greatest Effect with the Least Effort toward inclusive re-ligioning ReGenesis. For illustrative purposes only: Jesus of Nazareth, The Prophet, The Buddha, Abraham, Laotse, Gandhi, and I could hardly leave out Bucky, who gave Greatest Effect (Yang) with Least Effort (Yin) Law of Thermodynamic Balance and Abundance the label "TrimTab" and predicted Michael Polanyi's thesis on "Personal Knowledge" as well as Gregori Perelman's proof of our 4-dimensional dia-symmetrical Universe as structured around a 0-soul where all us WeSelf Atman's are holonically and rationally related to each other, and complete each other in the Eternal Moment as a Brahmanic We"Memed" Co-Prehensile GravitationalPower-Graced Ecology, double-bound (and Informational Systemic Binary) by Universal Original Instruction Prime Relationship Vertex, and Vortex.

In short, the Truth of Tao is Yang/Yin = Polynomial In-formation (P) OVER Not-Polynomial (Ex-Formed) Metaphysical Space/Time (NP). P/NP = +1function/-1frequency = 0-soul footprint.

--- On Fri, May 2, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

The biggest issue faced by social change activists -- is that so much is going on, it is impossibly overwhelming. How can we put the pieces together into a workable plan -- when there are so many pieces...

And nobody can handle them all -- or should try...

But still, we have to work together in a common dream for a common cause...

We need to step up the illuminated process of circle-based collective deliberation, though a medium that can handle huge complexity and simultaneity.




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