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From: Nirmalan Dhas
Type: News
News: News 25 - A No Labels Spirituality
Date: January 14, 2014

"An activist visionary agenda"

The reason that I, for instance, cannot come up with this alone is because no single human brain can do it. Coming up with such an agenda - I prefer to call it a 'visionary projection of potential' - takes about 6 brains at the very least. These can be 'real' brains stuck in the heads of people or they can be the 'brains' of what have been called 'discarnate entities'. However I rule them out because they are not familiar with the reality we have to deal with as humans.

I figure that 6 brains can easily hide out within a "Great Global gathering" and do their work silently as the usual gathering stuff goes on.

Another alternative could be the brain capture process where links could be built with brains while they meditate or are engaged in some other such introspective activity. In such a case the brains would not know what is going on and there may be undesirable ethical outcomes.

So then the GREAT GLOBAL GATHERING will actually be an EXTREMELY PREDATORY BRAINHUNT which I suppose it really should be called in the first place. It is certainly no place for those who do not know whats going on.

What kind of creatures organize such BRAINHUNTS? I have no clue. I gues they must be hunters of some sort. Maybe they are configurists who are present day 'ritualists' since they configure brains into formations that enable the making of advanced perceptions such as 'activist visionary agendas'. This is what used to go on in certain places before the last and most successful attempt at empire building fell apart.

The art of empire building is now almost lost but some of us carry memories of the process...the behavioral templates...the generation of values...the way visionary projections are made...the institutions...and the processes...but we know now that the underlying pyramid was defective and that we have to generate the network...

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