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From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Leadership Affinity Network
Date: September 8, 2014

& = per se (in ItSelf) ie...The Source of All That IS = AYNcient and Imperishable, an Infinity far beyond Human conception of Infinity.

My Living Essence is My Eternal Presence that Lives Forever more ~

There is no address because it is an Omnipresent Omnipotent Spiraling event of a limitless evolving Creation, even in the Living Moment.

Love, Praise, and Thanksgiving, Starr*

--- On Mon, Sep 8, 2014, S´ace G root wrote ---

Seeing infinity symbol raise next to AYN / &

MAKES clear to me why the AYN(cient)

Lead the way ..

Thanks to alll examplifying "Moshe" & alll other GrandMasters ..

8 is infinity .. but to what content / humanity

9 is the "K NOW ALLIANCE" Without an Address ..

probably youthfull people till 123 years of age


--- On Mon, Sep 8, 2014, Starr* Saffa wrote ---


I wanted to mention that my Group members use The Direct Connection to Source approach; but I gave them these extra Guidance Tools so they can work through any hindrances that they may have to navigate in our earthly experiences. In other words the Guidance Tools enhance and assist the facilitation of The Direct Connection.

Therefore, I thought it would be prudent in relation to The Divine Within, The Hara Line Flow, the Axis Mundi, Ayn (Eye of Source), Tahirih (the Eternal Creating and Purifying Spirit), and "The Direct Connection to Source" to mention how the praxis of Ho'oponopono interacts with such Truths.

Joe Vitale, who may be known to many from the Secret and other works, wrote a book entitled "Zero Limits", which is the goal (a clean slate) of clearing and releasing with Ho'oponopono. Joe calls Zero limits the place of the Divine I AM within, the place to receive inspirations from Source and begin to incorporate that Knowledge from the Subconscious mind to the Conscious applications.

Basically the more one removes the blocks by letting the Divine Intelligence clear them through use of the Ho'oponopono chant, the easier it is to be in touch with "The Direct Connection to Source". This process circumvents Intermediary influences so the Individual can be in touch with her/his own Divine Soul.

--- On Sun, Sep 7, 2014, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Bruce

Today Veils of ignorance or capping are rent asunder and people are recognizing the Source within their very own Being, thus making them prepared to take responsibility and be Creators on Earth.

At the end of 2012, as the New Earth Cycle began, I gave the people in my Group what I call “Guiding Tools” as part of the Awakening: They were very basic, yet very profound and Transforming.

These Tools are:

1. Understanding Ourselves in relation to Karma in The New Earth Energy Paradigm

2. Living in the Now in order to transform one’s Life

3. Ho’oponopono – Taking *full responsibility for any problems that come before you*, and clearing them within your own Self by repeating: I Love You, I Am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank You. (Ancient praxis modernized). When cleared in self, in its circular connection, the clearing and releasing reaches out to others involved with the problem. It is a different way of thinking about Healing, but it works.

The material was presented with writings from Dolores Cannon (past life authority), Eckhart Tolle (author of Living in the Now), and Dr. Hew Len who brought peace and healing to a criminally insane asylum in Hawaii by using Ho’oponopono.

Excerpts from my Guiding Tool’s Paper entitled “Karma and the New Earth” given to my Group:


The people on Earth have been caught in the cycle of reincarnation, on the wheel of karma, for hundreds and hundreds of lives, coming back and making the same mistakes over and over again.

We are supposed to be evolving but we are not. This was the main reason Jesus and the other great Prophets came to Earth: to teach people how to get off the wheel of karma, to help humanity to evolve.

But we are still making the same mistakes over and over again: creating wars and so much violence. So the people on Earth were not going to be able to save the Earth. Note: Delores, goes on to say Pure Souls who have never incarnated here and have NO Karma are now coming to Earth to help with the transition.

Many people have asked, “What am I supposed to be doing?” We are here to help each other, being there for each other. There are two things that we have to get rid of in order to go to the New Earth: negative karma and fear. There is good karma and negative karma.

As long as you are bogged down with negative karma, you are going to remain on the old Earth, because the way the law of karma is set up, you must repay it. Too many people are caught up in negative karma and do not know how to release it. That is the reason why new souls had to come, because they don’t have karma, and they can help others to release theirs. You have had many lifetimes with the same people, going over the same circumstances and not resolving it.

Until you can stop that cycle and get off of the wheel of karma, you are not going to be able to evolve upward. The way to get rid of negative karma is to forgive and let go.

Starr* Comment: This is where the continual cleansing and releasing praxis of Ho’oponopono comes in – which reaches from the individual to all the problems that come before them in others and in the whole world.

Karma and the Ego by ECKHART TOLLE

The greater part of most people's thinking is involuntary, automatic, and repetitive. It is no more than a kind of mental static and fulfills no real purpose.

Strictly speaking, you don't choose to think; Thinking happens to you. The statement “I think” implies volition. It implies that you have willfully chosen to think what you think (or that you think in the first place). For most people, this is not yet the case. “I think” is just as false a statement as “I digest” or “I circulate my blood.” Digestion happens, circulation happens, thinking happens.

The voice in the head has a life of its own. Most people are at the mercy of that voice; they are possessed by their thinking and its repetitive, unconscious content. This circular, repetitive, incessant thinking is conditioned by the past, and it keeps you trapped in the past. It is as though you continue to relive the past over and over again. Do you ever wonder why the same problems challenge you throughout your life? Your unconscious mind is re-creating them, but you don't even know it.

The Eastern term for this repetitive cycle is karma. You continually bring to your life experiences that correspond to your thinking. What you reap, you will sow, and what you think, you will attract. If the contents of your thoughts are locked in past events, you are destined to repeat them. This is karma. And it goes both ways.

We have heard of good karma and bad karma. Bad karma is the experiences we have that are attracted to us by our mind's obsession with all the bad things that have happened to us. Bad karma not only produces experiences that are undesirable, it is also a life lived in the past, not the present.

Good karma, on the other hand, comes from living in the present moment. When we liberate our mind from thoughts of the past and negative rumination, we are free to engage our mind in original, creative thought. We are free to be spontaneous and fun-loving. We are free to live our life now with a sense of curiosity, discovery and adventure. Far from being trapped in a cycle of negativity, we live a life of freshness, proactivity and healthy self-expression.

If you have been living life in the past, caught in the cycle of bad karma, you can get free of it.

Just in the way that thinking happens to you, bad karma happens to you. It is an involuntary predicament. It is a condition that you do not consciously choose.

The solution is to begin choosing what you want for yourself. Instead of being a victim of your own thinking, be an active, engaged choice maker.

• Choose to be more present.

• Choose to be more aware of what thoughts are circulating in your mind.

• Choose to engage your mind in original, creative thinking.

• Choose to make your mind an interesting, adventurous place.

• Choose to make good karma by using your mind for positive and productive thinking.

Starr*: Here’s to choosing to release and cleanse negative Karma in the Now and to beginning to live in the New Energy with our Presence present in every living moment. Certainly this will allow for our Earthly Systems (all of them) to shine and become productive services for the benefit of Humanity with Visionary Interactive Facilitation. So many people are active behind the scene in their personal development while also contributing in the wider community when possible with inspired ideas.

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sun, Sep 7, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

I know we're suddenly pumping a lot of messages through this place -- but I want to acknowledge your point, Starr* -- which you express very well, which I appreciate.

You are right -- the Hara Line is powerful -- and yes, I grew up on "The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East" (Baird Spaulding) -- and yes, there are many deeply intuitive people who have learned to trust deep intuition in ways that are credible. This group "Children of the Sun" has deep intuitions along this line -- and it seems to me their intuitions do provide powerful and significant guidance. So yes, let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

The problem that does come up for me sometimes -- is when I run into the insistence that holistic intuition with no detail or link to empirical specifics is absolutely all we need, and the detail is positively derailing. I do get that from some people, and I think it's short sighted. Some of those guys just don't want to think about politics or governance or the messy details of collective decision-making. They are convinced that it all will happen in a flash, as everybody is converted to something. All the issues in Gaza, for example, are going to be magically resolved in a flash. ISIS too will be converted to Kumbaya -- with no responsibility for their actions.

This idea, in my opinion, is just silly nonsense and a very ignorant view -- and shows little grasp of the real karmic nature of life. It's a fantasy. People on this planet ARE highly karmic, and so are our cultures. Assuming that all of this karma can magically go away -- is -- very odd -- and it denies the fundamental "free will" law of life. It's kind of like the "all you need to be saved is believe in Jesus" model of redemption -- that basically says that "Jesus did it all for us" -- so pipe out all your psychic garbage through the "All are redeemed through the Crucifixion" model -- which removes all responsibility for human transformation from individual human beings, and places it all on Jesus.

I'm not tossing that idea out completely either, because there are beautiful people who see life in those terms -- but in a balanced world, people ARE responsible for their own karma, and piping your garbage to the toilet through Jesus is definitely a second-rate way to go. The best way to do it is -- take full responsibility for your life, stop blaming anybody or anything (parents, teachers, culture, you-name-it) -- and get straight with Jesus in that way. Take personal responsibility for your life, instead of expecting Jesus to do it all for you. Transmute the garbage through devotion and contrition and self-purification. And yes, it's true, in that context, in the end, we are all saved by Grace. But it's not one-sided. It's works AND grace. Step up to the plate and do your part. Then surrender and let go, and the universe can wash through you with the purifying flow of the Ascension Current. Don't make Jesus clean up your mess, when you can do a lot of it yourself.

And that part that we can do ourselves -- and probably must do ourselves -- is the part I am talking about....

--- On Sun, Sep 7, 2014, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi - Addressing the Kumbaya People problem, and promoting the Global Declaration of Interdependence by Ashok Gangadean 12 Nov. 2012 Bruce posted a little while ago.

Bruce: "And to some degree, Andrea, this is because they think that a passive "magic will fix it" approach is all they need. Actually -- I run into far more people who take the "all will be changed in a twinkling of an eye" vision than who understand the hard technical grunt work that somebody has to do to make all these things work right. This is just part of the demographic situation today. The people who get "oneness" most often think that "Kumbaya is all we need". But I've sat in circles with those people -- and when an issue comes up where the group is divided -- Kumbaya goes out the window and the catfight starts. Kumbaya by itself doesn't work".

Let's not be too quick to misjudge the Kumbaya People - for some may be categorized improperly and they may hold keys to the True Human Potential which needs to be developed and incorporated in the Evolutionary Unfolding. Maybe they can work with the Hara Line Flow of Knowledge which leads to harmonizing methods. They may seem simple, but sometimes the answers are simple, did we but know it.

Let us not throw out the Baby with the bathwater.

Let us include Quantum Physics and Metaphysics.

Let us remember that in books of "The Masters of the Far East" they were able to manifest food as needed and the like. These are the Powers that this New Era is releasing, and it is helpful to be opened to embracing them.

So here is to the coalescence of harmonized vibrations that may just begin to unfurl in part here at IA.







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