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From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Perfect Justice in a Global Democracy
Date: September 4, 2014


This is a great theme, thanks for envisioning it, Fred.

Now -- of course -- here rises the chorus of how this is an impossible utopian fantasy.

But, say I -- it's not.

Checked out Google lately?

Got any idea about the google-to-the-googolplex power of that place -- especially on a high-bandwidth connection? We are in a new world now.

The potential is here. The capacity is here.

The issue today -- is design. Knowing how to do it.

Design, and channeling motivational flow...

We are learning how to do these things. And the internet, and its incredible high-bandwidth processing power, is a perfect design lab for all the grand philosophical visions since the beginning of time. We CAN contact millions of people. WE CAN interconnect many thousands of well-intended high-minded noble-spirited organizations.

We just got to have good ideas on how to do that, and we got to set up an inviting pathway that channels existing motivation -- rather than, say, offering moral lectures, or trying to be the mother of all websites. Now, yes, we need "ethics and morals" -- and we need justice -- and we need global democracy -- and we need to hook all these things together -- in some "perfect" way.

So, what are the odds?

My take -- is that the odds are good.

So, in the white-hot crucible of the internet/mystical/philosophical/political design lab, where the co-creative collaborators of the integral dream are compelled to show up with their best, the fusion progresses.

And it does. Yes, it can be hard work. Yes, we are "going up hill".

But there is some innate perfect template or divine archetype that seems to be guiding us. There is some "perfect form" -- of exceeding simplicity. From my point of view -- that perfect innate design template -- is as simple as the number 1.

Justice -- is balance. And everything in the world is interdependent. Maybe the scales of justice are like a huge "mobile" in a million interdependent dimensions (or issues), hanging from the absolute divine center-point described by Teilhard -- the center-point that is everywhere, as Black Elk told us.

A million interdependent interconnected "circles" -- all with "one center" -- taking on every issue and concern or "division point" (or set of opposites) in the world, and all those opposites resolved/reconciled through resonantly-negotiated balance.

That's divine justice. That's divine global democracy.

Can we build one of those?

My guess is -- we can take a pretty amazing crack at it if we keep the spirit up and keep listening to each other...

--- On Thu, Sep 4, 2014, Fred Meagher wrote ---

Bruce & All: I have been getting interested in Future Studies, World Mythology and Communication Theory while reading Mark Helprin; who is communicating a very modern mythology with the City elevated to the place where God , Man and Nature once jostled. That the Future echoes with the Past in perfect Justice is a common theme in every faith. In 'Winter's Tale' by Mr. Helprin is found:

“Nothing is random, nor will anything ever be, whether a long string of perfectly blue days that begin and end in golden dimness, the most seemingly chaotic political acts, the rise of a great city, the crystalline structure of a gem that has never seen the light, the distributions of fortune, what time the milkman gets up, the position of the electron, or the occurrence of one astonishing frigid winter after another. Even electrons, supposedly the paragons of unpredictability, are tame and obsequious little creatures that rush around at the speed of light, going precisely where they are supposed to go. They make faint whistling sounds that when apprehended in varying combinations are as pleasant as the wind flying through a forest, and they do exactly as they are told. Of this, one is certain.

And yet, there is a wonderful anarchy, in that the milkman chooses when to arise, the rat picks the tunnel into which he will dive when the subway comes rushing down the track from Borough Hall, and the snowflake will fall as it will. How can this be? If nothing is random, and everything is predetermined, how can there be free will? The answer to that is simple. Nothing is predetermined, it is determined, or was determined, or will be determined. No matter, it all happened at once, in less than an instant, and time was invented because we cannot comprehend in one glance the enormous and detailed canvas that we have been given - so we track it, in linear fashion piece by piece. Time however can be easily overcome; not by chasing the light, but by standing back far enough to see it all at once. The universe is still and complete. Everything that ever was is; everything that ever will be is - and so on, in all possible combinations. Though in perceiving it we image that it is in motion, and unfinished, it is quite finished and quite astonishingly beautiful. In the end, or rather, as things really are, any event, no matter how small, is intimately and sensibly tied to all others. All rivers run full to the sea; those who are apart are brought together; the lost ones are redeemed; the dead come back to life; the perfectly blue days that have begun and ended in golden dimness continue, immobile and accessible; and, when all is perceived in such a way as to obviate time, justice becomes apparent not as something that will be, but something that is.”

Perfect Justice in a Global Democracy!

I'll vote for It!

Fred M.


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