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934 available

From: S´ace G root
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Principles of Integral Politics
Date: September 4, 2014

Indeed great progress

Still its on its way?

An optional common breakthrough moment Was that an "esotheric" label blocked one discovered his pianoplay as esotheric kind ..

so the acting itself without thinking the teached matrix attracted the liberation/phenomenon

quite enduring some Traject ..

Similar idea is changing some other blockades .. prabably all through the portals opened ..

such as converting throat chakra into voicewheel ..

well Enough for now .. we are aware of popping demons ..

--- On Thu, Sep 4, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---


For me, a primary driver in the development of universal ideas in spirituality -- and probably the primary reason for creating an "interspiritual alliance" -- has to do with the implications of universal spiritual energy in a civic or secular context.

Put in simpler terms -- "What are the implications of a universal spirituality for politics and democracy"?

We've been saying this since the beginning of this project a year ago, and this theme is a core idea in Kurt Johnson's "The Coming Interspiritual Age".


This is a big idea, a big theme - dramatically inclusive and "revolutionary" in many ways. It involves if not a "unity of science and religion", at least the development of scientific approaches to the meaning of religion. It involves the scientific development of correlations between religions. It involves a science of common ground, and an inclusive universal ethics from which can branch all the existing religions of the world, each in their own way, as if each tradition were part of a single huge "tree of religions" with one common trunk and root system.

The global movement for "oneness" and holistic inclusion is a start on this work, and offers a framework through which to build it. But "oneness" by itself is not a political idea. Politics is divisive. Politics -- and "democratic governance" that extends from it -- is based on balancing a convergence of opposites.

We've only got so much water. Who gets it? The corporations, the farmers, the ranchers, the native peoples, the fishermen, the big city 700 miles away? Battles over water have been a struggle since the beginning of time. Today in the world, we have thousands of issues like this, that must be resolved through collective decisions that lead to collective action. This is simply the fact.

If we want a world that is guided by or inspired by or held together by the transcendent integral forces of absolute unity/oneness/God -- we have to figure this out, in detail. It's not enough to base our hopes on "magical thinking" -- that somehow, billions of people are going to be magically changed into transcendent saints who are able to come into perfect harmony and make magically perfect governance decisions for the world.

We have to see how to do this -- and then, after we see this -- we have to somehow build it. We have to get the vision -- in technicolor high-resolution detail -- and have a strategy for bringing it to birth, and growing it...


One concept that has been growing in me for quite a while involves a convergent and inclusive approach to social activism that is based on this presupposition. The primary fact of life in society today -- is that the world is fragmented -- into a zillion tiny semi-incommensurate demographics -- that don't understand each other, may barely know the others exist, are highly suspicious across borders, tend to blame and accuse one another, and have little or no sense of common ground and universal human bonds.

But all over the world, as an effective and significant counter-force, there are spiritual and religious and ethical and communitarian organizations that do "honor diversity", that do have an instinct for "unity in diversity" or "e pluribus unum" ("out of many, one").

These groups and individuals are an inspiration for the world, and a profound source of hope for an enlightened new global civilization. These groups can and should be brought together as an integral force for new global community and cultural renaissance.

The big issue is -- these groups, too, are "different". Yes, they have "common ground", and many values in common -- but there is no one agenda, no one vision, no one set of principles. There IS a huge and very important global movement for unity-in-society, and millions of people hope and pray for it. But those very groups are themselves scattered and atomized. They are not connected, they have no common agenda, they share no common vision.

So, what is the key to connecting these groups, and convening a single movement for a transformed world?

One new idea that is emerging -- is "affinity" -- or, to use a fancy word -- "homophily" -- "love of the same".

We need to call the world into a single affinity network, where there is a tremendous range of inclusion and diversity, and every participant can pick and choose on their own personal basis what exactly they stand for, what they advocate, what they want to work for. This network cannot be based on a few large-scale principles on which everybody agrees. Language doesn't work like this. What we need is "resonant affinity" -- a "soft cloud of agreement" around 1,000 soft points -- maybe taking the form of something as basic and simple as a Facebook "like".

I think is what is happening. I think we are beginning to see this clearly, and increasingly able to activate this kind of outreach.

Leadership Affinity is a workable approach to "leadership agreement". Pick from 1,000 or 10,000 soft specifics, and let those choices coalesce. This is spiritual/integral engineering at a very high level, that can run on a very simple network interface. This is how we can strictly define the common ground of the human community, in a context of absolute diversity and individual human freedom. This approach preserves individual freedom, yet at the same time, absolutely defines common ground.

This is a big deal. It's critically important. Maybe it can work.

Just to sketch out some of the fundamental principles that would support an outreach project like this, here is a brief statement of guiding ideas. All of this can be refined and augmented in high detail. But this is a start.


One way to understand integral politics involves seeing the world through just a few deeply intuitive principles. These ideas, grounded in wholeness and an instinct for inclusion, are widely understood by leading-edge thinkers and spiritual/ecological communitarians all over the world. Sometimes these ideas are seen as the expression of a universal archetype that is slowly coming into focus.

We have been hearing about the need for dramatic social change for many years, and those of us with philosophical roots that extend back to the 1960’s and 1970’s were shaped from the beginning by the insights of writers such as Marilyn Ferguson (The Aquarian Conspiracy), Charles Reich (The Greening of America), Alvin Toffler (Future Shock), and Ken Wilber (The Spectrum of Consciousness, No Boundary). Many of us have held similar ideas as fundamental and essential throughout our entire lives.

Today, in the context of what appears to be accelerating crisis and fragmenting polarization at all levels of social organization, a clear and workable restatement of these guiding principles could be more important than ever. Summarizing these ideas briefly, we might simply say we need a new politics that

  1. Recognizes interdependence (“everything is connected to everything else”)
  2. Is holistic and integral (everything in the world, and every idea and every political issue, should be understood within a single framework of wholeness or “oneness”, and can be understood as “parts” of that whole)
  3. Is capable of honoring every human being as a unique individual with a valuable and uniquely informed perspective
  4. Embraces sophisticated new interpretations of “system”, incorporating both “top down” and “bottom up” approaches to social organization and governance
  5. Recognizes the need for balance in all things, and sees balance as a fundamental principle of governance
  6. Understands that the language of political ideas can be inherently divisive, regardless of how well intended
  7. Depends on collaboration and cooperation and “community”, and builds the trust that makes it feasible


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