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934 available

From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Absolute Crystal Architecture of Universal Center
Date: August 30, 2014


"There is only ONE SINGLE CENTER in the universe…it impels the whole of creation along one and the same line, first towards the fullest development of consciousness, and later towards the highest degree of holiness."

"Because there exists in all beings a common center - scattered and separable though they are in appearance - they meet together at a deeper level. The more they perfect themselves naturally and sanctify themselves in grace, the more they come together and fuse into one, within the single unifying Center."

- Teilhard deChardin

This is the universal connecting key, and the mystery that is clarifying itself for us everywhere. It is absolute simplicity in the context of endless diversity and complexity and overlap and relativity and confusion and division, and all the argument and frustration and loss and waste that goes with it.

This single principle interconnects all individuals to one another -- "in wholeness and unity and creative resonance". This single concept is the fundamental principle that creates "groups" and collectives, around any theme or purpose. It is the master principle of "oneness", and the movements that go with it, including "interspirituality" and all interfaith bridge-building, and the search for a common ethic that binds the human community together.

It is the key to transpartisan politics, and all politics and governance that embraces all perspectives, as all points of view come into a common framework to resolve human differences through balance and constructive dialog in the context of wholeness. It is the key to interconnecting "all the circles" inherent in the mystical geometry of the Flower of Life. It is the key to interconnecting sectors of the human mind -- the "religious" and "spiritual" ideas all arising from intuitions of oneness and unity, and all the less holistic domains of human understanding including all kinds of science.

Every human being has a center, every group composed of human beings has a center, every network of groups has a center -- and, as Teilhard and other mystics have told us, and as we are increasingly aware -- this is always the same center, burning through the center of everything, binding everything together in the full energy of our differences and alternative languages and cultures and values.


The universal form of group process and logic is circle. The circle is balanced at the center, through mutual respect and co-creative listening. Every circle is connected to every other circle through the common center -- known in the individual as "Namaste" -- as "we become one" -- without blurring or ignoring differences.

When this process becomes consciously connected, it becomes the key to the transformative new democracy and world community that millions of people are sensing.

Come to the common center, from your own center, and bring your unique values and understanding and motivations and needs and desires and hopes. Bring those into the fiery context of this process -- listen, learn, stand up for yourself, but also be transformed. This is the form of the new agreement, the new intercultural understanding, the new democracy of universal humanity.


This is the guiding key and principle for a universal spirit-guided activism led by wholeness and voices from everywhere. This is the new spirit of community, the new communion, that embraces the full range of human understanding -- that does not fragment our understanding into bounded and barely interconnected categories, where we can draw our battle lines of fragmented interpretation, seeing the world through the lens of fragmentation, and battling against anyone who sees things differently.

This new universal form is "interdisciplinary" and "intercultural" and "interspiritual". In a world context of "relativity everywhere", this universal center connects everything back to the absolute wholeness. Categorical boundaries are seen as convenient cultural mirages, helpful in particular contexts, but misleading when affirmed as absolutes.

This understanding, and the activism that goes with it, and the spiritual empowerment that drives the activism -- this is the breakthrough we are awaiting, that we sense in a million ways, that we are working for, that we are praying for, that we are climbing uphill to realize.

It seems the process now -- is "beyond words". There is too much, too many elements, too many factors, too much co-creative history, too many intellectual details and controversial elements. Instead, we simply keep climbing, listening, gathering, pulling our own souls into the absolute divine alignment that can fully unfold through surrender and sacred listening. Is this the calling of the coming Equinox? The prayer for now, it seems -- is let it be, let us walk true, let us be kind. Be patient, keep walking....

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