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934 available

From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Pattern of the whole - coordinating activism
Date: May 8, 2014

This framework continues to evolve.

This message shows a few screen-shots from today, showing ways that we can use this wheel-based classification system ("taxonomy").

Here's one screen-shot from earlier today, that shows a "drill-down" from one of the twelve main "sectors of the wheel" -- from Spirituality & Religion through Conscious Evolution and Barbara Marx Hubbard and "Universal Human" to one of her ideas, the "Local self".

What can you do when you reach a point like this? You can add more -- or -- there are some options that are beginning to appear -- such as "ask a question" ("create a survey") -- or "propose an action" --

Here's another view -- the way it actually looks right now -- with a "drill-down" to "Save the bees" -- a petition I actually signed today on Causes.

I think what should happen there -- is -- a set of options that includes linking to a Causes or petition -- or an option to "ask a question" (create a survey).


Once this thing gets going -- we won't have to look at this "taxonomy" stuff. This is just to help clarify how this is all working, and how so many pieces can be tied together into a single framework -- in what looks like a very smooth and natural way.

One thing we will want to do -- for anyone who really wants to "save the bees" -- is hook up a bunch of other facets of this "Pattern of the Whole" container -- including elements in the Environment & Energy areas.


With a quick entry like this:

You can create a survey that looks like this

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