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From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Network Nation - the pulse of genius
Date: May 3, 2014

Ayn Ayn Ayn Lady of the Direct Soul Connection Ideology

When I got home today, this message AI was in my box. I am struck with the synchronicity of feelings and thoughts.

I had just been brainstorming with members of the Tahirih Group re writing Laws (Decrees) and came up with much of the same sentiments in this post by Bruce. We will be thinking more on the subject and if it seems that our ideas may be helpful here, I'll post them. It is a massive subject requiring thinking past limitations of the fifth cycle now ended.

Meanwhile this post did not allow me to go to the "What Is It?" site to read more, or the click on the link, or vote in the poll. Maybe it is because it is a picture? I'll try and search it out myself later unless some good soul can supply the links. :)

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Fri, May 2, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

The biggest issue faced by social change activists -- is that so much is going on, it is impossibly overwhelming. How can we put the pieces together into a workable plan -- when there are so many pieces...

And nobody can handle them all -- or should try...

But still, we have to work together in a common dream for a common cause...

We need to step up the illuminated process of circle-based collective deliberation, though a medium that can handle huge complexity and simultaneity.


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