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934 available

From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Star Bridge Design - Foundation for an Alliance
Date: January 16, 2014

Fred: Having a background in the Anthropology of Religion . . . leads me to see the Tree as an integral symbol able to generate meaningful correlations leading to vast fields of common belief.

Bruce: That's the deal, you nailed it. "The Tree is an integral symbol able to generate meaningful correlations leading to vast fields of common belief."

This "tree" framework gives us a way to absolutely linearize the hugely woolly and confused domain of wide-band right-brain thinking -- often thought of as an impenetrable mystery.

But the tree structure interprets it all with grace -- and its tidy little boxes can be bounded by "resonance" and approximation rather than rigidity and either/or exclusion.

Regarding this thing called "The Shift" -- all we got to do is get close. Once this integral form is even close to lined up -- magnetic resonance will take over -- and who knows what kind of ESP or other amazing repressed attributes of human collective potential will manifest.

For right now -- we just gotta line up the big picture and get the energy calm.

That's going to take some weaving -- and that's going to take some weavers. Maybe we can find them, maybe we can come up with the right loom....


The universal system of Shamans derived from the root of preexisting neural imagery; commonly called the Collective Unconscious; evolved under localized conditions with subsequent divergence now known as nations and faiths. The emergence of the rational literate ego detached from the common core of understanding is the goal of modern education; and the chief obstacle to growing the Tree and reaping the fruits of Unity of Purpose. The militant hierarchy of modern national organization is the operating arena of the tactical rational mind; maximizing tribal advantage at the expense of all others. Super tribalism as empire would require a frontier to accommodate the entire planets populations; thus the inescapable need for Space Migration.

Enthusiasm towards Our Future in the Heavens is one of the common features of almost all mythical systems. Making this a plausible reality by establishing High Orbital Mini Earth Structures; H.O.M.E.S; built by the Magnetic Rail launch systems of Alvin Marks; would be a multi trillion dollar project taking decades of international cooperation to accomplish. I think some Trees grown on Earth could lead to this Bridge towards the Stars.

Shamans in Space!

Fred M.


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