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934 available

From: Nassim Kamdar
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Does it have to be round to be a circle?
Date: January 13, 2014

Whether anyone subscribes to the principles articulated by the group or not, for those who liberty and freedom is of paramount importance, there are certain commonalities that exist, and it crosses all the barriers that we usually use to keep us separated and divided.

The first important principle is that no one is free unless everyone is free. If there is one person that is subject to the dictates of another then the one doing the imposition is a despot, and by nature will not stop until everyone is under his despotic control.

Second, those we employ to serve us cannot have the power to dictate to us in any way or form. A society that is free will have a public administration that shares, amongst others, the following characteristics

1. No one has the power to make decisions that can be imposed upon others and which involves the personal life of any individual. Public administration must be an extension of each individual, and whose purpose is to protect the free will of each individual, not to have the views of others imposed upon us.

2. No elected employee has the power to impose any taxes. They work with the budget that are given. Their salaries are determined by an independent body of volunteer representatives of society (working at local level). That society determines how revenue will be generated, but no one can be mandated to part with his money without his consent and under the force of some “law”.

3. “Laws” are arbitrary, and no state employee must be authorized to make any. Our criminal justice system should work under the tried and trusted system of “Common Law” or , as members of a closed group who subscribe to a particular set of norms or values, when disputes arise between such people, they can make use of their laws (Jewish, Christian, Mormon, Buddist, etc)

4. No single group can have the power to create money out of fresh air and impose a cost upon others for using that money.

5. We must have true private ownership. No person should have to pay a tax to occupy their own home. It is the grossest from of injustice. Becoming unemployed, one may lose ones home, the one place that should be our sanctuary. There can be no property taxes on private property.

6. No state institution must exist that lays down minimum values and minimum criteria for people to comply with. This is the basis for extreme injustice and prevents poor people from becoming self employed. Consumers must use their own discretion on what they purchase and from whom they buy it. No one must have the power to limit anyones right to think and act for themselves. No one should arbitrarily have the power to impose penalties upon others for themselves failing to take necessary precautions which a normal person would ( a case in mind, an elderly female in the US successfully sued a company that manufactures microwave ovens after she killed her cat by “drying it out:” in her microwave oven. Her reason, there pamphlet did not specify that cats must not be placed in the microwave oven. If people do not know how to use things, they should not, blaming others for their imbecility has to stop. It creates a culture of idiocy and litigation that serves no good.

7. Usury or interest banking should both co-exist and the consumers can decide which to use. The state under that guidance of the people should create a state bank that offers usury-free banking. Our society will prosper and government will have no money-the way it should be

8. There should be no standing armies, only a small core of coordinators to ensure that there is unity and co-ordination between the militia groups across the country. People should be economically employed and rise to the defense of the nation when the need arises. Standing armies tend to be used for the wrong reasons with a financial a blood cost that is borne by the people. Our purpose is to be prepared to withstand any aggression against our country, not to assault others or be used by hidden masters to promote their own wealth creation or power agendas.

9. There is no place for stealing from Peter to give to Paul. Theft by definition simply begets further theft. Each person is responsible for himself, and society or its administration cannot place any obstacles in the path of anyone in their endeavour to move about freely, create wealth, house themselves or defend themselves. Giving in charity is a voluntary action and cannot be imposed upon anyone.

10. Arbitrary national and international borders serve to create open air prisons that restrict and control and monitor us and there is no place for them. Earth is our home and everyone is free to move where he wishes to when he wishes without the need for permission from anyone else. Natural pressures will serve to ensure a satisfactory and acceptable distribution of people.

The system of administration championed today violates all these points and must be replaced, and this means challenging the established bearers of power, those who seek to make their control over us complete and absolute, those who qualify for the title of despot.

We have within our societies the power to make this vision a reality, but first we need to rid ourselves of the indoctrination of our education system and controlled media which asks us to see ourselves as dependent and in need of inflexible oversight. With this comes the reality that no one owes us anything, and what we gain must be through our effort and enterprise.

The outcome I pen the “BIG World Order”, the alternative to the proposed New World Order, and so named because it is a plan that is big enough to encompass everyone as free and liberated individuals living within societies of their choosing in a manner of their choosing and restricted in their scope of activity only to the extent that what ever they do may not infringe upon the right of another.

A proposed way forward is offered in the book “Living in a World Without Taxes”, but it needs no mention that the views are suggestions, as by its very nature, there can be no prescription to one who is free.

To allow our own spirituality to grow, we have to eliminate those forces that seek its destruction. Passivity is not an option, and is not the natural consequence of spirituality. Awareness and activeness need each other just as breathing requires air.

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