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934 available

From: S´ace G root
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Convene the Collective Voice of Spirit
Date: January 8, 2014

Parallel to this call .. , Bruce .. listened at in me'us crypts that might we'us ..

I found this quote ..

P van Andel does not want to be acknowledged for his idea of using MRI to study coitus. He excuses himself by quoting the French romantic poet Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869): “C'est singulier! Moi, je pense jamais, mes idées pensent pour moi.


How elegant is the parallel mind sphere popping the magnetic ?

--- On Wed, Jan 8, 2014, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning.

Last October, when this Alliance project was just beginning to emerge from the mists of vision and zeitgeist, I wrote a up a sketch just by instinct on the direction I felt was coalescing. I gave the page the title "Convene the Collective Voice of Spirit" -- by which I meant something like -- find a way to give voice to the absolutely universal core energies that could be a backbone for a new civilization.

Looking at that page today -- I'd say that is still what we are -- I am -- doing.

Where we are heading -- is towards spiritual activism. We have taken a profound circular route towards this ambition -- by way of some detailed studies of Axis Mundi and the Perennial Philosophy of Spirit --because we want an absolute foundation for this activism -- a foundation that transcends partisan disagreement, thereby opening the full power of spirit in the public sector.

For me, as I see it now, having looked at these issues for 30 years and having every bit of this burned into my DNA, it looks to me like the so-called divine plan for spirit-led social-change activism involves

1) Establish the absolute common ground of the human spirit, across all boundaries and categories of difference

2) Form an all-aspected alliance that grows from the basis of this common ground -- taking on every issue of concern -- in an interlinked/interconnected "holistic and integral" framework -- probably as a vast internet-supported "network of circles" system -- something like Sociocracy or Holacracy, but led from the center by Deep Spirit

3) Create a way we can actually do this, and to the degree possible -- make it happen (invite it, invoke it, facilitate it)


We -- or somebody -- "people who care" -- will show up, and interconnect -- and "join forces" -- in a million ways -- not all pulling in the same way as regards specifics and particulars (humanity will always be diverse on particulars, and we need to be) -- but finding a unity of spirit at the core that empowers it all.

This is a kind of universal tree of humanity -- where our differences are negotiated in gracious spirit somehow, insofar as possible (and yes, this is not easy when pressures are high, and they are).

Take a look at that convening page if you have a moment. It's audacious visionary stuff. Can we really do all that?

For me -- this is what is pushing through us. This is "where evolution is taking us". This alliance -- and our emerging "my alliance" -- as I see it -- can support all of this, with high grace...

Think where you can fit in. What do you want to do? What is your gift? We need you...


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