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From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: I AM DIVINE ESSENCE (series) No. 5
Date: December 14, 2013

I was going to diagram this "duality/logos/opposites" idea this morning -- and never got to it. There has just been a lot of little tweaking to do -- and this creativity that seems to be flowing through us so well right now...

I did get Peter's picture on the "Pioneers" page, down at the bottom, next to Ellipsis -- -- and his book cover on his profile -- and an Amazon blurb into a graphic...

On the Logos/Opposites issue -- one place to start -- is the 157 quotes on The Opposites that JoAnn Kite put together in her Many Voices/One Truth project

I am working on my Microsoft "Word Art" skills -- to better be able to illustrate some of this. More or less, I think that "the opposites" tend to organize like a mandala -- layers of concentric rings -- that all meet in the middle, where all opposites are resolved. All "words" are essentially divisive to some degree -- they create borders/boundaries -- and as Ken Wilber said in No Boundary -- where you draw the line in a word definition is where the battle begins. So let's converge all things to common center, and create absolute balance.

This is my vision for "the homeostasis of gaia" -- the form of perfect balance for our eco-sphere...

It may be, Starr* -- that "duality is ending and becoming a singularity" -- but my guess is -- as long as we are living in these bodies, and walking around on streets -- we are going to be making dualistic decisions. "Is it safe to cross the street, yes or no?" So -- my guess is -- we won't abandon dualistic decisions -- but instead, will transcend them by becoming much more consciously aware that all duality is embedded in the One. That should make the entire issue much less confusing and troubling....

Think about that "Agreement" thingamajig -- that could be awesome. Agreement as the Trunk of the Tree of Sacred Community -- from whence everything branches in wholeness

--- On Sat, Dec 14, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Bruce

Your post was the first I read this morning and I felt very excited.

No, I always had the *Vector of Alignment* in the diagram - I featured it at one of the Tahirih Seminars a few years back - and realize it's usefulness in explanation here.

Before I say more - I don't understand the Duality and Opposites that you mention and hope you will explain it to me:

"So the entire field of Logos/Duality is defined as a kind of "mandala of opposites" around this core/central alignment vector".

I visualize what was known as the 'Duality' being IntrA-active and merging into one Singularity "Wholeness". This Vision is capable of housing 'diversity' of every range, which is harmonized by the Fields of Harmony that is generated by the Energy of Wholeness in which the diversity exists.

So, from my lens, 'duality' is ending but becoming a Singularity. Are we seeing the same thing but with different semantics?

Living Love, Starr*

--- On Sat, Dec 14, 2013, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Wow. This stuff is awesome. What a surprise to wake up to this explosion of visionary release...

It's so powerful.

So with me -- just looking at this, and catching my breath, and getting tuned in on maybe how the pieces come together -- I am just flowing into this one diagram -- with this axis drawn down the center -- Starr*, did you just add that piece??? -- what is happening for me is -- the vision/realization that this axis is actually the source of guidance for human evolution and "the stabilization of civilization"

It IS the decision-alignment guidance vector -- like a homing vector for a jetliner coming in to land -- ("two meters to the left, one meter up, steady as she goes, everything's cool...") -- a steady signal -- no doubt linked to OM/AUM -- guided and attuned by OM -- and the fundamental pulsation of resonance that interconnects everything and guides everything -- the ultimate link between "the relative" and "the absolute" -- defragmenting the entire field of human civilization --

So the entire field of Logos/Duality is defined as a kind of "mandala of opposites" around this core/central alignment vector -- every possible point of human difference or "disagreement" -- everything that must be decided, every tension that arises in existence -- is guided into wholeness and the relaxation of grace and realization through attunement with this central guidance vector.

I think with me -- the deep mystery is the linking of this huge horizontal plane of human dualistic experience directly into this core vertical alignment vector. This is the huge problem of human evolution and civilization -- that is coming into focus -- and maybe tending towards a "birth" process of some kind -- since you (Starr*) mention Dec. 25....

I think this "Love Primal Point" that you mention at the top of your cascade -- is the idea I was intending when I/we created "" back in 1995 -- the internet location for United Communities of Spirit -- where for so many years we have held the vision

We believe that the spiritual transformation of global culture can arise through a cooperative network system that brings together into one linked context the highest insights of all religions and coordinates the participation of millions of people.

In a process of sacred coalescence that unites the lightbearers of this planet in one communion, we are working together to build a global network of spiritual light.

Our network combines insights from every religion and spiritual tradition, as we seek to build illuminated community among the people of the world.

We share a vision of unity in diversity, that honors plurality, and recognizes the great richness of alternative spiritual perspectives and interpretations.

But we also recognize a universal transcendence that bonds the human community as one.

Thanks for all of this. And Annie -- good to see you here....

--- On Sat, Dec 14, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

This chart could be used in several areas being pointed out (Direct Connection, Sixth Sun Era, Increased Energy, DNA Expansion of Consciousness Codes from Sun Rays, etc), but I'll it post now so that we can refer to it as necessary in this series.




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