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From: Ram Varma
Type: Forum
Group: Global Resonance Network
Subject: Ayn Ayn Ayn OOOO Ayn Ayn Ayn
Date: November 23, 2013

Hi Bruce, Starr*, et all,

I said in my earlier email that I would soon respond to Bruce's queries as well as the Process that is followed to come to grips with the intellectual risings/ queries. May be, it should start with the primary ingredients of the Process that I follow and then deal with the queries using the Process. So here it is:


1. Let calmness prevail within you and the surroundings around you.

2. Dwell, "I AM the Stillness" of the Great Great Silence.

3. Whatever you wish to explore and experience its Truth, just follow steps:

- Contemplate on the statement of the inquiry. Example, "I AM That I AM".

- Allow yourself to walk into it in your own silence.

- Experience its flow as the Silence flows/silently speaks.

- Just be that flow. Flow with it and get yourself wrapped up by its qualities.

- Treasure this experience as it is. This is your experiential awareness as such. It is subject to be revised according to the changes in the Cosmic Orchestration in keeping with its ongoing Balance. Just be careful that you don't start to question this intuitive flow with the logical mind. Just accept it and flow with it.

All this Process does is to give you a synchronized balanced Vision of all that is presented to you to explore and experience it. Applying this overall Process to the queries raised by Bruce, here are some of the flows/answers that I am glad to share:

(i) I AM That I AM.

Walk into it. I look at myself as the Presence in me, which is all Pure Awareness/Love in me with a Direct Connection with the Source (i.e. Spirit to Supreme Spirit). Then I look at how I am doing in the areas that I am involved in life. If in real life, I AM harmonious and Free (from struggling to get to the answers. And free from stuff like resentments, complaints, egoistic attitude, possessiveness, too much physical/senses pleasures/hankering after them and greed etc.), then the Truth as you were first incarnated on earth in a state of Eternal Freedom-Bliss, holds good for you. Then you can say to yourself, "I AM That I AM" otherwise can ascertain one's state on a scale of 1 to 10. This is a Self-Observation statement to note one's current state and then move immediately; without being a smart Alex; to align yourself with the Divine Will which wants you to be fully abundant in all aspects of your life. Remember, I Am come on earth to do the Divine Will. And manifest abundant life to all I am put in touch with. Full manifestation of this state in the living of one's life leads one to confirm, "Yes, I AM.......".

2. I AM the Free Will of the Divine Will: This inquiry is connected with inquiry as in #1 above. Same answer.

3. Do the Chakras Alignment help towards the Oneness? Yes they do. However, to confirm its full Truth:

- Intentionally and attentively walk into the chakras. Invite/invoke the Cosmic Light; that is the Source's all consuming Love that transmutes each and every cell within one's total being..including your blood and consciousness. Thus renewing all the parts of the being; including all her/his affairs. The Cosmic Light will do its cleaning job according to the level of Purity of one's invocation.

- Then you see for yourself what the chakras alignment has done for you. May be relevant to your first two inquiries. If not full alignment, then move towards the full alignment. A great source of developing a working awareness of life and in the process of living and enjoying in a wholesome way is by Self-Observation. In this context, there are at least three most important aspects and these are 1) The Direct Connection, 2) The PAT Strategy That Works (i.e. that of Peace, Awareness and Truth) , The OLDEL contemplation ( see explanation below). Also I personally note that the following equation helps directly in the whole realization and or in the model crystallization:

Id = S = SS = Truth-Awareness-Bliss = OLDEL = Infinity


Id is the true identification beyond what we all seem to be.

S is the indwelling spirit/Atman that functionally is SODEC (i.e.Sustains, Observes, Directs, Enthralls, and connects with the Supreme Spirit/Source for every person.

SSS signifies that the indwelling spirit is the same as the Supreme Spirit that is SODEC for the entire cosmos.

Truth is the reality as it is and not as it should be.

Awareness is the true understanding of the Truth and conducting oneself accordingly.

Bliss is the total joy emerging from doing things from a mode of awareness.

OLDEL stands for O-observation (to know truth), L- listening to the Atman/Spirit (to become aware), D-doing according to the prompts of Atman/Spirit, E- Envisioning positive result and L- letting go after doing level best.

Infinity- Infinite resources, information, energy, love, peace, joy and freedom etc.

One can easily note that what emerges from the equation is a beautiful working attitude known as TOPAHE Attitude. Attitude is one's modus operandi (how one operates).

T = Trusting in the S and SSS

O = Open ( not closed due to past conditioning)

P = Positive in response

A = Accepting situations without grumbling or complaining to respond positively

H = Heartfelt actions (from within) to meet internal approval

E = Enjoying mode. I am here to enjoy what I do.


1. Without tapping into the inner awareness of the Self/Spirit, one struggles too hard and achievs little. Why not conduct in an unlimited least effort way...the way of the Spirit.

2. Its presence is a blissful magic; and its absence is a deprivation of life's profoundness. What is it? It is unconditional love that gives us an ecstatic experience of united celebration.

3. Without knowing the Truth as it is, one is lost in the darkness. Self-Observation gives the truth, Its acceptance gives strength. And strength makes one perform one's roles in the right way. And when one enjoys one's inspired actions, one is free.

4. The PAT strategy (i.e. that of Peacefulness, Awareness and Truthfulness) works all the time in all the situations. It is the most practical approach to living life fully.

5. We make our world as we aspire and dwell on. Spiritual Love is the greatest force in the world. When we realize the Truth, we realize God/Source. Truth is reality as it is; not as it should be.

6. Although we are an integral part of the Infinity, yet only a handful enjoy this connection in day to day life. Why?

7. If one does not focus oneself to awaken one's inherent unlimited power, no one else will. The onus is on us.

It is already 1am; Sunday morning. Feeling sleepy now.

Hope all this is of some help.

With Love and Gratitude..........Ram

--- On Sat, Nov 23, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Ayn (Eye of Source).

Mentioning The Eye of Source three times talks of The Unity of Source and brings us into the "Resonance Zone"

O = Omnipresent

O = Omniscient

O = Omnipotent

O = Oneness

Ayn Ayn Ayn

Every time we use this we align with Source and the Divine Will. Also, it further Awakens our Illumination and Enlightenment in that its numerology speaks of a new level (10).


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