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From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Sacred Tree of Community
Subject: I AM the Vine
Date: November 21, 2013

Questions - Issues

Let us suppose that a primary reason for creating this map or diagram involves the attempt of a group -- small or large -- to "discern God's will together". How -- if at all -- could an entire society find a way to make collective decisions according to the "Will of God" or "The Divine Plan for Civilization"?

My instinct is to propose an "integral hypothesis" -- a single idea or model or framework -- that can contain the entire breadth of this question -- and somehow, in simplest form -- emerge as a general guiding template that might (?) be workable or acceptable in from the point of view of diverse groups or cultures.

This is a huge and iffy proposition, dependent at the least on real excellence in the model, and perhaps on acceptance of approximating methods like "resonance" that might bring people into a common mind or will without explicit conceptual agreement -- where they might take an approach that says -- we will act towards one another in a beautifully virtuous ("Godly") way -- and in that spirit, resolve the issues that are dividing us.

Yet it seems true that the critical issues that are dividing the world today -- "Is there such a thing as climate, change, and if so, what should we do about it?" -- are, at the present moment, apparently impossible to resolve. Is it reasonable and fair and appropriate that .001% of the people in the world control 40% of the resources, causing a billion people to live at the level of near-starvation? To many people -- including Andrew Harvey -- this kind of gridlock in our collective self-governance is critically dangerous. We need a breakthrough on this point.

1. Does the absolute Godhead contain specific/detailed information about particular issues and concerns, or is it a “perfect form” of absolute unity that can function as a general principle of guidance and balance and wholeness in a context where the actual particular information is introduced into the process by concerned individual human beings?

2. Is the Individual I AM Presence “the same thing as” or “identical to” the Universal I AM Presence? This form is essentially “hierarchical”. It shows the connection of “the many” to “the one” – in a way analogous to the political organization of the USA, as guided by the national motto “E Pluribus Unum” – “Out of Many, One.”

3. Is it possible that "The Logos" -- the "general conceptual form of Wholeness" -- is the guiding template for collective self-governance ("democracy")? Could a spiritual group -- of 12 or 12,000 or 12 million people -- tune into a simple universal form of wholeness ("Logos"), as a kind of general guiding form, that innately carries within it a kind of inherent ethics ("all spiritual law flows from the integrity of the whole") -- such that all collective decisions could be collectively mediated or guided/influenced through a framework like this?

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