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From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Alliance Growth - Thank you - Focus
Date: November 15, 2013

Good Morning Bruce

Thanks for addressing issues and encouraging folks in the big picture.

Bruce: On this one theme, Starr* -- we'll talk about this more later, and I appreciate your concerns and share them -- but we (I) do want to link to mainline religions and other schools of spirit and prophecy. Saying that everybody has to do it "our way or else" is not the strongest way to proceed -

Starr*: "You are doing 'it' your way" Bruce, which is your prerogative in that you are the creator of this place and the CEO. I appreciate you want to pull seven billion people together under this Alliance Tree.

My brainstorming WITH you, was offered as suggestions in case you wanted to consider broadening your reach of 'alliance' so as to appeal to pioneers in what I see as liberating ideas for Humanity in this new Paradigm, rather than primarily focusing on trying to 'fix' dated patriarchal religion and their branches as a Universal Spiritual outcome.

There doesn't seem to be much wiggle room in that, but maybe the "My Alliance" you want to create will permit some other branches to emerge.

A metaphor:

Baha'u'llah wrote: "Regard men as a flock of sheep that need a shepherd for their protection. This, verily, is the truth, the certain truth. We approve of liberty in certain circumstances, and refuse to sanction it in others. We, verily, are the All-Knowing." Kitab-i-Aqdas, p 63

Many sheep have broken free, and the alliance sees itself as a Universal Shepherd to call the sheep back to the fold/flock with dreams and hopes for a kinder more liberal Shepherding.

Bruce: Right now, I want to encourage this idea that we are working together to build an alliance -- a big strong collective super-dynamo that can bring together the collaborative efforts of many co-workers/team-mates who can see the vision that is starting to appear here, and want to jump in hard -- the way you guys have been doing -- to start weaving a ton of new connections. My guess right now is -- this is feasible.

Starr*: In these transitory times it is a very interesting project to attempt to be a Hand, or a Bridge that Unifies. Obviously, I have found all the ideas of Integral Theory, Inter-spirituality, Universal Spirituality, Sacred Activism, etc very appealing to investigate - and I am grateful that you are pulling many of these concepts together for us to enjoy, and perhaps be contributing participants in various phases that allow for the Soul to fly Free.

May the Source be with all of You,


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