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934 available

From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Page
Page: Oneness
Date: October 17, 2013

Hello Dear Brothers, Ram, and Peter

I am really happy to hear from you Peter. You really lay it out there with magnificent phrases that prompts awareness and growth.

We'll have to devise a method of taking quotes out our posts that we like and compiling them in one place. A though came to me, how we might engineer this.

Use one post number as the one to add quotes to. Hit 'include post, so the list runs, add the new one, an Bobs our Uncle.

Living Love Light, Starr*

--- On Thu, Oct 17, 2013, peter daley wrote ---

Dear Starr and Ram,

In answer to your request for comments on the Oneness and Love.

We know that everything is Oneness and connected by the logic of the Monadic principle, and the separateness is illusory, and only to be realised in “The Day Be With Us”, between the cycles of Being. Meanwhile, trapped in a prison of our invention for the sake of experience,we accept the challenge to escape into reality. When you invoke, your identity with IT, you are in the position of demanding the exercise of visualiation for better things. In the Now moment you are both the Creator and the created. Your Oneness includes the Devic energy which pervades all manifestation as the agencies for change. As you decree the upliftment of humanity, that is for those who wish it , you are doing just that by aligning with the Will and Intent and denying your Freewill. Coming down, the task of radiating LOVE presents to make your visualisations real.

I am not sure how much of that is intuition or imagination, perhaps a bit of both, it may help.There are contradictions there, but the Whole is based on paradoxes anyway.


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