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From: Starr* Saffa
Type: Page
Page: What is Integral?
Date: October 9, 2013

Hi Bruce -Thanks for your brainstorming, responding in-kind,

Bruce: "Our big challenge as we move forward -- is to learn to love our differences -- and use them in creative ways..."

Starr*: 1. There are 7 billion people, all of which are different, one from the other in their experiences and brain wiring, Each one is housing many differences within, which can find them strangers to themselves in various instances. So we need to respect this phenomena in a non judgmental way and find the Source within each person which will then yield unific points.

However, if this can not be seen in a person or group, it is helpful to understand, the Source is there in the person or group, if only in potential. Oneness and Wholeness, really only exists in the Source within, the Essence of the Godhead, all the rest is ego involved constructs, clashing, and or interacting.

Bruce: " -- so that people who might disagree on some specific point of policy or politics -- can still maintain their unity of spirit -- while then entering into a balanced and graceful creative process that seeks solutions for them both -- instead of the winner-take-all model we tend to see today."

Starr*: Once people get in touch with the Spirit within, then unifying points can be found because the Source-Spirit is Truth. Once finding that unific point, then as you say, there are limitless creative processes and solutions that can work for the good of all concerned.

Finding ways to identify the Source within, the I AM, to establish unific points is probably a first step, otherwise all the other fluff around that which gets agreed to is based on illusion, imagination that may not be aligned with Source Truth, and thus, id more subject to entropy.

Having said all that, almost everyone is shining forth an I Am Virtue of Source, even though they may not realize it is their Higher True Self. I say that because 'religion and hard beliefs' in today's world do not lead to natural harmony. As more people align with the Will of Source by recognizing that within themselves the easier it will be to work far more cooperatively than what the past paradigm allowed.

Maybe what I'm trying to say here, is putting some basic virtues in place may be a good basis for moving forward in a workable format for one and all. Align with Source Will and recognize that Source within is really the basic step of agreement.

My question is: How do we get this basic Truth in place without being tainted or accused of preaching and/or bringing religious dogmatic belief into the way forward? Can Integral Theory deliver this Source Will Alignment necessary for Wholeness Relationships?

Bowing to the GodSource within all - Starr*

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