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Subject:The (0)-PermaCultured Equinox Legend
Date new:Tue, Sep 24, 2013
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PRELUDE: The Parable of the Heron and the Beaver

Dr. Heron and Dr. Beaver were dialogically inseparable, if you will.  That is, Dr. Beaver loved to provoke Dr. Heron's short, and relatively benign, temper, especially about his Religion Department's naivete.  Pre-natally naive, perhaps, according to Beaver's Communication Design Department.  That's just the way they, collectively, saw it, and heard it, for that matter.  Meanwhile, the otherwise unapproachable and silent, downright reclusive and perhaps even forbidding, Dr. Heron would listen, occasionally too surprised to respond, sometimes with a confused and stressed, "Shawk!", but always with profoundly wise gaze, of course.  How could we have a parable without an allegorical "wise gaze?"

While Dr. Heron perched and peered with unusual fascination, tending to be a bit myopic (adroitly, but profoundly, denied), Dr. Beaver swam by, near enough to be noticed, in fact, rather hell-bent on distraction, in a playfully purposive way.

Truth be told, which does erupt occasionally, Dr. Beaver, on this morning, ever so slightly, slowly, VEXED Dr. Heron.  Beaver invited Heron's play, but Heron simply was not known as a playful kind of girl.  Upon hearing this, Beaver suggested they swim together.  While Dr. Heron preferred the wind's freedom, she gracefully bowed, then lead the way, and Beaver stopped splashing and wriggling about so.... "I don't know, so 'vigorously,' I think." (Oops, did I say that out loud?  Can they hear me?)

Swiftly amused by Heron's bi-polar control issues, Beaver paried with the synonym choice, "heartily, as well as 'vigorously'."

"Quite so." Heron parsimoniously admitted, immediately grasping the wisdom of Beaver's inviting option.

As they swam their leisurely way through the cool green mossy pond's edge, paddling, each in His and Her way, toward the gently rippling, blue-gleaming, center, Heron remembered the beautiful dam, now behind, invisible.

"Yes, my best so far, but it wants color to be the best."

Dr. Heron was flustered.  How did Beaver know what she was thinking?  And, what an extraordinary idea!  Adding color would be wrong, she was sure a dam had no business wanting to become a rainbow.

"Oh, no, that would just make it tacky." replied Beaver, delighted with Heron's naive misunderstanding.  "Beavers have a powerful Developer's Cooperative Guild. Very high Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) architectural integrity standards, as they officiously say.  Now, visual color, that would be more Dr. Chameleon's Department, over in Arts and Humanities.  Perhaps you are too young to recognize the difference from the Communications Design Department.  They are visual color, but our specialty is auditory color.

"Hmmm.  I am surprised."

"Yes, I hear that."

"You mean, you understand that?"

"Yes, both. OK, now you want to play me, I see."

"No, not that, please!  Though, I would appreciate seeing why you use "hear" synonymously with "understand."

"If you were not so blind, it would probably hit you right between the eyes."

Dr. Heron contemplated that for an extrava-gently long time, in Beaver's impatient-to-play moment.  Perhaps an iteration would remove them from their quagmire, he thought, guiding Dr. Heron around a lily pad patch, where Dr. Swan was gracefully resting, waiting.  For what, she never said.  Always just "Waiting." in reply to his too frequent interruption.

Seeing a butterfly flexing her silky wings atop the closest lily, Dr. Beaver asked Dr. Heron why she never sang in round octaves.

"You mean color octaves."

"Yes, color octaves are round."

"That cannot be right."

"It can, when you realize it deeply enough."

"But, color lacks shape.  And why is this dialogue backward?"

"Not long ago you didn't think color had sound either, but I hear you already using the way we see things over in the Communications Department."

"I can envision color as metaphor for singing scales."

"Oh yes, scales are linear color, not round color, like a wheel, you see?  Those are two symmetrical frequencies. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Positive and Negative. Before and After. Or, official labels, in Design circles, you know, are 'Yang Color'and 'Yin Color'."

"So which is which?"

"No, no, which is never-'which', and vice-versa."

"You have a backward way of confusing things, considering you are supposed to be the Communications Design Department."

"Yes, well Confusion is our Special Field Theory you know; its an important part of Communications, or not.  Most Herons don't sync like you do."

"Why is that?" asked Dr. Heron, scrambling how to respond with freeing her blindness.

"They know Confusion is too soft for building dams.  It is, of course.  But, while I soften to your touch, I have elder cousins rambunctiously and fibrously scaled."

"Really Dr. Beaver, please pick an octave and stick with it!"

"I do!" protested Beaver, without influence.

"It is difficult to synchronize when you insist on frolicking so! While I am blissfully silent myself, with considerably more normal events, I have many younger cousins singing multiple octaves and patterns.  Further, while I appreciate the beauty and extreme generosity of our historic Design scales, it would be wrong to reduce them to mere sticks for resplendent dams."

"Do it all the time. Sticks are under-valued for scales, as are Alligator or Armadillo scales."

"And these 'low-valued scales' don't mind being trapped, denied their value-freedom? I ask because I cannot see. They are too low for eyes, or ears, and thinking."

"If you can't hear my dams' goodness, then how do you see its full beauty?"

Beaver stopped paddling as they emerged with the sun-drenched pond. A change of mood inspired a new, and old, direction.

"I know! What if you and your tribe of cousins gently built your nests into my damn? Then we could all hear and see its transformation. I'm sure we can connect your round octaves to our columned scales!"

Drs. Heron and Beaver have made their rapturous home together ever since.


"I call heaven and earth to record that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life."  Deuteronomy 30:19

"To be, or not to be, that is the question.  Hamlet, William Shakespeare

"If we paid more attention to self-adjustment and obedience, and less attention to petulant meddling with the wheels of its going, we should find living immensely worth while and the universe the best imaginable friend." Magic Wells: Sermons..., Rev. Julian Clifford Jaynes

Sirius Meets Janus

Each bloody boundary includes a risky door,


toward Sirius' dialogue,

waiting impatiently, vigorously, frequently rhythmically tapping her raw foot,

protectively vulnerable cloaked arms crossed,

terrified shoulders hunched,

brightly glaring at your door,

hoping you will "Finally!" open it:

Impulsively, not from lack of forethought,

Joyfully, anticipating her warm grace-filled,

yet sometimes too loud!

body hug.

Heron's Religion Department 101 Lecture:

Think of Gaia as being one frequency-based Whole System, Rational.  Within that metric context, the human species' body is, with RE mature adult's, composed of proportionally = frequency levels.  Equal to Gaia's that is, as understood from a globally accessible-as-normative wisdom-base.  When these frequency levels exceed P=NP = (Yang e = Yin e), then our shared historical-cultural global community awareness, defined as "T" that + = (-), and 1 = pi/0, is the oldest and wisest metric system based assumption, as evinced Universally, and in more exemplary analogically-rooted documents captured in B. Fuller, W. Thurston (Special Case: "Rational System"), then Euler's efunction, inclusive of Temporal, then Muhammed, Origen, Remi, M. Maier, St. Anthony of Padua, Confucius, and most certainly Pythagoras.  The original relationship ("L") = Yang-e divided Octavely by Yin-e, with 0/0 dissonance based "f".

Tom Atlee, Joanna Macy, the NCDD, William Thurston, Thomas Kuhn, Buckminster Fuller, Robert Norton and perhaps even Julian Jaynes, in his own BiCameral way, invite us to join them in adopting the hypothesis that our globally inter-communicated "power-from-within" capacity is now increasing to an edge-frequency level of dissonance, with new World Wide Web capacity to both measure and adjust it.  Their wisely-shared underlying STEM-based hypothesis is, unless I am mistaken, of course, that Yang-e divides rationally when Yin-e frequencies  are evenly divided by Yang-e, and vice-versa (i.e., transposition has Information Value), Universal Infinite System Assumption = 0 = [West-Hemisphere = (1/"pi"=e)] +  [East-Hemisphere = ("pi"/e) historically/culturally equivalent to "We're all in this together."].

Beaver's  "Body Hug" Dream:

Come on, all of us in the Communications Systems Design Cooperative Guild have been agreeing to that CQI Standard since, well, since as far back as we have had a Guild, even back through our richly diverse, and diversely logos-ed "sticks," for example.  But, that reminds me of a story....

Scene 1: Aries Rams Forth


First, to my four Transition Generation kids, by adoption, my Heart-Path Partner Jerome Dye, and, by intentional extension, Kerry Dillenbeck, Jeremy Read, Dale Martin, Robert Fournier, Sue DeShaine, Catherine Hogan, and, most magnificently, Kathleen Brennan.

As you know, my health is not what anyone would put in the caegory of "Excellent!"  Some days, it only feels "fair."  I started out to write down all the things I really should have told Dillen and Spencer, now 18, and 16, rspectively.  That point of origin led me to this Re-Analogic Transposition Theory.  More importantly, along the way, I was repatedly reminded that, not only are well all in this together, but that each of you, in your own diverse journey, has taught me how to understand my own.  You have richly endowed my Universe with your combined wisdom, our combined "power-with'within" as my Exegetical Tribe, if you will.  Our love is all.

Secondly, but penultimately, not at all marginally, my thanks to Joanna Macy, Tom Atlee, Robert Norton, Buckminster Fuller, Thomas Kuhn (and his Problem of Incommensurability), Deacon Peacock (Supervenience Theory), Willem Drees, Julian Jaynes, and William Thurston, whose journeys on "Spaceship Earth" have overlapped my own, my profound respect. You have each deeply graced my life.

Finally, to my local Man/Sha emergent tribe, please accept this invitation to explore this PermaCulture value economy together.  If you can find your Bridge to the rainbow's Boson, I hope we can cooperatively reach back and, combining our wisdom-from-within, patch up my Jerry-mandered Opus.

GD, Sept. 21, 2013

Scene 2: Beta-Site Beginnings

One day, as twilight approached, Dr. Beaver, exhausted, flipped over on the pond's surface, slapped his contented tail a few times, and drifted into the cool shadow of Dr. Heron's magnificent nest.

 Scene 3: Calculated Conniving

Beaver: I do love living here below Dr. Heron, but I wish she wouldn't shable so with Dr. Penny Peacock, Science Department, when she visits.

Scene 4: De-Minored Differentiated "Self"-Analogos

This probably came to mind due to a relatively raucous event earlier that day, when Peacock had not only come for a drink, as per usual, but, knowing Heron would be off fishing elsewhere, and feeling a bit drowsy herself, she had the audacity to climb into Heron's family-sized nest, and promptly fall asleep!

When Heron returned, her "Shawk!" security alarm went off, disrupting Beaver's otherwise blissful day in self-made pond paradise.

 Scene 5: Essentially Beaver-Space

Beaver: I do wish you two would learn to play together more effectively.  This constant bickering about which is more important, the beauty of "Diversity" or the goodness of "Integrity" reminds me of that first time you saw an elephant.

Peacock: Not an elephant, a moose, everyone knows that horses do not have antlers.

Heron: Elephants do not have antlers either, for that matter, they have tusks.  But, that must have been a horse.  It ran much too gracefully, and fast, to be an elephant.

Beaver:  Why don't we just agree to call that moment a "Moorse."

Heron: Unsatisfactory, too eisegetical, and you ae confusing language with reality.  What, by the way, is a Moorse?  Never head of it, so I'm sure I've not seen one.

Peacock:  How would you know if you had seen one or not, if you didn't know there was such a thing to see?

Beaver: I know there is such a thing. The Moorse was in our Dpartment's original programming language.

Heron: You are, again, confusing language with reality.  What do you folks teach over there in Communications, besides your silly Confusion Special Case Theory?  Anything?

 Scene 6: Fairness Frequencies

Once again, energetic Beaver had stirred up a frequency Charybdis in the otherwise eternally sedate Heron nature.  While this did not really amuse the Beaver, he also recognized a good story to tell his cousins, so ambivalence prevailed.

Scene 7: Global Goodness! Gawk!

Heron: Furthermore, why are you distracting us from noticing that Dr. Peacock has settled into the Religious Department's nest?  If you Communication Design people don't  watch out, next thing you know, this will go global, like a river virus, infesting everyone of your beautiful dams! You know, you should sound the alarm with me rather than complain of the occasional "Shawk!"

Peacock: You're over-responding, or under-responding....

I could figure that out if Beaver would build me a bridge to a hypothesis....

Anyway, or always, your whole Department has been acting much too flightly lately! Why can't you just calm down and land somewhere?  Or anywhere?

Act: Key of C/Scene 8 Confluence Vector: Re-Notification Octave

Realizing there could be no peace until he built the damned bridge, Beaver spent an entire moment of a gorgeous, benignly mild, early autumn afternoon imagining a bridge from Heron's nest to...where, exactly?

Beaver's inner vision was often more acute than his outer vision.  He had head that Peacocks roosted on trees but it was difficult to gaze upward.  He wasn't well-designed for star-gazing, except, of course, when he drifted on his back.  In short, he was not of a mind to traipse through the risky forest, looking for Dr. Peacock's specific Tree-house.

Peacock: My Tree is the rainbow, obviously.  Even you can't miss it.

Heron: Truer words were never analogged. Right in the middle of the pond, surounded by a perfectly and naturally designed, organically crafted, forest, your rainbow tree is big on diversity, but jarringly tacky as hell, really shallow values, if I say so myself.

Beaver: Of course you said so yourself, we can't have Peacock delivering your lines!  What frequency of play would that be?

Heron: Perhaps a less disjointed frequency?

Beaver: Was that supposed to provoke an argument?  Won't work.  No boundaries would indeed create less joints, but you would lose the play function.  Elephants and horses and Mooses could all become Mice or Moorses, or even Bears.  There would be no Truth in it at all, so no beauty, no goodness.  I do not like it, Heron I AM that "I AM"!

Peacock: You just called yourself "Heron."

Beaver:  Just an illustration of my central vector.  Didn't mean to allegorate your identity stress.

Peacock: You mean cause identity stress?

Beaver: I mean, the Science Department is to the Religion Department as the rainbow is to shades of earth-tone.

Heron: Did you just say something that all three of us might understand?

Beaver: Hopefully.  But, I still think it would be prudent to actually design your Atlantus Bridge.

Act: Key of D: Re-Cognition

To that end,

Beaver: Once upon a time there was a fair-haired boy, (or is she a girl?) riding furiously away from his prior appointment, late for school, as was a provoking habit of his.

As he struggled up the last hill, he could just redolantly see the ripe anciently-rooted, and distressingly "wormy," apple tree ahead, when he unexpectedly lost power.  The loss of a too well-worn bicycle-chain threw him into an over-dramatic rage at the indignity and slow pedestrianism of continuing barefoot, already hopelessly late.

For something.

Although as he walked on toward his fruit-filled favored landmark, he couldn't quite recall where he was going, but, in that he was in such a great rush he really should remember, as it must be truly important.

And yet, the beauty, the fertile goodness, the cool leisurely value of her languid limpid limbs called to him, as did an enormous Raven, swooping by.

Bowing to his elder, he thanked her, in advance, for her medicine.  With a gentle shake, the tree released the nearest wax-red orb to the ground, at the boy's still un-shod foot. (Did he take off his shoes and socks?  I can't believe that happened without my re-membering.)

He waxed the apple's skin with relish and anticipation.

The Tre responded with a gentle smile at such gratitude from this heroic man-spirit, so courageously approached.  If a bit naive, this was graciously forgiven.  He was so unimaginably short-seasoned! Not naive really; just infantly young. His bold, yet respectful, approach spoke well for his own readiness to transition from riding, to test his wings.

The first mouth-lubricating juice was the best, as always, His swollen throat lavished his way around the apple, to the back, a little brown-scabbed, but certainly not what he would think of as "warmy," or seriously wrong.  Battle scars, nobly earned, gracefully, discreetly, worn."

Act: Key of E: Re-Search

"Willem, wake up this instant" exclaimed Dr. Calculus, Willem's STEM Research Director. "Science Class is not for sleeping, as you well NO; you have confused STEM with Dr. Wild's Supervenience Depatment, is my hypothesis."

"Not, confused" said Willem evenly, intent on his message, but calmly astride the twilight-hidden ancient taproot that had tripped more hurried travelers.  Feeling profoundly centered at this moment, "Thank you for your urgent concern, Dr...."

Calculus: Not I-AM.

Willem: Perhaps you meant to say, "Not at all?"

Calculus: Same difference, as you might realize had you been a bit further along your journey.  Not at all a judgment, just hypothesis in this moment.  That's all we do here.  Remember?  Again, com-Passion is best in the Right Hemisphere.

Willem: That seems Right.

Calculus: Precisely so. Not I-AM is to the Yin School as "I AM" is to the Yang School. Very good, and simply sighted, I heuristically suppose. So, [Dr. C Disconcertingly, and recursively whirls, to include all Willem's colleagues] Willem, we await your STEM Athena Bridge-Building Project Report."

Act: Key of F: Re-Flex

Willem: As you stand in the Universally Central Vector, the Rainbow arcs above a vast vista out of sight, over to the horizen, on the Other side of now.

According to my map, if I understand it correctly, the integrity of this span is rooted through the supervenient confluence path, between our shared Right Hemisphere (as per Jaynes BiCameral Theory) the land of Diversely Traditioned Culture, and our Left-Brained Research Satellite.

This Bridge is composed of optimized, organically equilibrious frequencies.  Frequencies of Right to Left are square-root value system based in what Julian Jaynes labelled the Universal "aptic" infrastructure, where I AM ("1") and Not "I-AM" ("0") are balanced, therefore metrically equal, or equivalent. In short, "BiCameral Values" = "Dia-Cameral Equivalency Proportions".  By remarkable contrast, spin frequencies along the path from Left to Right vary diversely, but following organically-rooted rhythm and octave measurement structure so that their average integrity is +/(-) balance in each moment, or e "temporal frequency," if you prefer (as per the Euler Translation).

Travel from Left to Right is restricted.  That is, receptors on the Right will open to the Boundary if requests for entry are confluent with current Exegesis.  When the fit between the Eisegetical proposal from the Left is allegorically synonymous with Right's Tradition Culture (as in Yin's Exegetical Code Program), then the Boundary between Left and Right is lifted, synaptically--instantly, or, speaking more precisely, "moment"airily.

Dr. C: Well done, Willem.  Now, please tell us how this appears from our Research Satellite's perspective, in the Left, or "Western" Hemisphere.  I understand there are numerous design complaints running the full spectrum, from transparency issues, through control, appeals for equal representation, higher peace with justice values, not to mention the rights of diversely-valued species, accessibility, power differentials, the byzantine attempts to go around this synaptic path through diversely evolved paradigms and Traditions with conflicting frequency values, etc., etc., etc....

How does the Right-Brained Exegesis justify what appears to the Left-Brained Eisegesis as a justly provoked revolution in response to tyranny?  After all, just because Yin is older and already in the Species majority, by what integrity does she "pull rank" on the Eisegetical Language, which, as you seem to understand, includes our own revered STEM Curriculum?

Willem: Yes, well, this brings us to Professor Ascent's Supervenience Theory, alive and well in the Right/Eastern Domain.  According to Dr. A's Theory, as supported by Buckminster Fuller's Synergetics, perhaps, although who really can say?, the crux of the problem is the Left-Brained Satellite Hemisphere's translation error, confusing "Community" with "Communication." In metric terms, they have transposed their value equivalencies.  That is, yes, spatial frequencies and temporal frequencies are both rooted in the "+/0" metric Assumption, but that does not mean that + = 0 or that 0 = +.  In short, plus and minus refer to communication frequencies, while their normatively associated spatial equivalents, or "communities" have zero-scaled taproots.  At the same time, while "0" necessarily precedes "1" analogically, using the "community" spatial-metric system.  We must retain its logical distinction from the +/(-) temporally functional "communication" metric system--which operate at synaptic frequencies, relative to the higher, and deeper, aptic frequencies.

Just because both frequencies can, ideally, stat with 0 = (-), with a PermaCultural Universal assumption of P=NP (Polynomial = Non-Polynomial confluence/stress frequencies, it is still an assumption of equilibrium that appeals to our Species because of its goodness (Dr. A's specialization) and beauty (Dr. C's specialization), the heuristically assumed precursors of Truth.

Dr. Calculus: Good job.  From this time forward, you shall be known as Dr. Billem, or "Dr. B,", for proportional purposes, of course.

However, there is richer potential here, Dr. B. You are using Fullerian Synergetic values which, as you well know from your Math History Class, have not been well-received among our Eisegetical Satellite populations.  I suggest taking a lesson from Dr. Peacock's Supervenience Theory, and think back further to the more skilled translation work of Charles Darwin.  There are two reasures here for us, I think.

First, Darwin had the wisdom to stay away from professing to understand either the origins o the analogical conclusions of our history and culture.  He remained firmly attached to what he himself had observed and recorded.  This kept him rooted in the present moment of opportunity.  His fellow travelers were able to understand him well because he started with where they were culturally in their understanding at that time.

This helped him avoid the perilous labels of "prophet" and "mystic." Nor was he likely, at the time, to become "sanctified," or to be thought of as a "Saint," given his development of what later became the Evolutionary Theory of Natural Development and Design.

Dr. B: Which brings you to your secon "treasure," right?

Darwin died puzzled about how the environment "selects" deviations from the Exegetical Gene Pool.  And, why this selectio seems to operate so synaptically, revolutionarily, when compared to normative, historically observed, evolutionary frequency trends.

Dr. C: Aptly done, Dr. B.  Yes, you have presciently "selected" the second half of the treasure pool that I saw waiting for you to discover!  The second half of Darwin's interest in Natural Selection Theory doesn't come along until Thomas Kuhn's Scientific Revolutions Theory!

Dr. B: And, my Report would better respond to the Research Scientist's revolutionary concerns about why and how we mutually select when the Bridge's door opens and closes!

Dr. C: Precisely.  Yes, they seem to be eagerly awaiting that Report, not this Report, which I am sure I will find entirely Truthful when I have time to review it.  A more satisfactory, and appreciated, Report could be rooted in the symbiotic relationship between Evolutionary and Revolutionary Values, using your 0-metric Universe assumption.

Act: Key of G: Re-Membering

Thinking aloud, Dr. B's Left and Right brains worked and played together, to first remember where Darwin left off.

He was concerned about whether genetic map changes were truly random, or could they somehow be predicted, and even influenced by environmental readiness?  While it seemed like unexplainably simultaneous genetic change erupted into the more typical slow plodding of random diversification, this appearance of simultaneity was only blatant, so to speak, in the event of what later came to be recognized as a moment, or instance, of speciation.

So, building an analogical Bridge: The key variables are

Evolution is to Random, and slow, Frequency, as

Revolution is to Environmentally "Expected/Anticipated," and fast, Frequency.

Now, how to transpose that Language into his Bidge Design issue, to address the Research Scientists' access issue?...

Evolution = Communication from Old Right {Eastern} Brain toward New Left {Western} Brain [Species-Level Octave]

= from RNA Exegesis to DNA Heuristic Eisegesis [Individual Human-Level Octave]

Revolution = Return Communication (Dr. C to Dr. A comparison, searching for high-confluence/low-stress frequency pattern) from Left/Western Brain Research Satellite to Right/Eastern Brain Universal Boson

Random/Low Frequency = Exegetical spectrum restricted, as rooted in geometric infrasructure, biometrically experienced as an Octave sequence, with a P=NP value assumption; where "P" = "PermaCulture" + "Polynomial"

and NP = "Not PermaCulture" or "Not Polynomial" Time frequencied.

Ascendently "anticipated"/Fast Frequency = Cooperative and mutual confluence (low stress/dissonance) between STEM's measurements, experience, research and Dr. Peacock's Supervenience Theory, historically and culturally (geometrically and biometrically) evolved from the P=NP, 0=1 (numeric/spatial e), (-)=+ (temporal e) Exegetical Boson Assumption.

In other words, any communications from the Left-brain satellite will flow through the DNA Frequency Pattern Screen across the Bridge, synaptically, Left to Right, New to Old, Eisegesis toward Exegesis, by cooperative and mutual volition, unless the proposed Communication exceeds the confluence range of acceptable dissonance.  Cognitively dissonant frequencies are perceived (infrequently) as a cancerous, rabid threat, increasing stress, which "veils" what is otherwise an open door.

Stress precedes Revolution as repeated message frequencies collect, building up behind, and jamming against the Exegetical prophilactic, or "Prophet," in historical dimension.  Occasionally, these combined Eisegetical frequency patterns will combine (con-join) in ways that synaptically "fit" the Exegetical PermaCultural Bridge's infrastructure, resulting in a raising of the gate (or removal of the prophilactic, if you prefer, by mutual, pent-up, consent.  A Species altering, erupting synapse from Left to Right inevitably, and pregnantly, results. The Christian Tradition calls this Purple-Frequencied silent scale "Advent."

After this climactic event, the communication economy returns to business as usual.  However, with a slowly evolving change in the Exegetical Right-brained Code, now able to recognize, "anticipate", a new communication pattern of metrically associated paradigm frequencies, integrating what had previously been treated as isolated paradigmatic messages from Eisegetical Traditions.  Kuhn refers to this period as a time of re-invigorated return to "normal scientific discovery," post-Re-Speciation of specialized gnosis-fields.

It all sounds a bit earthy for a Report intended to have scholastic appeal, but this does indeed seem to sync across multiple disciplines.

Act: Key of A: Re-Awakening

From Dr. Ascent's perspective, all understood messages from Dr. C are eagerly awaited.  After all, Yin would not have evolved Yang satellite were she not interested in learning and creating integrated diversity.  It is only when Dr. Calculus has a brainstorm, an Aha! insight, a moment of enlightenment, that normal restraints disappear, and the shortcut bridge, synaptically appears, a straight line from Dr. B's Satellite connection to his/her Boson.

Dr. D suddenly realized he was bac


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