"Fear can keep us from innovating, risking, creating. Yet we settle for only the illusion of safety. We prolong our discomfort, and we are troubled in our sleep. On one level we know that we are in danger, avoiding change in a changing world. The only strategies imaginative enough to rescue us will come from listening to our "other" consciousness ... "
The Aquarian Conspiracy - Marilyn Ferguson
Gathered and organized and introduced by JoAnn Kite
Take a few minutes to click through and explore this revealing masterpiece of visionary spiritual synopsis

Dorothy B. Phillips, Chief Editor
An anthology about the spiritual Way, chosen from psychological, religious, philosophical, poetical and biographical sources

1 "In broadest outline we see the universe evolving life and life evolving to continually extended awareness. We see our individuality as a phase – perhaps a hairpin bend in the zig-zag spiral of ascent – and we see that our task in cooperating with the purpose of life and the universe is so to act and to think that we become increasingly aware of our extra-individuality – that is, the common life which unites us with our fellow creatures with all life and the universe." Gerald Heard (1889-1972), English philosopher and author, 'The Third Morality'

2 "He who would in his own person test the fact of God's presence can do so by a living faith. Exercise of faith will be the safest where there is a clear determination summarily to reject all that is contrary to Truth and Love." Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1848), Hindu statesman and mystic, 'Gandhi's Ideas'

3 "In the final good designed by Him not a cell of Being will be found missing or unfulfilled." R. H. J. Steuart, S.J. (1874-1948), English priest, 'The Inward Vision'

4 "The freedom of the individual might be defined as the preparedness to be formed by his own eidos, his inner image of wholeness which exists a priori in him. The more the individual becomes sensitive and receptive to his inner image, the more he becomes whole and 'healed'." Gerhard Adler (B. 1904), English Jungian analyst, 'Studies in Analytical Psychology'

5 "The only name for the faculty by which we can discern that element of Beauty which is present in every Fact, which we must discern in every Fact before it becomes Truth for us, is Love." John Middleton Murry (1889-1957), English author, 'Studies in Keats'

6 "Freedom comes through complete acceptance of reality." Alan W. Watts (1915-1973), American philosopher and author, 'The Spirit of Zen'

7 "Do whatever stirs the chords of genuine We-feeling. Seek to set them vibrating more and more until they become the dominating or sole satisfactions in your experience." Fritz Kunkel (1889-1956), American psychiatrist, 'How Character Develops'

8 "Prayer is the act by which man opens himself to the total values for wholeness that exist in each situational moment of his life." Elizabeth B. Howes and Sheila Moon, 'Man the Choicemaker'

9 "Oh, who will give me a voice that I may cry aloud to the whole world that God, the all highest, is in the deepest abyss within us and is waiting for us to return to Him." Hans Denck (1495-1527), German mystic, 'On the Law of God'

10 "The idea of wholeness is an archetype of deep significance." Gerhard Adler (b. 1904), English Jungian analyst, 'Studies in Analytical Psychology'

11 "The whole gist of the matter lies in the will, and this is what our Dear Lord meant by saying, 'The Kingdom of God is within you.' It is not a question of how much we know, how clever we are…. it all depends upon the heart's love. External actions are the results of love, the fruit it bears; but the source, the root, is in the deep of the heart." Francois Fenelon (1651-1715), French Archbishop of Cambray

12 "Everything I do is like the pebble thrown into a pool, making larger and larger ripples in the waters of other lives." Joshua Loth Liebman (1907-1948), American rabbi, educator, 'Peace of Mind'

13 "There exists an ultimate Reality that is by nature both transcendent and immanent. The immanent aspect, this something of God in man, traces its ancestry to early Hindu sources, thence to the Socratic movement in philosophy, and on to the teaching of Jesus. Since then it has been variously expressed as: 'the deep center', 'the ground of the soul', 'the inward Voice', the Real Self', 'the inner Vocation', 'that something which binds us to the deeper processes of consciousness', 'that potentiality of an extension of consciousness', et cetera."

14 "There are times when doubts over me steal, but I know Thou are there and awake. Thou art – and art – and I feel no surging of aeons can shake Thee – Life is a ring, I have found – I am child, boy, man, more – I learn the circle is rich, the full round complete in its perfect return." Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), German poet

15 "The miracle of rebirth seems to be a natural element in human life….we feel behind the sunrise of the new life a higher Living Power who brings it about." Fritz Kunkel, M.D. (1889-1956), American psychiatrist, 'How Character Develops'

16 "Fortunately, we have proof that the spirit always renews its strength in the fact that the essential teaching of the initiations is handed on from generation to generation. Ever and again there are human beings who understand what it means that God is their father. The equal balance of the flesh and the spirit is not lost to the world." Carl G. Jung (1875-1961), 'Freud and Psychoanalysis'

17 "God is. That is so real, that to talk of His love, or of serving Him is saying less, not more. He is, and He is with us." Alfred Romer, (b. 1907), American professor of physics

18 "The world lives by its incarnation of God in itself." Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947), English mathematician and philosopher, 'Religion in the Making'

19 "Every act of love brings happiness; there is no act of love which does not bring peace and blessedness as its reaction. Real existence, real knowledge, and real love are eternally connected with one another, the three in one: where one of them is, the others also must be; they are the three aspects of the One without a second – the Existence-Knowledge-Bliss." Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), Hindu mystic, 'Karma-Yoga'

20 "Whatever the approach, and however complicated the philosophical, psychological or theological superstructure erected upon it, the essentials of the Way whereby the suprapersonal reality becomes transformingly effective in the individual life are found to be virtually identical and universal."

21 "Live in simple faith….just as this trusting cherry flowers, fades, and falls." Issa (1763-1827), Japanese poet, 'Japanese Haiku'

22 "Buddha proclaimed the unity of all living things." Alan W. Watts (1915-1973), American philosopher and author, 'The Spirit of Zen'

23 "Now I find hidden, somewhere away in my nature, something that tells me that nothing in the whole world is meaningless, and suffering least of all." Oscar Wilde (1856-1900), English author, 'De Profundis'

24 "Self [capital S] is the focal point of the psyche in which God's image shows itself most plainly and the experience of which gives us the knowledge, as nothing else does, of the significance and nature of our likeness to God." Jolande Jacobi

25 "Any friendship – between two or between a hundred – entails a new emergent unity, where each of the constituent selves is far more in its functional oneness with the rest than it ever was in its apartness." Gregory Vlastos (b. 1909), Canadian professor of philosophy, 'The Religious Way'

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  • Sources in classical religion as well as voices from new consciousness, esotericism and mysticism
  • Choices are guided by the spirit of oneness, love, kindness, inclusion and community


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Tracy Harris
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Being Radiant

What a lovely group of amazing work. Thank you for this.

betsy caprio
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
center for sacred psychology los angeles

I would like to contact Richard Roberts to ask permission to reprint the cover art from his Tales for Jung Folk on our website. We have a spiritual astrology section, and this would be a great addition to it--as an personification of the energies of Saturn. Can you help me find Richard? Many thanks, Betsy Caprio, D.Min.

Kathy Cholod
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Vancouver, BC

We have a new book "The Coming Interspiritual Age" By Kurt Johnson and David Ord. Its a book you will want to read. If you are interested in the Intersprititual Movement this book is for you. go to http://www.geoffreybraxtonlittle.com/

Amy Shearer
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Canada Abbotsford

When someone hurts someone we love, our first instinct is to attack them back, that is not who we are... We need to learn to listen to our spirit and not our minds...

Pono Nicole Stadler
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
PONO Switzerland - Hawaii

ALOHA :-) how can i get in touch with the author richard roberts book of tarot and revelations? any suggestions welcome, it?s on family matters!

Maria Estrada
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do you know where can I find books from Agnes Sanford in The Netherlands? Thanks for your help

Willem Peter Hartgring
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Dator Formarum Foundation Utrecht, the Netherlands

LS, I would like to contact B. Borchert personal. Would you know how? Kind regards, Willem Peter

Friday, September 23, 2011
none Al

Dreams are the things That makes up REALITY ?

Kuan Yin (as Channeled by Lena Lees & Transcribed by Hope Bradford)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Oracle of Compassion: the Living Word of Kuan Yin

"A helpful mindset is simple-living and high-thinking”, continues Kuan Yin. “Science is constantly evolving. There are now recyclable batteries, ink cartridges, etc. Keep up to date on the latest technologies. Be aware, set examples and create trends that will positively influence people’s lives and the environment. As I said earlier, however, this is also a discussion about love and developing a greater capacity to love. It can help everyone. We’re all one huge family, a great continuum. Don’t underestimate the power of the love created in your homes and families. This love has an immense potency, the power to influence other’s lives in a positive way.”-Kuan Yin

june maffin
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul

Recently discovered this site through Circle Connections and thought others might like to know of another resource where inspirational quotations offer much "food for thought" insofar as the quotations are accompanied by Soulistry Soul-Questions ... questions which encourage one to go-within and reflect on the quotation from a variety of perspectives. The Soulistry book has just been released and is available on Amazon.com as well as other online booksellers and local bookstores. Thank you for helping me to share news of Soulistry (full title of the book btw is "Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality").

Roslyn Rus
Monday, June 21, 2010
Toronto, ON Canada

Dear Bruce: What a remarkable synchronicity it is, to open up this page, and find several amazing quotes from the much-beloved ecospiritual community of Findhorn! This is just another "coincidence" for me, as part of a seemingly-ongoing set of experiences regarding Findhorn and the Nature Spirits. Thank you for including the Spirit of Findhorn on your website! ... By the way, I have been trying to log-in to my page, so that I may update my email address, but am at the moment unable to do so; as of last week, I haven't been able to access my Gmail account, and have set up a new Gmail address: roslynrus33@gmail.com . I shall send you an email directly regarding this. Many blessings, Roslyn.

Samantha Paitakis
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
IlluminatingSpirit - Samantha Spiritual Gathering Westhampton, NY

At Samantha's Spiritual Gathering the mission and purpose is to empty the chalice/temple (self) of all things co-mingled on the Earth plane with earthly people and to Allow the self/being on all levels, to fill up with the Spirit of the Divine Creator... that Spirit which is enmeshed, saturated, and intertwined with your Spirit. Bringing that Spirit down into the Chalice of your beingness...your physical body as well, helps everyone to be empowered through their own Spirit guided by the Divine Creator of many names. The Global Network is a Gathering, sharing Spirit to Spirit and I am humbly grateful to partake in sharing from my space of Spirit. Thank You, Samantha Paitakis

cynthia f. davidson
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Touch Stone Center retreat sanctuary Rhode Island

Wonderful to find this site, via the Wisdom Page! We have a perpetual calendar with the same kind of quotes which you & your viewers might enjoy. Makes a great gift for under $20! And there's an daily emailed version (for free) which accompanies the printed one. Keep up the good work. You never know who's being inspired by your beautiful site. I know I was!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
health zambia

i have liked tha way the book changes peoples minds

Joseph Gagliano
Sunday, November 1, 2009
buenos aires - argentina

Let Synthesis be!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mrs Frankie Grod
Sunday, September 13, 2009
chez frankie Ottawa

Good work, The guidance and the transformation of the soul... The light of initiation... Thank...

marieta wybo alfaro
Thursday, August 6, 2009

It is a wonderful work! thank you

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bruce Schuman
Monday, May 18, 2009
Interspirit Foundation Santa Barbara CA USA

Thanks for being here. Many blessings to you, and may the wind of spirit always be at your back. And thanks -- to JoAnn, for the stunning work she has done here in gathering this vision.
