"I did comprehend the whole world….and the abyss and ocean and all things. In all these things I beheld naught save the divine power." Angela of Foligno
Ecstasy in Secular and Religious Experiences - Marghanita Laski
Gathered and organized and introduced by JoAnn Kite
Take a few minutes to click through and explore this revealing masterpiece of visionary spiritual synopsis

Matthew Fox

1 "Humanity has the power and responsibility to increase the glory that is the divine presence in the cosmos."

2 "A river passes through many countries and each claims it for its own. But there is only one river." Sheikh Ragip Frager, 'Love is the Wine: Talks of a Sufi Master'

3 "Deep ecumenism is the movement that will unleash the wisdom of ALL world religions – Hinduism and Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, Taoism and Shintoism, Christianity in all its forms, and native religions and goddess religions throughout the world. This unleashing of wisdom holds the last hope for the survival of the planet."

4 "The whole universe is the great world, the macrocosm; its parts are small universes in themselves, microcosms. Such a microcosm is man, who is in himself an image of the universe and a perfect being." Otto Rank, 'Art and Artist'

5 "The fire at the center of the tepee, pipe, or of sweat lodge represents Wakan-Tanka, the Great Spirit within the world. How close this comes to Meister Eckhart's teaching that a 'spark of the soul' burns within every creature and every human that will never be extinguished and that this spark of the soul is the divine presence within us all. All of creation shares in this holiness."

6 "We are indeed 'part of everything' and one with the mystery of life." Dorothee Soelle

7 "All creatures are interdependent." Meister Eckhart

8 "All are called to be in touch with the true self."

9 "Like fish in water and the water in the fish, creation is in God and God is in creation."

10 "Each creature is a witness to God's power and omnipotence; and its beauty is a witness to the divine wisdom….Every creature participates in some ways in the likeness of the Divine Essence."

11 "Beloved child, come swiftly to Me, for I am truly in you. Remember this: The smallest soul of all is still the daughter of the Creator." Mechtild of Magdeburg

12 "Divinity is not outside us. We are in God and God is in us."

13 "Inside, outside, o friends, all one." Kabir

14 "Ours is a time of emerging awareness of the interconnectivity of all things."

15 "The whole is present in each part, in each level of existence. The living reality, which is total and unbroken and undivided, is in everything." David Bohm

16 "The Cosmic Christ – the 'pattern that connects' – can connect all persons in the context of the shared sacredness, the shared reverence and awe of our existence."

17 "The creation of the world is not only a process which moves from God to humanity. God demands newness from humanity; God awaits the works of human freedom." Nicolas Berdyaev

18 "The Divine One is the 'One who is with us', Emmanuel, 'God with us.'"

19 "To experience compassion and to identify with the suffering of others – as well as with their joy – is to experience the Divine One who suffers and rejoices in each person."

20 "We need to worship in circles again, preferably on the soil of Mother Earth wherever possible. Circles invite all creatures to be part of the grateful event and they allow the humans present to look each other in the eye while rounding and connecting themselves in step with the universe."

21 "The Cosmic Christ is a 'pattern that connects' proton and galaxy, human and neutron, human and supernovas. The Cosmic Christ assures us that nothing is trivial for nothing is unconnected to the whole. All is a source of awe, wonder, wisdom, and the presence of the divine."

22 "The inward person is not at all in time or place but is purely and simply in eternity. It is there that God arises…[and] is heard, there God is; there God, and God alone, speaks." Meister Eckhart

23 "Relation is the essence of everything that is." Meister Eckhart

24 "God is the dazzling light that constitutes the creative center of all life and movement. In that Point every 'where' and every 'when' are centered." Dante, 'The Divine Comedy', translated by Matthew Fox

25 "The Cosmic Christ IS the 'pattern that connects' and connecting is what all wisdom is about, as the philosopher Gabriel Marcel points out: 'The true function of the sage is surely the function of linking together, of bringing into harmony….the sage is truly linked with the universe.'"

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Tracy Harris
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Being Radiant

What a lovely group of amazing work. Thank you for this.

betsy caprio
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
center for sacred psychology los angeles

I would like to contact Richard Roberts to ask permission to reprint the cover art from his Tales for Jung Folk on our website. We have a spiritual astrology section, and this would be a great addition to it--as an personification of the energies of Saturn. Can you help me find Richard? Many thanks, Betsy Caprio, D.Min.

Kathy Cholod
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Vancouver, BC

We have a new book "The Coming Interspiritual Age" By Kurt Johnson and David Ord. Its a book you will want to read. If you are interested in the Intersprititual Movement this book is for you. go to http://www.geoffreybraxtonlittle.com/

Amy Shearer
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Canada Abbotsford

When someone hurts someone we love, our first instinct is to attack them back, that is not who we are... We need to learn to listen to our spirit and not our minds...

Pono Nicole Stadler
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
PONO Switzerland - Hawaii

ALOHA :-) how can i get in touch with the author richard roberts book of tarot and revelations? any suggestions welcome, it?s on family matters!

Maria Estrada
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do you know where can I find books from Agnes Sanford in The Netherlands? Thanks for your help

Willem Peter Hartgring
Monday, November 21, 2011
The Dator Formarum Foundation Utrecht, the Netherlands

LS, I would like to contact B. Borchert personal. Would you know how? Kind regards, Willem Peter

Friday, September 23, 2011
none Al

Dreams are the things That makes up REALITY ?

Kuan Yin (as Channeled by Lena Lees & Transcribed by Hope Bradford)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Oracle of Compassion: the Living Word of Kuan Yin

"A helpful mindset is simple-living and high-thinking”, continues Kuan Yin. “Science is constantly evolving. There are now recyclable batteries, ink cartridges, etc. Keep up to date on the latest technologies. Be aware, set examples and create trends that will positively influence people’s lives and the environment. As I said earlier, however, this is also a discussion about love and developing a greater capacity to love. It can help everyone. We’re all one huge family, a great continuum. Don’t underestimate the power of the love created in your homes and families. This love has an immense potency, the power to influence other’s lives in a positive way.”-Kuan Yin

june maffin
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul

Recently discovered this site through Circle Connections and thought others might like to know of another resource where inspirational quotations offer much "food for thought" insofar as the quotations are accompanied by Soulistry Soul-Questions ... questions which encourage one to go-within and reflect on the quotation from a variety of perspectives. The Soulistry book has just been released and is available on Amazon.com as well as other online booksellers and local bookstores. Thank you for helping me to share news of Soulistry (full title of the book btw is "Soulistry-Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality").

Roslyn Rus
Monday, June 21, 2010
Toronto, ON Canada

Dear Bruce: What a remarkable synchronicity it is, to open up this page, and find several amazing quotes from the much-beloved ecospiritual community of Findhorn! This is just another "coincidence" for me, as part of a seemingly-ongoing set of experiences regarding Findhorn and the Nature Spirits. Thank you for including the Spirit of Findhorn on your website! ... By the way, I have been trying to log-in to my page, so that I may update my email address, but am at the moment unable to do so; as of last week, I haven't been able to access my Gmail account, and have set up a new Gmail address: roslynrus33@gmail.com . I shall send you an email directly regarding this. Many blessings, Roslyn.

Samantha Paitakis
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
IlluminatingSpirit - Samantha Spiritual Gathering Westhampton, NY

At Samantha's Spiritual Gathering the mission and purpose is to empty the chalice/temple (self) of all things co-mingled on the Earth plane with earthly people and to Allow the self/being on all levels, to fill up with the Spirit of the Divine Creator... that Spirit which is enmeshed, saturated, and intertwined with your Spirit. Bringing that Spirit down into the Chalice of your beingness...your physical body as well, helps everyone to be empowered through their own Spirit guided by the Divine Creator of many names. The Global Network is a Gathering, sharing Spirit to Spirit and I am humbly grateful to partake in sharing from my space of Spirit. Thank You, Samantha Paitakis

cynthia f. davidson
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Touch Stone Center retreat sanctuary Rhode Island

Wonderful to find this site, via the Wisdom Page! We have a perpetual calendar with the same kind of quotes which you & your viewers might enjoy. Makes a great gift for under $20! And there's an daily emailed version (for free) which accompanies the printed one. Keep up the good work. You never know who's being inspired by your beautiful site. I know I was!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
health zambia

i have liked tha way the book changes peoples minds

Joseph Gagliano
Sunday, November 1, 2009
buenos aires - argentina

Let Synthesis be!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mrs Frankie Grod
Sunday, September 13, 2009
chez frankie Ottawa

Good work, The guidance and the transformation of the soul... The light of initiation... Thank...

marieta wybo alfaro
Thursday, August 6, 2009

It is a wonderful work! thank you

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bruce Schuman
Monday, May 18, 2009
Interspirit Foundation Santa Barbara CA USA

Thanks for being here. Many blessings to you, and may the wind of spirit always be at your back. And thanks -- to JoAnn, for the stunning work she has done here in gathering this vision.
