Marie Louise vonFranz
Medieval Alchemical text attributed to Thomas Aquinas with commentary by vonFranz; companion volume to Jung's CW13
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"The divine existence…is infinite, and is not limited to any genus of being, but possesses within itself the perfection of all being." Thomas Aquinas, 'Summa Theologica', I, q. 25, art. 3 resp
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"A real continuation of God's creative power runs through the human soul."
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"This earth itself is the risen Christ and the divine mystery - indeed, it is God himself."
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“The Brethren of the Free Spirit taught that the human soul was of the substance of God.”
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"In the self all opposites – conscious and unconscious, psyche and physis, and so on – unite."
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“At the touch of Wisdom the human spirit flows and begins to follow its most natural desire, namely, for its own perfection and the knowledge of God.”
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"Western alchemy's chief concern was the production of the One: 'one is the stone, one the vessel, one the procedure, and one the medicine."
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"Bitterness is produced merely by the misunderstanding with which men approach Wisdom; if they surrendered to her, the bitterness of the struggle would no longer prevail, but only the 'sweetness' of pure love."
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"God is the dynamic energy in all things, and everything is full of psyche and moves in perfect order."
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“The Holy Spirit is the bond of eternity and equality.”
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"The movement of loving is circular, and love is the real unitive force."
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"According to Wisdom 7:23f., Wisdom is a 'vapour of the power of God and a certain pure emanation of the glory of almighty God…the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty, and the image of his goodness.'"
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"The meaning is clear: the neophyte, reborn, becomes God." Apuleius, 'The Golden Ass'
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"All things have their life and being from the wisdom of God…for according to the wisdom of God, which is the life of all things, was made all that was made…and this [wisdom] is that archetypal world, after whose likeness this sensible world was made." Hugh of St. Victor
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“According to St. Thomas Aquinas there is an intellectual light innate in man, which by ‘participated likeness’ is capable of knowing the first principles.”
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“The Holy Spirit warms all things with the fire of love.”
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“What first sets the will and intellect in motion is something higher than the will and intellect, i.e., God.”
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"After the self has been experienced as a divine centre within the psyche, this experience expands into a feeling of oneness with the whole cosmos."
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"The alchemists regarded the mystery of creation as divine."
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"In unity, in a point, and a centre, which are the three principles of number, measure and weight, are all things created…and in God they are all things;…for in the centre He sustains all, in the point fulfils all, and in unity perfects all." 'Theatrum Chemicum' (1622),
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"Know, therefore,….that from that One the whole of creation proceeded." Pythagoras, 'Turba Philosophorum' (medieval Arabic text)
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“The world-soul is a natural force which is responsible for all the phenomena of life and the psyche.” Guillaume de Conches (1080-1154), Platonist who taught in Paris
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"According to the medieval view the divine likeness reaches down even into the physical structure of natural things."
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"The human psyche, like God, can intervene creatively in the physical and chemical processes of nature."
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“All things are of one.” Senior, ‘De chemia’
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