This network supports interaction among members of the Southern California Interfaith Network. If you are not yet a member, please join us.
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Who We Are
The Southern California Interfaith Network (SCIN) is an emerging new initiative, designed to support communication and understanding among faith and interfaith groups in the Southern California area, and to connect interfaith work in our region to what is going on nationally and internationally. Our network is developing following a recent regional interfaith retreat, sponsored jointly by the United Religions Initiative (URI) and the Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions (CPWR). We are expecting to expand our outreach and vision to include the entire Southland.
We currently have 35 members, many of whom are leaders of interfaith groups and projects. We anticipate being in touch with all of the 55 groups who were contacted regarding the retreat, and are hoping to create a single communications forum and at least one annual regional event to be shared by all participants. Readers of this flyer are invited to the interfaith gathering we are planning for all of Southern California on Saturday, January 24, at a private home in Pasadena. Please call one of the numbers below for further details.
Services that the SCIN network already provides include:
- Providing information and facilitating participation in significant national and international events, such as the Fourth Parliament of the World's Religions, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, July 7 to 15 of next year. (For further information on attending the Parliament, call 312-629-2990).
- A common calendar of events, to which all organizations and individuals can add their events, and which could be sent by email to a wide audience.
- A communications forum that supports discussion on any issue of common concern or interest.
- Polling and voting on any issue.
- A library of articles and documents and online links pertaining to interfaith work.
Our Online Network
Members of the SCIN network communicate in various ways, including face-to-face meetings held occasionally, weekly conference telephone calls, and on a daily basis, through our online communications network that operates through the "Interspirit" network. You are invited to utilize the variety of tools and contacts we provide, and help us bring into being a true region-wide network dedicated to interfaith understanding and cooperation.
Join Us!
Becoming a member of the SCIN network is easy. Simply complete our brief application process, by clicking here. Just let us know who you are and tell us a little bit about yourself, and you will be linked to an exciting and growing project that includes all the leading interfaith groups in our area.
For assistance, contact Bruce Schuman,, (805) 966-9515), or Yoland Trevino,, (626) 794-2906, or Jeffrey Utter,, (626) 794-1839.