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Join Interfaith Voices

You are invited to apply for membership in Interfaith Voices for Peace and Justice.

Membership is free, and is open to both individuals and organizations, of any religion, spiritual tradition, or cultural background. Membership in IFV places you under no obligation.

Your application will be reviewed promptly, and you will be notified of your acceptance by email. Members may submit an application for listing their organization in our directory of organizations.

Please submit the below information in as much careful detail as possible. Thank you!

Yes, I want to join Interfaith Voices.

First name
Last name

General faith group
Particular faith group
If your particular faith group does not appear on this list, please contact us by email at and let us know of your group.

Peace and justice group with which you are associated

Please briefly introduce yourself and the reason you are for applying for membership in Interfaith Voices.

State, region or province
Zip or postal code
Five-digit zip code (number - required for United States addresses only)

Telephone number
Email address
Be sure to give a full and correct Internet address - ie,   Type this carefully.

Username - not more than 10 characters.
Name you will use to log into your account. Username and password must be one word with no spaces, using aphabetic and numeric characters only.

Password - not more than 10 characters.
Password - please confirm.
Please remember your username and password. You will need them to access your membership.

Type in name.

Please note: we cannot process your application if your email address is incorrect.