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The Goddess Network is for anyone interested in expanding their intellectual and spiritual boundaries. We’ve created a worldwide community of women who celebrate the feminine principle in their work and home life. Through live and on-line educational programs, women are encouraged to grow by having an opportunity to experience, teach, and learn more about their authentic self.

The true self, or that which is your individualized spark of divinity, is the fundamental power leading to positive thinking. It is the self-empowerment tool to create a life you desire. By living consciously in the present, you can feel self-empowered by knowing your experience today is what matters, not what happened yesterday or a year ago. The philosophy: our lives, and all that we see and experience, are a manifestation of what we think. Change the way we think, and we can align our experience with our true self, resulting in a joyful and prosperous life.

When learning to unseat old mental programming, often we discover that much of it is rooted in feelings of unworthiness. The solution? Embrace each person’s divinity, including your own, and adopt the attitude that we are all creators of our reality. Empowerment begins by knowing each of us is an example of a whole and balanced image of creation. And when we love our divine self deeply, not only will be empowered, but together we will demonstrate a loving and balanced world.

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