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Earth First Construction is a 501.c.3 California public benefit educational corporation whose mission is to directly support and be a part of the growing worldwide movement towards sustainable living and to assist the planet in its transition to sustainable living by doing research into sustainability at the individual, community and global levels. The vision involves sustainable communities throughout the planet, globally coordinated by a benign world service organization which will distribute the one world currency, oversee communications, transportation, trade and so forth. The motto for Earth First is: “Together we can build a better world.”

Any community, as with any individual, is only as strong as its weakest link. To be fully sustainable every community must be composed of individuals who are themselves sustainable. This means individuals who take full responsibility for themselves, who are self-governing, self-disciplining and self-healing.

The first division of Earth First Construction is the Self-Healing Center which researches bioenergetic medicine and establishes the self-healing protocols which can then be taught to clients at the Self-Healing Clinic. The clinic contains a continuous flow enema system which allows clients to cleanse their colons and begin the detoxing process leading to renewed health. Clients are introduced to various protocols established to assist them in taking responsibility for their own healing, health and well-being. This is done under the motto: “Conscious Will Heals”.

In order to educate people on how to maintain their health, the ABO Café, a restaurant based on the Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet, will be established. This will not only serve healthy food but the recipes used will be published and a cooking school division established to assist people in their commitment to taking responsibility for their own health.

Once the blueprint for self-healing has been established, this concept can be replicated in any community on the planet. The key to the vision of a sustainable planet is sustainable communities. True power always lies at the local level. Human beings are tribal people - individually we cannot maintain life very long. For a community to be sustainable, the people who live there must be able collectively to meet the totality of the needs of every member of the community in a way which will allow the community and the planet to thrive. The Community- Building Center, a second division of Earth First Construction, has been researching ways to meet these needs.

The six basic needs are food, clothing, shelter, love, energy and beauty. The Center has a sustainable garden capable of growing healthy organic foods and which is available as a teaching tool for the community. Research is ongoing into sustainable textiles and green building practices. The Center also has an emotional release room which serves as an example of healthy self love and altruism. Ecology groups regularly meet at the Center, as do groups researching alternative energy sources and implementation, in addition to monthly political and spiritual cinema and discussion groups.

A further division of Earth First is Sojourn Santa Barbara whose mission is “to build bridges worldwide, one couple at a time“. People from various regions of the planet are invited to stay at the Center as paying guests in an exclusive spa resort setting for a week’s minimum visit. This will help foster communication and goodwill at the global level.

In order to move out of the nation-state paradigm with its emphasis on war and belief in limited resources, into the new global vision of empowered sustainable communities and a world service organization, a new consciousness of ourselves as global citizens must be fostered. This will be done worldwide between people of means and vision; the same people who have powered every political change that has happened on our planet historically. Sojourn Santa Barbara will act as a meeting place for these visionaries and movers.

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