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The Bridge Across Consciousness is an "integral design" connecting deep intuition with the immediately practical, in ways that are similar to the right-brain/left-brain relationship in psychology and neurophysiology.

The idea emerged years ago from studies in epistemology and psychology, and today takes the form of an emerging network design -- and a real-world networking project that brings together many different groups. We are exploring ways that the diverse elements of human thinking and understanding can be brought together within a single multi-aspected framework. We are supposing that all forms of knowledge and understanding -- all religious ideas, all scientific ideas -- can conceivably be held together in one framework.

This is clearly a visionary project, involving insights from all across the interdisciplinary spectrum. "The Bridge" combines deep intuition with advanced technical ideas, in a spirit of service intended to support the emergence and growth of a healthy and inspired global culture.

The Bridge Across Consciousness is a vision, a theory, an engineering design, a way....

The concept emerged years ago, from studies in mandala and logic, connecting deep intuition with mathematics and cognitive science. Mandalas can be interpreted as hierarchical forms of order, and the structure of all concepts can be interpreted as a kind of hierarchical taxonomy.

We are exploring this fascinating technical mystery, sensing that something profoundly inclusive and simple is beginning to emerge.

The Uroboros -- the mysterious serpent -- closes upon herself, connecting the transcendent levels of mind with the immanent -- the eternal now with the here and now, the divine presence including everything linked intimately to the smallest particle of being --

There seems to be a tension between "associative" ways of thinking ("Right Brain = The Net") and linearly cascaded ways ("Left Brain = The Tree").

This idea from psychologist Francesco Varela is reviewed in Charles Hampden-Turner's "Maps of the Mind", Map 55

One way to understand it is -- the uncertainty of creativity resides in the freely associative networks of the right brain, while the left brain claims its more highly defined but more narrowly circumscribed territory...

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