Education and Spirituality Network
Education and Spirituality Network
1553 subscribers

Startup Guide
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The Interspirit Foundation


Welcome to the Education and Spirituality Network. Our contacts with educators who are involved in the work of exploring the role of religious diversity and spirituality in education indicate a growing need for sharing information about who we are and what we are doing. Consequently we have developed this directory to provide information about, and links to, individuals and organizations who have become part of this growing movement. There is no charge for this service.

Here’s what you need to do in order to become listed:

  • Create an account for yourself on our network (click here). You will be sent a username and password, and have the option to receive our email newsletter and announcements.

  • Then, log in to the network and complete our application form to provide your individual and organizational contact information and details about the work you do. It will be submitted to a system administrator and, if approved, will be posted to the directory.

You will be able to log in the network at any time to change the information on your form whenever necessary. Please keep it updated for your benefit and for the benefit of others trying to contact you. You will also have the option of unsubscribing from the network if you desire.