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934 available

From: S´ace G root
Type: Page
Page: Convene the Collective Voice of Spirit
Date: December 12, 2013

Dear Fred .. Being a schizophrenic is a property of the mythic ..

Where we have the Unitary , the Sensory , the Social .. The Mythic is the form-giver ..

So he is to be enslaved by burocracy & academics ..while They slofj as ka'demics in perfect flow ..


I was participating a week schoplong on the WiseGere Society ..

The teacher for a day was also publisher for a Philosofic orient Magazine.

Sh had this interesting quest to see whether you align to a Serious One, an adventurer , a Passionate , a Nihilist or an Esthete.

You know your path through life?

Anyway she bravely Gave some examples. And labelled Rousseau as an adventurer while he came to excellence to multiple disciplines.

Conclusion was wondered by me and another Lady.

She had to give in .. While the pitfall was clear :nnowadays every one in onedeity World has to exellence in a single profession. Specialist on a Single issue .. Which isnot fitting the mythic nor the Elites / freemarkets ../ deepdiggersSociety

Anyway there for we got/are Allianced ..

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