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934 available

From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Page
Page: Convene the Collective Voice of Spirit
Date: December 10, 2013

Thank you, Peter. I have been browsing the web site of the Aetherius Society, and see much there that I admire. There are some very attractive photos of George King -- he looks like a powerful and vibrant yogi. I like the statement about "karma yoga", and the call to selfless service.

I like the interfaith image there, and the motto hidden behind it, "Truth is One, Paths are Many".

I like the comments on Ascended Masters --

I have been an admirer of Vivekananda all my life. Many years ago, I got involved with "the Hierarchy" and "the Great White Brotherhood" -- and my life is still aligned through that vibration and imagery.

The comments on the Ascended Master page are interesting. "Why Ascended Masters are not allowed to walk openly among us". I have thought something similar for a long time.

I like that Paramahansa Yogananda is "highly recommended" by the Aetherius Society. Yogananda today is my primary guru and teacher -- and today, I uploaded a couple of images from his two-volume hardbound commentary on the Bhagavad Gita.

Clearly, we have much in common around these important themes.

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