From: S´ace G root
Type: Page
Page: What is Integral?
Date: December 8, 2013
Hi Gerald & Starr et all interrested,
I found out allready ENERGY is a Masculine Driven Vibrant
5 14 5 10 7 3 : 19 15 10 : 44
A very profound product from 4 x 11
More to say here but keeping this one shorty ..
Most Masculine Driver is the N character.
( the line goes down ! In left right direction)
LATELY cosmo beamed in EMERGEE
This attracts from
5 13 5 7 5 5 : 18 12 10 : 40
Together 40 & 44 average 42 ( FORM )
Although EMERGEE is a Masculine Even attraction it is built by only 6 Feminine refined drivers 5 13 5 7 5 5
And the M character rises too at the midway ..
Both arguments to use that word capitalized in settled alliances .. equibalancing the otherones.
A suggestion that brings up the Feminine Dynamics more integral on the word is to use EMERGEES
SIMPLY A 9 ADDED TO 40 POPS 49, APower number on minimal 2 grounds
7x7 is a square to produce 49
4 plus 9 gives 13
Then i see next to this entry :
Next Buddha will emerge not in form of an individual etc.
New/Noo Born linguistical approaches are their driving forces ..