From: Bruce Schuman
Type: Forum
Group: Alliance Plenary
Subject: Integrated social activism
Date: December 17, 2013
Thanks for this diagram, Starr*. When I got out of bed this morning, I immediately started trying to draw something similar, more or less in the same way -- using, I think, the same "Word" tools -- which can be a little baffling for me. I did originally compose that diagram in Word -- I've got to find the source document and try to do something like what you did.
Your general concept is right on point. Into the universal deliberations of "the people" -- on every concern, from every demographic sector -- should come the influence and guidance of spirit. This is the model for the transformed global civilization. You drew it in just the right way. Let's "discern God's will together", as some might say.
But I think what I would add to this diagram -- is a "mandala of religions" -- all the sources -- just like all the demographic groups, and all the issues -- that are actually influencing and guiding humanity.
What we (or speaking for myself, I) want to do -- is pull together all the actual existing sources of influence and converge them. Maybe "pure direct connection" is the essence of it all -- as I indicate below -- but at the same time -- this mode or doctrine or "direct connection, with no mediating institutional guidance" -- has no proven historical track record of sustaining civilizations. It is true that major religions have a mixed record -- blessings and curses -- brilliant sources of guidance mixed with unfortunate abuses and distortions -- but still -- in a circle of religions where each tradition constrains the others -- a new kind of security and safety is created -- and the "pure direct connection" people can exert their influence like all others -- the folks that do want to work through "yantras" -- or the Buddhist monks who do want to work through Buddha -- or the Hindu monks who do want to work through Krishna.
It's going to be a while before we throw out the Dalai Lama on the grounds that he is a usurping bureaucrat and the entire Buddhist tradition should be trashed. For most spirit-people in the world, the Dalai Lama is a powerful source of trusted light and a hero. The vast majority of people in the world do not want to throw out their priests and leadership. They want a social covenant and community agreement -- they want to be part of a trusted community. In fact, Pope Francis just released a powerful and very interesting document -- on "fraternity" ("community") that maybe we can look at. It's a great sign for a more promising future.
What we want to do here -- what I want to do -- is conceive and frame out the basis for trusted community in the world -- not throwing out every source of understanding and guidance because it is somehow distorting or usurping -- but reforming and clarifying, so that the true light of "direct connection pure source" can shine straight through it. That is no more impossible or unrealistic than supposing some "new tradition" is going to come along and overcome all the challenges that have faced new religions since the beginning of time.
The real issue is not "priests versus no priests" -- but "true alignment versus distorted alignment". The priests -- and all other servants of the people -- no matter who they are, or how they serve, or in what capacity -- can be true. The task is to show how this is possible. That is what I think we are trying to do here. That is what I think we are succeeding at doing here....
Look at how many of these interfaith symbols have "something" at the center. This something can be the "pure source direct connection" -- and it does not have to dishonor or reject its influences. We can represent the full "tree of religions", the full community of religions -- all under the purifying alignment that holds them all together, that convenes them in comprehensive wholeness and oneness, and that creates a way for them, too -- to "speak with one voice" -- as my below "Occupy" diagram suggests "the people" might.
Looking at the reality -- the world as it is, the world we might hope to convene and change, the actual world community of religions -- maybe what we would say is -- the "energy of pure source and direct connection" emerges at the center. And surrounding it -- is all its interpretations in their various cultural and institutional configurations and various levels of evolution as they converge towards one another. It's not "pure source versus religion." It's "pure source emerges at the center of the world community of religions".
PURE SOURCE AT THE CENTER | | | | Handshake and cooperation | Universal heart of truth | Pure source at the center | |
And just as I was posting this, I got an email from Rev. Bud Heckman and "Religions for Peace" -- -- telling me about a webinar they are doing today...
--- On Mon, Dec 16, 2013, Starr* Saffa wrote ---
When the people know where their Conscious Awareness resides (in Source) they want to go there immediately so as to be informed of what is needed in the issues and life they are working with in the Earthly plane.
Helping people to know they are Source and have a Direct Connection to Source they begin to realize their Powers of Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart enabling them to produce heavenly creations.
Thus, sitting in a Group there will be those who bring solutions as they will be like hollow reeds with the Divine Will and Knowledge of Source flowing through them.
Ain Ain Ain OOOO Ain Ain Ain
Living Love, Starr*
--- On Mon, Dec 16, 2013, Bruce Schuman wrote ---
This is a model of social activism I created for our local Santa Barbara Occupy group.
How does our universal axis of connection to Source/Divine inform and guide this process?
Is this "De la Guerra Plaza" node in the center (the place in Santa Barbara where we actually met in a circle) somehow akin to the "Eye of God" that Starr* has been presenting?